is a CLI (command-line interface) to JTS. It can be used to:
- Execute JTS operations on geometry to produce the results, in various spatial formats
- Chain together sequences of JTS operations to accomplish a spatial processing task
- Extract, subset, validate and transform geometry from data files
- Convert geometry from one format into another
- Generate geometry for testing or display purposes
- Summarize the contents of geometry datafiles
- Test the functionality or performance of JTS operations
has the following functionality:
- Read A and B geometry lists from:
- literals on the command line (WKT or WKB)
- standard input (WKT or WKB)
- files in various formats (WKT, WKB, GeoJSON, GML, SHP)
- a single input can supply both A and B (option
- Apply a limit and/or offset when reading:
specifies a limit-offseet
specified an offset- supported for WKT, WKB, SHP file formats
- Collect input A into a single GeometryCollection for use with "aggregate" functions (such as
- Explode A and/or B inputs into separate geometry components
- Use a spatial index for binary operations
- Execute any spatial or scalar function available in the JTS TestBuilder
- Run an operation multiple times using a set of different argument values
-args v1,v2,v3 ...
- Repeat operation execution multiple times, to provide better timing results
-repeat n
- Set the SRID of the output geometries
-srid <SRID>
- Explode output into a list of atomic geometries instead of a single geometry collection
- Output the result in the formats WKT, WKB, GeoJSON, GML, SVG
-f wkt | wkb | geojson | svg
- Display information about the input geometries and function timing
- Display timing information
- Load external spatial functions dynamically (as a Java class with static methods)
-geomfunc classname
- List all available functions
- chain operations together by writing/reading input from
and using shell piping
Print usage instructions
Print usage instructions and list of available operations
jtsop -help
Compute the area of WKT geometries and output as text
jtsop -a geoms.wkt -f txt area
Compute the unary union of WKT geometries and output as WKB
jtsop -a geoms.wkt -collect -f wkb Overlay.unaryUnion
Compute the union of two geometries in WKT and WKB and output as WKT
jtsop -a some-geom.wkt -b some-other-geom.wkb -f wkt Overlay.Union
Compute the buffer of distance 10 of a WKT geometries and output as GeoJSON
jtsop -a some-geom.wkt -f geojson Buffer.buffer 10
Compute the buffer of a WKT literal for multiple distances
jtsop -a "MULTIPOINT ( (0 0), (10 10) )" -f wkt -op Buffer.buffer 1,2,3,4
Compute the buffer of a WKT literal and output the individual polygons as a list of geometries in WKT
jtsop -a "MULTIPOINT ( (0 0), (10 10) )" -f wkt -explode -op Buffer.buffer 1
Compute the buffer of a WKB literal and output as WKT
jtsop -a 000000000140240000000000004024000000000000 -f wkt Buffer.buffer 10
Compute the buffer of a WKT literal and output as WKB, with SRID set to 4326
jtsop -a "POINT (10 10)" -srid 4326 -f wkb Buffer.buffer 10
Output a literal geometry as GeoJSON
jtsop -a "POINT (10 10)" -f geojson
Validate geometries from a WKT file using limit and offset
jtsop -a geoms.wkt -limit 100 -offset 40 -f txt Geometry.isValid
Compute an operation on a file of geometries and output only geometry metrics and timing
jtsop -v -a geosm.wkt Buffer.buffer 10
Compute the intersection of all pairs of geometries from A and B, using a spatial index
jtsop -v -a geomsA.wkt --b geomsB.wkt -eacha -eachb -index Overlay.intersection
Chain operations using a shell pipe
jtsop -f wkb CreateRandomShape.randomPoints 10 | jtsop -a stdin -f wkt Buffer.buffer 1