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About suit-help

This is a fork of firefly-help.
This architecture allows the maintenance of a help repository for the Portal Aspect of the Rubin Observatory/LSST project Science Platform that is customized to the application of Firefly in that project but that facilitates updating that documentation with refinements from the upstream Firefly core help repository.

The suit-help repository will contain both unique content and content modified over time to use more Rubin/LSST-flavored examples and references.

The intent is that the fork be updated from the upstream along with each major Firefly release.

The Firefly team also welcomes pull requests to firefly-help itself that improve the core documentation.

Quick Start

git clone

Clone this repository into suit-help directory. cd suit-help to perform the other commands.

gradle projects

List the projects in this repository. Ignore root.

gradle build

Builds all of the projects. To build only one project, prefix build with the project name, i.e. gradle atlas:build

gradle ${project}:run

Builds and launches the project's Help applications to your default browser.
Replace ${project} with the name of the project you wish to run.


Make update to suit-help

All updates should be done in a feature branch. Assuming you are working on Atlas fall of 2020 release.
To create a branch from the latest changes in master:

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b atlas_2020_fall

Then, make any necessary updates. This will most likely involve changes to the files in html/atlas or atlas_toc.js.
Once you are done, commit your changes:

git commit -am 'a message about your changes'

Push your changes to GitHub:

git push origin head    

(Optional) Squashing Commits

If you created a lot of commits, and wish to squash some or all of them to tidy up the logs:

git log --oneline master..

To print a one-line log of all your commits, not yet in master.
To squash the commits:

git rebase -i master

Replace pick with s to squash the commit(s), then update the commit message appropriately. If you have not pushed your changes to GitHub, then a simple git push origin head will do. If you have previously pushed your changes to GitHub, it will produce errors. In this case, you need to force the push, i.e., git push -f origin head.

If you are new to this concept and wish to read more about it, try this: -- or do your own research on the web.

Create a Pull Request:

  • Goto
  • Click on 'New pull request'
  • Make sure on the left-hand side say master, select your branch from the right-hand side compare dropdown.
  • Click 'Create pull request'
  • Assign someone as a reviewer
  • Once reviewed, click 'Merge pull request' to merge your changes to master

(Optional) Deploy to IRSA Kubernetes to testing.

Make update to firefly-help

Updates to firefly-help should be done in firefly-help repository:

First, clone the repository:

git clone

Then, follow the steps outlined above, but replacing suit-help with firefly-help.

To pull firefly-help changes to suit-help

Because suit-help is a fork of firefly-help, you may need to pick up changes that were made to firefly-help from time to time. This process should be done by an admin.

To sync suit-help on github:

  • Goto
  • Click 'New pull request'
  • Select lsst/suit-help from the base repository dropdown
  • Click on compare across forks
  • Select Caltech-IPAC/firefly-help from the head repository dropdown
  • Click 'Create pull request'
  • Then, click 'Merge pull request' to merge the changes to master
  • This may require resolving merge conflicts