This site provides information about the Rubin Observatory's Data Preview 0.3 (DP0.3), which only contains simulated Solar System objects, and is completely independent of the simulated DP0.2 data set.
The DP0.3 data is available only via the Rubin Science Platform (RSP). For access, please follow the getting started with DP0 checklist.
Credit: The DP0.3 data set was generated by members of the Rubin Solar System Pipelines and Commissioning teams, with help from the LSST Solar System Science Collaboration, in particular: Pedro Bernardinelli, Jake Kurlander, Joachim Moeyens, Samuel Cornwall, Ari Heinze, Steph Merritt, Lynne Jones, Siegfried Eggl, Meg Schwamb, Grigori Fedorets, and Mario Juric.
This website describes only the DP0.3 data products and tutorials. Visit for information about the galactic and extragalactic simulated data products. Visit for information about how to:
- get an RSP account to access the DP0 data (become a DP0 user),
- ask questions, get help, and report bugs, or to
- participate in virtual events (e.g., hands-on tutorials for DP0).
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: :glob: *
The DP0.3 simulation only contains catalog data products for Solar System objects. For simulated Galactic and extragalactic data products, see the documentation for DP0.2.
Be aware of these :ref:`Data-Products-DP0-3-Data-Simulation-Issues` with the DP0.3 simulation.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: data-products-dp0-3/index
Tutorials include hands-on executable tutorials and demonstrations based on science use-cases to help scientists and students learn to use the DP0.3 data products and the Rubin Science Platform.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: tutorials-dp0-3/index
Information on this documentation project and how to contribute to it.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: :titlesonly: project/index