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95 lines (63 loc) · 2 KB

File metadata and controls

95 lines (63 loc) · 2 KB

What is this?

This is a simple wrapper for git status written in bash.

Why this?

I am constantly working with a large number of git repositories, and I find it to be very tedious to have to look at each of them individually to keep them up to date.

What does it do?

You can

  • register as many repositories as you want. The paths to them are simply stored in and retreived from a file.

  • then use status to get the status for each repository (See example [1]). (Fetche remote + status)

  • get a list of the registered repositories.

  • remove a repository from the list (or simply edit the file storing them).

  • go to the repository in a new terminal (set up to work with urxvt).

got (-r | register) [-p <PATH>]   registers repo
got (-s | status) [-c] [-q]       [--quiet] status for registered repos [--control]
got (-l | list)                   list registered repos
got remove [<NUMBER>]             remove registration
got go [<NUMBER>]                 open repo in new terminal

Show me some examples


[0] register

omni@base:~$ got -r --path=/home/omni/repos/got
Found /home/omni/repos/got/.git
Adding to tracked repos...

[1] status

omni@base:~$ got -s

[ /home/omni ] (0)
( dotfiles ):

Fetching origin

On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean


[ /home/omni/repos/got ] (1)
( got ):

Fetching origin

On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

	new file:   test_file

[1] /home/omni/repos/got:
    new file:   test_file

[2] quiet status

omni@base:~$ got -s -q
[1] /home/omni/repos/got:
    new file:   test_file


this might not fit your needs, but feel free to expand on it.