Thunderbird is an open dataset of logs collected from a Thunderbird supercomputer system at Sandia National Labs (SNL) in Albuquerque, with 9,024 processors and 27,072GB memory. The log contains alert and non-alert messages identified by alert category tags. In the first column of the log, "-" indicates non-alert messages while others are alert messages. The label information is amenable to alert detection and prediction research.
For more detailed information, please visit the project page:
The raw logs are available for downloading at
If you use this dataset from loghub in your research, please cite the following papers.
- Adam J. Oliner, Jon Stearley. What Supercomputers Say: A Study of Five System Logs. In Proc. of IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2007.
- Jieming Zhu, Shilin He, Pinjia He, Jinyang Liu, Michael R. Lyu. Loghub: A Large Collection of System Log Datasets for AI-driven Log Analytics. IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), 2023.