diff --git a/doc/lsst.pipe.base/index.rst b/doc/lsst.pipe.base/index.rst
index 8a86e166a..8c6a8639d 100644
--- a/doc/lsst.pipe.base/index.rst
+++ b/doc/lsst.pipe.base/index.rst
@@ -101,3 +101,5 @@ Python API reference
.. automodapi:: lsst.pipe.base.pipelineIR
+.. automodapi:: lsst.pipe.base.pipeline_doc_builder
diff --git a/python/lsst/pipe/base/pipeline_doc_builder.py b/python/lsst/pipe/base/pipeline_doc_builder.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69dad9053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/lsst/pipe/base/pipeline_doc_builder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
+# This file is part of pipe_base.
+# Developed for the LSST Data Management System.
+# This product includes software developed by the LSST Project
+# (http://www.lsst.org).
+# See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# for details of code ownership.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+"""Tools for generating Sphinx documentation from Pipeline definitions.
+The tools in this module were first developed as something to be run by the
+SCons build system, generating files that are later used in ``documenteer``
+builds, but it was designed to be usable from other Python code as well (e.g.
+some future version of ``documenteer`` itself). See
+`PackagePipelinesDocBuilder.scons_generate` for notes on how interfacing with a
+SCons build works, as a few quirks of SCons' behavior need to be worked around.
+from __future__ import annotations
+__all__ = ("PackagePipelinesDocBuilder", "PipelineDocBuilder")
+import argparse
+import contextlib
+import dataclasses
+import io
+import os
+import textwrap
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Dict, Iterable, Iterator, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
+from .dotTools import pipeline2dot
+from .pipeline import Pipeline, TaskDef
+class _DocPaths:
+ """A base class providing utility methods for structs that maintain a path
+ to a reStructuredText file.
+ """
+ rst_path: Path
+ """Path to a reStructuredText file (`Path`).
+ """
+ def _relative_to_rst(self, target: Path) -> Path:
+ """Compute a version of the given path that is relative to the
+ directory containing `rst_path`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ target : `Path`
+ Path to compute a relative version of.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ relative_target : `Path`
+ A relative version of ``target``.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Unlike `Path.relative_to`, this method can backtrack by including
+ ``..`` terms where appropriate, provided ``target`` and `rst_path`
+ have some common root directory.
+ """
+ common = os.path.commonpath([target, self.rst_path.parent])
+ target_to_common = target.relative_to(common)
+ rst_to_common = self.rst_path.parent.relative_to(common)
+ terms = [".."] * len(rst_to_common.parts)
+ terms.extend(target_to_common.parts)
+ return Path(os.path.join(*terms))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _sanitize_for_rst(*args: str) -> str:
+ """Combine the given strings and replace any ``/`` characters into
+ a string suitable for use as a reStructuredText label.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ *args : `str`
+ Strings to combine.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ sanitized : `str`
+ Sanitized, combined string.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This method does not attempt to replace all possible problematic
+ characters, just those common in pipeline names derived from
+ the directory hierarchy in a typical ``pipelines`` subdirectory.
+ """
+ return ".".join(s.replace("/", "-") for s in args)
+ @staticmethod
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def _mkdir_and_open(filename: Path) -> Iterator[io.TextIO]:
+ """Return a context manager that opens a file for writing after first
+ ensuring its parent directory exists.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ filename : `Path`
+ File to open.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ cm : `contextlib.ContextManager` [ `io.TextIO` ]
+ Context manager wrapping a text file open for writing.
+ """
+ filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ with open(filename, "w") as buffer:
+ yield buffer
+class _TaskInPipelineDocBuilder(_DocPaths):
+ """Struct containing paths relevant for building the docs for a task
+ within a pipeline.
+ This class is intended to be used only by `PipelineDocBuilder`.
+ """
+ sanitized_name: str
+ """Name that combines the task label and pipeline name, sanitized for
+ use as a reStructuredText label.
+ """
+ config_path: Path
+ """Path to the config file for this label.
+ """
+ dot_path: Path
+ """Path to the GraphViz dot file for a graph that includes just this task
+ and its inputs and outputs.
+ """
+ graph_path: Path
+ """Path to the rendered graph that includes just this task and its inputs
+ and outputs.
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def from_pipeline_dirs(
+ cls,
+ pipeline_name: str,
+ label: str,
+ *,
+ rst_dir: Path,
+ config_dir: Path,
+ dot_dir: Path,
+ graph_dir: Path,
+ graph_suffix: str,
+ ) -> _TaskInPipelineDocBuilder:
+ """Construct from base directories.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ pipeline_name : `str`
+ Display name of the pipeline to which this task belongs.
+ label : `str`
+ Label of the task within the pipeline.
+ rst_dir : `Path`
+ Path to the directory that will contain all reStructuredText files
+ for the pipeline.
+ config_dir : `Path`
+ Path to the directory that will contain all `lsst.pex.config` files
+ for the pipeline.
+ dot_dir : `Path`
+ Path to the directory that will contain all GraphViz DOT files for
+ the pipeline.
+ graph_dir : `Path`
+ Path to the directory that will contain all rendered graphs for
+ the pipeline.
+ graph_suffix : `str`
+ File extension (including the ``.``) for rendered graph files.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ instance : `_TaskInPipelineDocBuilder`
+ New instance of this class.
+ """
+ return cls(
+ sanitized_name=cls._sanitize_for_rst(pipeline_name, label),
+ rst_path=rst_dir.joinpath("tasks", label + ".rst"),
+ config_path=config_dir.joinpath("config", label + ".py"),
+ dot_path=dot_dir.joinpath("dot", label + ".dot"),
+ graph_path=graph_dir.joinpath("graph", label + graph_suffix),
+ )
+ def write_dot(self, task_def: TaskDef) -> None:
+ """Write the GraphViz DOT file for this task.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ task_def : `TaskDef`
+ Expanded `TaskDef` for this task in its pipeline.
+ """
+ with self._mkdir_and_open(self.dot_path) as buffer:
+ pipeline2dot([task_def], buffer)
+ def write_rst(self, pipeline_name: str, task_def: TaskDef) -> None:
+ """Write the reStructuredText file for this task.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ pipeline_name : `str`
+ Display name of the pipeline to which this task belongs.
+ task_def : `TaskDef`
+ Expanded `TaskDef` for this task in its pipeline.
+ """
+ with self._mkdir_and_open(self.rst_path) as buffer:
+ title = f"{pipeline_name}.{task_def.label}: `~{task_def.taskName}`"
+ buffer.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ .. _{self.sanitized_name}:
+ {title}
+ {'"' * len(title)}
+ `{task_def.taskName}`
+ (open graph in a separate tab/window to zoom and pan)
+ .. image:: {self._relative_to_rst(self.graph_path)}
+ .. literalinclude:: {self._relative_to_rst(self.config_path)}
+ """
+ )
+ )
+class PipelineDocBuilder(_DocPaths):
+ """A Sphinx documentation builder for a single `Pipeline`.
+ This should generally be constructed via the `from_dirs` factory method,
+ not a direct call to the constructor.
+ The function call operator can be used to write all outputs. It optionally
+ takes a sequence of `TaskDef` (the result of a call to
+ `Pipeline.toExpandedPipeline`) as its only argument; this can be ignored
+ to expand the pipeline internally, and is only useful as an optimization if
+ calling code already has access to the expanded pipeline.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The documentation build for a pipeline includes expanding the pipeline
+ itself (applying all config defaults and overrides) and generating GraphViz
+ DOT diagrams for both the full pipeline and each task. ReStructuredText
+ files are generated for the pipeline as well as each of its tasks,
+ referencing that content.
+ Transforming ``.dot`` files into images is not handled directly by this
+ class; it merely manages the paths to those rendered diagrams. See
+ `PackagePipelinesDocBuilder.scons_generate` for an example of how to
+ invoke the ``dot`` tool to do this.
+ """
+ pipeline: Pipeline
+ """Pipeline to document."""
+ name: str
+ """Display name and relative filesystem path for the pipeline in
+ documentation.
+ This is usually the same as the path to the pipeline definition ``yaml``
+ file relative to a ``pipelines/`` directory; it is normal for it to contain
+ ``/`` characters.
+ """
+ sanitized_name: str
+ """Name for the pipeline that is safe for use as a reStructuredText label.
+ """
+ yaml_path: Path
+ """Path to the YAML definition file for the expanded pipeline.
+ """
+ dot_path: Path
+ """Path to the GraphViz DOT file for the pipeline.
+ """
+ graph_path: Path
+ """Path to the rendered graph for the pipeline.
+ """
+ tasks: Dict[str, _TaskInPipelineDocBuilder] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
+ """Mapping of associated builders for each task in the pipeline.
+ Keys are task labels.
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dirs(
+ cls,
+ name: str,
+ pipeline: Pipeline,
+ *,
+ rst_dir: Path,
+ yaml_dir: Path,
+ dot_dir: Path,
+ graph_dir: Path,
+ graph_suffix: str,
+ ) -> PipelineDocBuilder:
+ """Construct a builder from the directories that will contain its
+ outputs.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name : `str`
+ Display name and relative filesystem path for the pipeline.
+ sanitized_name : `str`
+ Name for the pipeline that is safe for us as a reStructuredText
+ label.
+ rst_dir : `Path`
+ Path to the directory that will contain all reStructuredText files
+ for the pipeline.
+ config_dir : `Path`
+ Path to the directory that will contain all `lsst.pex.config` files
+ for the pipeline.
+ dot_dir : `Path`
+ Path to the directory that will contain all GraphViz DOT files for
+ the pipeline.
+ graph_dir : `Path`
+ Path to the directory that will contain all rendered graphs for
+ the pipeline.
+ graph_suffix : `str`
+ File extension (including the ``.``) for rendered graph files.
+ """
+ return cls(
+ pipeline=pipeline,
+ name=name,
+ sanitized_name=cls._sanitize_for_rst(name),
+ rst_path=rst_dir.joinpath("pipeline.rst"),
+ yaml_path=yaml_dir.joinpath("pipeline.yaml"),
+ dot_path=dot_dir.joinpath("pipeline.dot"),
+ graph_path=graph_dir.joinpath("pipeline" + graph_suffix),
+ tasks={
+ label: _TaskInPipelineDocBuilder.from_pipeline_dirs(
+ pipeline_name=name,
+ label=label,
+ rst_dir=rst_dir,
+ config_dir=yaml_dir,
+ dot_dir=dot_dir,
+ graph_dir=graph_dir,
+ graph_suffix=graph_suffix,
+ )
+ for label in pipeline.tasks
+ },
+ )
+ def __call__(self, task_defs: Optional[Sequence[TaskDef]] = None) -> None:
+ if task_defs is None:
+ task_defs = list(self.pipeline)
+ self.write_expanded_pipeline(task_defs)
+ self.write_dot(task_defs)
+ self.write_rst(task_defs)
+ def iter_write_paths(self) -> Iterator[Path]:
+ """Iterate over the paths of all files written by this object's
+ function call operator.
+ This does not include `graph_path` or the similar graph paths for each
+ task, as those are not actually produced by this class.
+ """
+ yield self.rst_path
+ yield self.yaml_path
+ yield self.dot_path
+ for task_paths in self.tasks.values():
+ yield task_paths.rst_path
+ yield task_paths.config_path
+ yield task_paths.dot_path
+ def iter_graph_dot_paths(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[Path, Path]]:
+ """Iterate over pairs of ``(graph_path, dot_path)`` for the pipeline
+ and all of its tasks.
+ This is intended to be used to contruct calls to the ``dot`` tool (or
+ some other GraphViz interpreter) that build the rendered graph files.
+ """
+ yield (self.graph_path, self.dot_path)
+ for task_paths in self.tasks.values():
+ yield (task_paths.graph_path, task_paths.dot_path)
+ def write_expanded_pipeline(self, task_defs: Optional[Sequence[TaskDef]] = None) -> None:
+ """Write the expanded pipeline.
+ This just calls `Pipeline.write_to_uri` with ``expand=True``.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ task_defs : `Sequence` [ `TaskDef` ], optional
+ The result of a call to `Pipeline.toExpandedPipeline`, captured in
+ a sequence. May be `None` (default) to expand internally; provided
+ as a way for calling code to only expand the pipeline once.
+ """
+ if task_defs is None:
+ task_defs = list(self.pipeline)
+ self.yaml_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ self.pipeline.write_to_uri(self.yaml_path.parent, expand=True, task_defs=task_defs)
+ def write_dot(self, task_defs: Optional[Sequence[TaskDef]] = None) -> None:
+ """Write the GraphViz DOT representations of the pipeline and its
+ tasks.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ task_defs : `Sequence` [ `TaskDef` ], optional
+ The result of a call to `Pipeline.toExpandedPipeline`, captured in
+ a sequence. May be `None` (default) to expand internally; provided
+ as a way for calling code to only expand the pipeline once.
+ """
+ if task_defs is None:
+ task_defs = list(self.pipeline)
+ with self._mkdir_and_open(self.dot_path) as buffer:
+ pipeline2dot(task_defs, buffer)
+ for task_def in task_defs:
+ self.tasks[task_def.label].write_dot(task_def)
+ def write_rst(self, task_defs: Optional[Sequence[TaskDef]] = None) -> None:
+ """Write the reStructuredText files for the pipeline and its tasks.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ task_defs : `Sequence` [ `TaskDef` ], optional
+ The result of a call to `Pipeline.toExpandedPipeline`, captured in
+ a sequence. May be `None` (default) to expand internally; provided
+ as a way for calling code to only expand the pipeline once.
+ """
+ if task_defs is None:
+ task_defs = list(self.pipeline)
+ with self._mkdir_and_open(self.rst_path) as buffer:
+ buffer.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ .. _{self.sanitized_name}:
+ {self.name}
+ {'-' * len(self.name)}
+ {self.pipeline.description}
+ Tasks
+ ^^^^^
+ .. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ """
+ )
+ )
+ for task_def in task_defs:
+ buffer.write(
+ f" {task_def.label} <{self._relative_to_rst(self.tasks[task_def.label].rst_path)}>\n"
+ )
+ buffer.write("\n")
+ buffer.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ f"""\
+ Graph
+ ^^^^^
+ (open in a separate tab/window to zoom and pan)
+ .. image:: {self._relative_to_rst(self.graph_path)}
+ Definition
+ ^^^^^^^^^^
+ .. literalinclude:: {self._relative_to_rst(self.yaml_path)}
+ """
+ )
+ )
+ for task_def in task_defs:
+ self.tasks[task_def.label].write_rst(self.name, task_def)
+ @classmethod
+ def scons_script(cls, args):
+ """Command-line script used to invoke the builder by SCons.
+ This script builds the docs for a single pipeline.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ args : `argparse.Namespace`
+ Parsed command-line arguments. Run this module with
+ ``python -m pipeline --help`` for details.
+ See Also
+ --------
+ PackagePipelinesDocBuilder.scons_generate
+ """
+ pipeline = Pipeline.from_uri(args.source_yaml)
+ builder = PipelineDocBuilder.from_dirs(
+ args.name,
+ pipeline,
+ rst_dir=Path(args.rst_dir),
+ yaml_dir=Path(args.yaml_dir),
+ dot_dir=Path(args.dot_dir),
+ graph_dir=Path(args.graph_dir),
+ graph_suffix=args.graph_suffix,
+ )
+ builder()
+class PackagePipelinesDocBuilder(_DocPaths):
+ """A Sphinx documentation builder for all Pipelines in a single package.
+ This should generally be constructed via the `from_source` factory method,
+ not a direct call to the constructor.
+ """
+ pipelines: Dict[Path, PipelineDocBuilder]
+ """Builders for each pipeline, keyed by the path to the ``yaml`` source
+ file for it (i.e. by convention a path in the packages ``pipelines``
+ directory).
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def from_source(
+ cls,
+ source_root: Path,
+ *,
+ rst_root: Path,
+ pipeline_root: Path,
+ dot_root: Path,
+ graph_root: Path,
+ graph_suffix: str = ".svg",
+ rst_path: Optional[Path] = None,
+ ) -> PackagePipelinesDocBuilder:
+ """Construct by walking a directory tree containing source ``yaml``
+ pipeline files.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ source_root : `Path`
+ Directory path to walk for source ``yaml`` pipeline files.
+ rst_dir : `Path`
+ Path to the directory that will contain all reStructuredText files
+ for all pipelines.
+ config_dir : `Path`
+ Path to the directory that will contain all `lsst.pex.config` files
+ for all pipelines.
+ dot_dir : `Path`
+ Path to the directory that will contain all GraphViz DOT files for
+ all pipelines.
+ graph_dir : `Path`
+ Path to the directory that will contain all rendered graphs for
+ all pipelines.
+ graph_suffix : `str`, optional
+ File extension (including the ``.``) for rendered graph files.
+ Defaults to ``.svg``.
+ rst_path : `Path`, optional
+ Path to the reStructuredText index file. This file must be
+ included in the package's Sphinx documentation manually, via
+ a ``toctree`` or ``include`` directive. Defaults to
+ ``{rst_root}/index.rst``.
+ """
+ pipelines = {}
+ for dir_path, _, file_names in os.walk(source_root):
+ for file_name in file_names:
+ file_path = Path(dir_path).joinpath(file_name)
+ if file_path.suffix == ".yaml":
+ name = cls._name_from_source(file_path, source_root)
+ pipeline = Pipeline.from_uri(file_path)
+ pipelines[file_path] = PipelineDocBuilder.from_dirs(
+ name=name,
+ pipeline=pipeline,
+ rst_dir=rst_root.joinpath(name),
+ yaml_dir=pipeline_root.joinpath(name),
+ dot_dir=dot_root.joinpath(name),
+ graph_dir=graph_root.joinpath(name),
+ graph_suffix=graph_suffix,
+ )
+ return cls(
+ rst_path=rst_path if rst_path is not None else rst_root.joinpath("index.rst"),
+ pipelines=pipelines,
+ )
+ def write_index_rst(self) -> None:
+ """Write the index reStructuredText file for all pipelines in the
+ package.
+ """
+ self._write_index_rst_standalone(
+ self.rst_path,
+ [self._relative_to_rst(pipeline.rst_path) for pipeline in self.pipelines.values()],
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def _write_index_rst_standalone(cls, target_path: Path, relative_pipeline_rst_paths: Iterable[Path]):
+ """Implementation of `write_index_rst`.
+ This is a classmethod so it can also be called by `scons_script`
+ without reconstructing all nested `PipelineDocBuilder` instances, with
+ just the state needed for this method passed in from the command-line.
+ """
+ with cls._mkdir_and_open(target_path) as buffer:
+ buffer.write(
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ Pipelines
+ =========
+ .. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ """
+ )
+ )
+ for path in relative_pipeline_rst_paths:
+ buffer.write(f" {path}\n")
+ @classmethod
+ def scons_script(cls, args):
+ """Command-line script used to invoke the builder by SCons.
+ This script builds only the index reStructuredText file, not the
+ per-pipeline content.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ args : `argparse.Namespace`
+ Parsed command-line arguments. Run this module with
+ ``python -m index --help`` for details.
+ See Also
+ --------
+ PackagePipelinesDocBuilder.scons_generate
+ """
+ cls._write_index_rst_standalone(Path(args.target), [Path(p) for p in args.relative])
+ @staticmethod
+ def _name_from_source(source_yaml: Path, source_root: Path) -> str:
+ """Construct the name for a pipeline from the path to its source
+ ``yaml`` file and the root for those files.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ source_yaml : `Path`
+ Path to a source pipeline ``yaml`` file.
+ source_root : `Path
+ Directory path for all source pipeline ``yaml`` files in this
+ package (usually the package ``pipelines`` directory).
+ """
+ return str(source_yaml.relative_to(source_root).with_suffix(""))
+ def scons_generate(self, env, graph_action="dot ${SOURCE} -Tsvg -o ${TARGET}"):
+ """A generator for SCons actions that build the documentation for all
+ pipelines in a package.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ env : `SCons.Environment`
+ SCons build environment instance.
+ graph_action : `str` or `Callable`, optional
+ A string command-line (or more rarely, a Python callable) that
+ renders a GraphViz DOT into an graphics file consistent with the
+ ``graph_suffix`` passed to `from_source`. satisfying the SCons
+ "Action" interface. The default runs ``dot -Tsvg``.
+ Yields
+ ------
+ node : `SCons.Node.Node`
+ An SCons build node for a documentation file generated by this
+ class.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ SCons is Python-based, but it makes a strong distinction between code
+ that is run when its scripts are merely executed vs. code that runs
+ when targets are actually built. This method is an example of the
+ former; it yields SCon objects that run this module on the command-line
+ via ``python -m`` to achieve the latter. It would be more natural to
+ just instantiate a `PackagePipelinesDocBuilder` once, and then invoke
+ each of its nested `PipelineDocBuilder` instances and call
+ `write_index_rst` directly, but this isn't possible for two reasons:
+ - In parallel builds (i.e. ``scons -j``) the (apparent) use of
+ multithreading causes problems with (apparent) globals in reading and
+ expanding `Pipelines`. By making each action a separate command-line
+ invocation, we ensure they are run in their own processes.
+ - SCons executes its `SConscript` files with the current directory set
+ to the directory that `SConscript` file is in, but then builds
+ targets with the `SConstruct` directory current; it really wants
+ actions that depend on paths to utilize the targets and sources they
+ are passed (which are corrected for this shift) instead of
+ remembering them internally (as this class and those nested within it
+ do). To work around this, we use relative paths in the script phase
+ (constructing a `PackagePipelinesDocBuilder` and calling this method)
+ so SCons can correctly reason about dependencies, and then passing
+ absolute paths on the command-line so the change of working directory
+ is relevant.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ Usage in a ``doc/SConscript`` file, where ``lsst.drp.pipe`` is the
+ name of the package, and the environment object and management of
+ top-level tarets comes from `lsst.sconsUtils`::
+ from lsst.sconsUtils.state import env, targets
+ from pathlib import Path
+ from lsst.pipe.base.pipeline_doc_builder import (
+ PackagePipelinesDocBuilder
+ )
+ target_root = Path(str(env.Dir("lsst.drp.pipe/pipelines")))
+ artifacts = list(
+ PackagePipelinesDocBuilder.from_source(
+ Path(str(env.Dir("#pipelines"))),
+ rst_root=target_root,
+ pipeline_root=target_root,
+ dot_root=target_root,
+ graph_root=target_root,
+ graph_suffix=".svg",
+ rst_path=Path(str(env.File("lsst.drp.pipe/pipelines_index.rst"))),
+ ).scons_generate(env)
+ )
+ env.AlwaysBuild(artifacts)
+ env.Clean("doc", artifacts)
+ targets["doc"].extend(artifacts)
+ We use ``AlwaysBuild`` because SCons has no way of knowing when some
+ modification to an upstream configuration file or pipeline ``yaml``
+ ingredient file could change the outputs, so it is safest to rebuild
+ whenever ``scons`` is run.
+ """
+ source_files = []
+ for source_yaml_path, pipeline_builder in self.pipelines.items():
+ source_file = env.File(source_yaml_path)
+ source_files.append(source_file)
+ target_files = [env.File(p) for p in pipeline_builder.iter_write_paths()]
+ yield from env.Command(
+ target_files,
+ [source_file],
+ action=(
+ f"python -m {__name__} pipeline "
+ f"{pipeline_builder.name} --source-yaml $SOURCE "
+ f"--rst-dir {pipeline_builder.rst_path.parent.resolve()} "
+ f"--yaml-dir {pipeline_builder.yaml_path.parent.resolve()} "
+ f"--dot-dir {pipeline_builder.dot_path.parent.resolve()} "
+ f"--graph-dir {pipeline_builder.graph_path.parent.resolve()} "
+ f"--graph-suffix={pipeline_builder.graph_path.suffix} "
+ ),
+ )
+ if graph_action:
+ for graph_path, dot_path in pipeline_builder.iter_graph_dot_paths():
+ yield from env.Command(
+ [env.File(graph_path)],
+ [env.File(dot_path)],
+ action=graph_action,
+ )
+ relative_pipeline_rst_paths = " ".join(
+ str(self._relative_to_rst(p.rst_path)) for p in self.pipelines.values()
+ )
+ yield from env.Command(
+ [env.File(str(self.rst_path))],
+ source_files,
+ action=(f"python -m {__name__} index " f"$TARGET {relative_pipeline_rst_paths}"),
+ )
+def main(argv):
+ """Entry point for command-line invocations used as SCons actions.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ argv : `Sequence` [ `str` ]
+ Command-line arguments to parse; generally ``sys.argv[1:]``.
+ See Also
+ --------
+ PackagePipelinesDocBuilder.scons_generate
+ """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
+ index_parser = subparsers.add_parser("index")
+ index_parser.add_argument("target", type=str)
+ index_parser.add_argument("relative", type=str, nargs="*")
+ index_parser.set_defaults(func=PackagePipelinesDocBuilder.scons_script)
+ pipeline_parser = subparsers.add_parser("pipeline")
+ pipeline_parser.add_argument("name", type=str)
+ pipeline_parser.add_argument("--source-yaml", type=str)
+ pipeline_parser.add_argument("--rst-dir", type=str)
+ pipeline_parser.add_argument("--yaml-dir", type=str)
+ pipeline_parser.add_argument("--dot-dir", type=str)
+ pipeline_parser.add_argument("--graph-dir", type=str)
+ pipeline_parser.add_argument("--graph-suffix", type=str, default=".svg")
+ pipeline_parser.set_defaults(func=PipelineDocBuilder.scons_script)
+ args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ args.func(args)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import sys
+ main(sys.argv[1:])