: The timezone assigned to the container (defaultUTC
: LibreNMS user id (default1000
: LibreNMS group id (default1000
: PHP memory limit (default256M
: Upload max size (default16M
: PHP OpCache memory consumption (default128
: Trusted addresses that are known to send correct replacement addresses (default0.0.0.0/32
: Request header field whose value will be used to replace the client address (defaultX-Forwarded-For
: Use another variable to retrieve the remote IP address for access log_format on Nginx. (defaultremote_addr
: Threads
runs (default16
: Interval in minutes at
runs (defaults to5
: Enable distributed poller functionalityLIBRENMS_DISTRIBUTED_POLLER_NAME
: Optional name of poller (defaults to hostname)LIBRENMS_DISTRIBUTED_POLLER_GROUP
: By default, all hosts are shared and have the poller_group = 0. To pin a device to a poller, set it to a value greater than 0 and set the same value here. One can also specify a comma separated string of poller groups. The poller will then poll devices from any of the groups listed. docsLIBRENMS_DISTRIBUTED_POLLER_MEMCACHED_HOST
: Memcached server for poller synchronization (Defaults to$MEMCACHED_HOST
: Port of memcached server (Defaults to$MEMCACHED_PORT
⚠️ Only used if you enabled and run a sidecar cron container
: Set to1
to enable sidecar cron mode for this container (default0
: Enable LibreNMS discovery for this container cronjobs (defaulttrue
: Enable LibreNMS daily script for this container cronjobs (defaulttrue
: Enable LibreNMS alerts generation for this container cronjobs (defaulttrue
: Enable LibreNMS billing polling for this container cronjobs (defaulttrue
: Enable LibreNMS billing for this container cronjobs (defaulttrue
: Enable LibreNMS service checks for this container cronjobs (defaulttrue
: Enable LibreNMS polling for this container cronjobs (defaulttrue
: Enable LibreNMS SNMP network scanning for this container cronjobs (defaultfalse
: SNMP network scanning cron interval (daily, in "Minute Hour", default5 0
: Networks to scan for SNMP network scanning, in CIDR notation. Multiple networks can be specified separated by a comma. If this is not set the default is to scan networks defined in$config['nets']
: SNMP network scanning threads to use (default32
: SNMP network scanning cron log file (default/dev/null
⚠️ Only used if you enabled and run a sidecar syslog-ng container
: Set to1
to enable sidecar syslog-ng mode for this container (default0
: MySQL database hostname / IP addressDB_PORT
: MySQL database port (default3306
: MySQL database name (defaultlibrenms
: MySQL user (defaultlibrenms
: MySQL password (defaultlibrenms
: Time in seconds after which we stop trying to reach the MySQL server (useful for clusters, default60
: This container's SNMP v2c community string (defaultlibrenmsdocker
: Hostname / IP address of a Memcached serverMEMCACHED_PORT
: Port of the Memcached server (default11211
: Hostname / IP address of a RRDcached serverRRDCACHED_PORT
: Port of the RRDcached server (default42217