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142 lines (104 loc) · 4.15 KB

File metadata and controls

142 lines (104 loc) · 4.15 KB
az account show  --expanded-view
az group create --name "rg1" --location "ukwest"
az group show -n buxton_rg1

cd ~/acs-engine/
acs-engine examples/kubernetes.json

outd=~/acs-engine/_output/Kubernetes-34299887  # example
export KUBECONFIG=$outd/kubeconfig/kubeconfig.ukwest.json

az group create -n buxton_rg1 --location ukwest
az group deployment create \
    --name "dep1" \
    --resource-group "buxton_rg1" \
    --template-file "${outd}/azuredeploy.json" \
    --parameters "@${outd}/azuredeploy.parameters.json"

az component update   # update az CLI

# TODO replace this with ssh-agent approach

id=id_rsa   # danger!
scp -p ~/.ssh/${id} azureuser@${master}:.ssh
scp ${master}:.kube/config $kc
export KUBECONFIG=$kc
ssh azureuser@${master}
kubectl describe  nodes | grep Addresses | awk '{print $2}'
ssh {node_ip}

kubectl proxy   # could be 10 mins 

# a test pod

kubectl run nginx --image nginx
ip=$(kubectl get pods -o yaml | grep podIP | awk '{print $2}')
curl $ip

kubectl expose deployment nginx --port=80
internal_ip=$(kubectl get service | grep ^nginx | awk '{print $2}')
curl $internal_ip

kubectl edit svc/nginx
    "type: ClusterIP"
    "type: LoadBalancer"
kubectl get svc   -w     # wait a couple of mins for <pending> to change to an address below...

az vm list  -o jsonc            # colour json output
az vm list  | jq -C .[].name

az vm list | jq -C '.[] | {name,resourceGroup}' | less

az vm list-ip-addresses --ids \
  $(az vm list -g $rg --query "[].id" -o tsv)

az network nsg list --output table

az keyvault list
az keyvault secret list --vault-name ${vault_name} -o tsv
az keyvault secret show --vault-name ${vault_name} --name ${key} --query value -o tsv
az keyvault secret list --vault-name ${vault_name} -o tsv --query '[].id'  # list names

az login --service-principal -u $service_principal_name -p $service_principal_password --tenant $tenant

az network public-ip list -o table --query '[].[location,name,publicIpAllocationMethod]' 
az  network  public-ip list -o jsonc --query '[].ipAddress'

az storage  container list --account-name {strg-account} |
  jq '.[] | .name,  .properties.lastModified'

query_string=$(az storage account show-connection-string \
  --resource-group $rg --name $account --query connectionString)

az storage blob  list --container-name $container --connection-string $query_string | jq '.[].name'
az storage blob copy start --account-name $account \
  --source-container $container \
  --destination-container $container \
  --source-blob template/10GB_Disk.vhd \
  --destination-blob  fred

az storage blob delete --connection-string $query_string \
  --container-name $container --name fred

az storage blob  list --container-name $container \
  --connection-string $query_string \
  --query "[?name=='fred'].properties.contentLength"

#  --source-uri https://{blah}  \

# view various limits and how much being used (e.g. cpus)
az vm list-usage -l west-europe

RBAC (Roles)

RG - Role - {Users,Groups,Apps}
     \> {Contributor,Owner,Reader,Custom}

Custom Roles

  • roles are assigned actions which define what the role allows
  • AssignableScopes defines what objects (specific sub, rg or resource) the role is assignable to
  • Owner of a scope can create roles for assignment in that scope



export VSTS_CLI_PAT={your-token}
vsts login --token $VSTS_CLI_PAT
vsts configure --defaults instance=https://{name}
vsts project list
vsts configure --defaults project="Your Project"
vsts build definition show -o json
vsts build definition show --id 82 -o json | jq '.variables |with_entries(.value |= .value)'


Clone another repo:

  • script: | echo current directory = pwd git clone -b some-branch https://$[email protected]/proj-name/_git/repo-name displayName: clone another repo