Files and scripts related to my ongoing PhD project at the Universität Potsdam/Università di Padova (2021-2024).
Working title: Evolutive Dynamics in Early Modern European Drama: A Computational Approach
Contains the following folders:
: 150 early modern European plays, encoded in XML-TEI. This folder, together with thecorpus.xml
file, allows to (re)build the corpus on a Dockerised version of DraCor through StableDraCorscripts
: Python code for corpus building and analysismetadata
: tables and other useful files
For more info see:
🇩🇪 Giovannini, Luca (2024). "Quantitative Ansätze zur Untersuchung des frühneuzeitlichen Dramas". In: DHd2024 Book of Abstracts. Universität Passau, 2024 (see slides).
🇬🇧 Giovannini, Luca (2022). "Quantitative Perspectives on European Baroque Drama: Towards a Network Theory-oriented Analysis". In: DH2022 Book of Abstracts. University of Tokyo, 2022, pp. 639-641.