Distributed training benchmark of KungFu, Horovod and Parameter Servers.
This benchmark requires TensorFlow <=1.13.2, KungFu and Horovod. We have run this benchmark on two clusters: one has two DGX-1 machines (each has 8 V100) and one has 16 P100 machines. You can see the benchmark result here.
In the following, we provide sample commands to run the benchmark. We assume the benchmark runs on a server with 4 GPUs. The benchmark imports models from tf.keras.applications. You can freely choose different models and batch sizes.
In the synchronous training benchmark, we compare KungFu with Horovod.
Use the following command to run the KungFu benchmark.
kungfu-run -np 4 python3 benchmark_kungfu.py --kf-optimizer=sync-sgd --model=ResNet50 --batch-size=64
Horovod requires OpenMPI (install script).
We use Horovod 0.16.1 (pip3 install horovod==0.16.1
). Use the following command to run the Horovod benchmark.
mpirun -np 4 \
-H localhost:4 \
-bind-to none -map-by slot \
-mca pml ob1 -mca btl ^openib \
python3 benchmark_horovod.py --model=ResNet50 --batch-size=64
Asynchronous training is useful for addressing network bottlenecks, stragglers and unpredictable availability of resource (e.g., AWS spot instances). In the asynchronous benchmark, we compare KungFu with Parameter Servers.
Use the following command to run the KungFu benchmark.
kungfu-run -np 4 python3 benchmark_kungfu.py --kf-optimizer=async-sgd --model=ResNet50 --batch-size=64
Use the following shell script to run the parameter server benchmark.
# Configure 1 local parameter server (We suggest users to have a 1:1 ratio between parameter servers and workers)
# Configure four training workers
# Start parameter server on CPU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="" python3 benchmark_ps.py --ps_hosts=$PS_HOSTS --worker_hosts=$WORKER_HOSTS --job_name=ps --task_index=0 &
# Start workers on different GPUs
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" python3 benchmark_ps.py --ps_hosts=$PS_HOSTS --worker_hosts=$WORKER_HOSTS --job_name=worker --task_index=0 --model=ResNet50 --batch-size=64 &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="1" python3 benchmark_ps.py --ps_hosts=$PS_HOSTS --worker_hosts=$WORKER_HOSTS --job_name=worker --task_index=1 --model=ResNet50 --batch-size=64 &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="2" python3 benchmark_ps.py --ps_hosts=$PS_HOSTS --worker_hosts=$WORKER_HOSTS --job_name=worker --task_index=2 --model=ResNet50 --batch-size=64 &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="3" python3 benchmark_ps.py --ps_hosts=$PS_HOSTS --worker_hosts=$WORKER_HOSTS --job_name=worker --task_index=3 --model=ResNet50 --batch-size=64 &