<target xsi:type="Bugsnag, NLog.Targets.Bugsnag"
<app appType="Layout"
<assembly name="String" /><!-- repeated -->
<request include="Boolean">
<clientIp include="Boolean" layout="Layout" />
<headers include="Boolean" layout="Layout" />
<httpMethod include="Boolean" layout="Layout" />
<referrer include="Boolean" layout="Layout" />
<url include="Boolean" layout="Layout" />
- name - Name of the target (ie "bugsnag")
- apiKey - [Required] The "Notifier API key" generated by Bugsnag when creating the project.
- releaseStage - [Required] "production" or "development"
- context - [Optional] Default:
- errorClass - [Optional] When not set, LogEventInfo.CallerMemberName and CallerLineNumber. But when "CallerInfo" was not set then default is "NLog".
- endpoint - [Optional] The endpoint of Bugsnag server. This parameter was created for testing purpose, do not set unless you have a Bugsnag server on-premise.
These parameters can enrich the "APP" tab of the event in Bugsnag.
- appType - [Optional] Put here a string that explain the type of your application (ie: "web", "job", "batch", "app-mobile"...)
- version - [Optional] The version of your app. Default: ${assembly-version:type=File}
- assemblies - [Optional] A collection of assemly name to include with their version. When you debug an issue you'd like to know which version of specified assemblies is in use, right?
- name - The name of the assembly to get its version. This name will be interpolated with ${assembly-version} (ie.
- name - The name of the assembly to get its version. This name will be interpolated with ${assembly-version} (ie.
These parameters can enrich the "REQUEST" tab of the event in Bugsnag.
Pay Attention!: if you don't specify the layout for each option you use, by default will be used "aspnet" layout renderers that require package NLog.Web is installed and configured as extension in nlog.config.
- include - Include or exclude the "request" details into the evento of Bugsnag. Tipically useful when you are running a web application. Default:
- clientIp - The IP of the client.
- include - Default:
- layout - Default: ${aspnet-Request-Ip:CheckForwardedForHeader=true}
- include - Default:
- headers - The request's headers. With "layout" you can decide what send to Bugsnag.
- include - Include or exclude the request's headers. Default:
- layout - Default: ${aspnet-request-headers:OutputFormat=JsonDictionary}
- include - Include or exclude the request's headers. Default:
- httpMethod - The request's HTTP method.
- include - Include or exclude the request's HTTP method. Default:
- layout - Default: ${aspnet-request-method}
- include - Include or exclude the request's HTTP method. Default:
- referrer - The request's referrer.
- include - Include or exclude the request's referrer. Default:
- layout - Default: ${aspnet-request-referrer}
- include - Include or exclude the request's referrer. Default:
- url - The request's URL.
- include - Default:
- layout - Default: ${aspnet-request-url:IncludePort=true:IncludeQueryString=true}
- include - Default: