A growing ensemble of tasks is being delegated to machine learning algorithms. Among them, classification of images is a major subset, especially with the recent developments of self-driving technology. Recent studies by Google Brain have shown that any machine learning classifier can be tricked to give incorrect predictions.
Here, we successfully conducted targeted and non targeted attacks on a pre-trained ImageNet Inception classifier and on a custom neural classifier trained on the MNIST dataset, tuning attack hyperparamaters to achieve the most efficient attacks. The success rate of our attacks calls, in our opinion, for a need to move past gradient-based optimization.
We also proved that the adversarial noise learned on one model is transferable to another model, which means that using ensemble or bagging methods as a defense against adversarial examples will not work. We also proved that the adversarial noise learned had a very particular structure related to the attacked image, and could not be successfully applied to other images. Lastly, we experimented several customized attacks on the ImageNet dataset.
Let us say there is a classifier C and input sample X which we call a clean example. Let us assume that sample X is correctly classified by the classifier, i.e. C(X) = y_{true}. We can construct an adversarial example A which is perceptually indistinguishable from X but is classified incorrectly, i.e. C(A) != y_{true}. These adversarial examples are misclassified far more often than examples that have been perturbed by random noise, even if the magnitude of the noise is much larger than the magnitude of the adversarial noise.
The challenge is to make to design an adversarial noise so subtle that a human observer does not even notice the modification, while the classifier makes a mistake.
Note that the classifier is left untouched, which corresponds to the real setting, where we rarely if ever have access to the classifier design.
We distinguish are two types of adversarial attacks : the non-targeted attacks and the targeted attacks.
Non-targeted Attacks
The non-targeted attacks goal is to modify slightly the input (so the image) so that the unknown classifier misclassifies the input. In this case, we do not choose the classification of the fooled input. -
Targeted Attacks
Here, we choose the class of the fooled input. Indeed, given an image in class A that we want to misclassify in class B, we compute an adversarial noise to modify this image to have in classified in B by the unknown classifier.
The following images presents the results of adversarial attacks performed on the Inception model.
The following image (taken from Goodfellow CS231n 2017 lecture) shows how the FGSM crosses the classification boundaries.
We then perform targeted attacks against the same images, aiming for the label stethoscope. Note that we reach the target label in all the cases and we could have reached it with smaller number of iterations and thus smaller distortion of the original image.
We performed a grid search over two hyperparameters, epsilon and alpha. For each couple (epsilon, alpha), we compute the percentage of successful attacks on 20 randomly selected images, with 1 iteration, therefore with a FGSM attack. The attack here is non targeted.
In this project, we explored the possibility of creating adversarial images for two famous datasets: ImageNet and MNIST. We illustrated how successful adversarial attacks were, leading us to think that the classification boundary has a simple structure.
We also illustrated how the adversarial noise learned on one classifier, our was transferable to another classifier, our , and conversely, which shows that the adversarial noise generalizes well and has a common structure among relatively similar classifiers. We also demonstrated that the structure of the noise was crucial: targeted and non targeted were much more effective than random noise attacks.
It seems that every algorithm which is easy to optimize is easy to perturb: do we need to move past gradient-based optimization to overcome adversarial examples?
A smaller, but well-built noise for a non targeted attack has a better performance that a bigger random noise attack.
As we saw that adversarial noise was transferable, we cannot use ensembles or bagging methods as a defense against adversarial attacks.
One must consider the existence of adversarial examples when deciding whether to use machine learning.
We did not need access to the model parameters or the training set. This makes the task even easier for an attacker with bad intentions.
To actually assess the robustness of its model, a researcher must measure his model’s error rate on fast gradient sign method adversarial examples and report it.