pip install https://github.com/AmazaspShumik/sklearn_bayes/archive/master.zip
pip install --upgrade https://github.com/AmazaspShumik/sklearn_bayes/archive/master.zip
- Dirichlet Process Mixture Models (Bernoulli, Poisson, Gaussian) using Variational Inference (should be finished by the end of August).
- Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (Stochastic Variational Inference, Variational Inference) (should be finished by the end of August)
- Still working on improving RVR stability (should finish it by the end of Spetember)
- More tests
There are several ways to contribute (and all are welcomed)
* improve quality of existing code (find bugs, suggest optimization, etc.)
* implement machine learning algorithm (it should be bayesian; you should also provide examples & notebooks)
* implement new ipython notebooks with examples