EdgePhase_tutorial.ipynb [a tutorial on google colab]
EdgeConv [package of EdgePhase]
- DataGeneratorMulti.py [data generator]
- Utils.py [function of picking P/S phases based on the probability]
- trainerBaselineA.py, trainerEdgePhase.py
Example [the case study of Greece Earthqquake]
- doc.kml [fault data of Greece]
- NKUA_cat.csv [catalog of NKUA]
- EdgePhase_cat.csv [catalog of EdgePhase]
- catalog_visualization.ipynb [notebook for visualization]
EqLocation [softwares/control files for earthquake location]
- Includes subfolder 'REAL', 'VELEST', and 'HypoDD'
- Please reference the github repo by Miao Zhang (https://github.com/Dal-mzhang/REAL) for more details
- Or reference a more comprehensive workflow (https://github.com/Dal-mzhang/LOC-FLOW)
download.py, preprocess.py, run_EdgePhase.py, pick_phase.py [scripts to use EdgePhase for case study]
magnitude_estimation.py [magnitude estimation code]
station.csv, edge_index.pt [station meta_data]
SCSN2021Dataset [code to build training/validation dataset]
models [contains the weights of trained models]
finetune_baselineA.py, finetune_edgephase.py, test_edgephase.py [scripts to train/test models]