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Link Check

Link Check #11

Workflow file for this run

# This is a separate documentation build just to check links. We don't check
# links as part of the normal documentation build since, unlike Sphinx errors
# and warnings, we don't want broken links to block a merge. (Sometimes they
# will be fixed by the same merge, sometimes they're temporary rate limit
# issues.)
# Instead, we do an advisory run of link checking on relevant PRs that doesn't
# block merging, and we do a weekly link check to catch any links that have
# gone stale.
name: Link Check
pull_request: {}
# These should always correspond to pull requests, so ignore them for
# the push trigger and let them be triggered by the pull_request
# trigger, avoiding running the workflow twice. This is a minor
# optimization so there's no need to ensure this is comprehensive.
- "dependabot/**"
- "gh-readonly-queue/**"
- "renovate/**"
- "tickets/**"
- "u/**"
- "*"
- cron: "0 12 * * 1"
workflow_dispatch: {}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Check links
uses: lsst-sqre/run-tox@v1
python-version: "3.11"
tox-envs: "docs-linkcheck"