You can use this guide to help you identify and resolve problems you may experience in using the ifm3d-ros package.
On systems utilising a single core processor, you may find that the Dump, Config and Trigger services of ifm3d-ros package do not provide any response when invoked.
This issue can be resolved by setting the "num_worker_threads" parameter for your ROS nodelet manager to use a value > 1. You can read more about this parameter here.
The snippet below show's how to set this parameter using the nodelet.launch file of the ifm3d-ros package.
<node pkg="nodelet"
name="$(arg camera)_standalone_nodelet"
<param name="num_worker_threads" value="2" />
Alternatively if a virtual machine is being used, configuring it to utilise more than one core should resolve this issue without any changes to the launch file.