Mutation Method | Description | Example |
Normal (normal) | Does nothing to given string. | password |
UpperCase (uppercase) | Converts the entire string to uppercase. | PASSWORD |
FirstUp (firstup) | Capitalizes the first letter of the string. | Password |
LastUp (lastup) | Capitalizes the last letter of the string. | passworD |
Double (double) | Doubles the given string. | passwordpassword |
DoubleAndUpper (doubleandupper) | Combines Double + UpperCase. | PASSWORDPASSWORD |
DoubleAndFirstUp (doubleandfirstup) | Combines Double + FirstUp. | PasswordPassword |
Triple (triple) | Triples the given string. | passwordpasswordpassword |
Reversed (reversed) | Reverses the given string. | drowssap |
ReplaceVowels (replacevowels) | Replaces vowels with it's number equivalent (minus the 'u'). | p4ssw0rd |
BasicLeet (basicleet) | Converts given string to basic leet speak. | p455w0rd |
UpperMinusVowels (upperminusvowels) | Converts vowels to lowercase and consonants to uppercase. | PaSSWoRD |
UpperMinusConsonants (upperminusconsonants) | Converts vowels to uppercase and consonants to lowercase. | pAsswOrd |
RecursiveCase (recursivecase) | Converts one character to uppercase at a time (WARNING: can generate a lot of strings). | Password + pAssword + paSsword + [...] |