This module provides multiple utilities to use Jersey, Grizzly and Servlets.
The module GuiceJacksonModule
provides an injectable Jackson ObjectMapper
with common defaults, especially:
- a support for Java 8 Time objects,
- unknown attributes handling non-mandatory.
In order to avoid leaking an API that should have been private, a Jersey feature enables to force developers to always specify the access control rule that must set for an API.
To use it, register this feature in Jersey: resourceConfig.register(RequireExplicitAccessControlFeature.accessControlAnnotations(PublicApi.class, RestrictToAdmin.class));
and RestrictTo
being the valid access control annotations.
Any custom annotation can be added (as long as the corresponding Jersey access control feature is configured...). In a doubt to configure the Jersey access control feature, see as an example the existing class PermissionFeature
that checks the RestrictTo
annotation access control.
To validate web-service input data, an easy solution is to use WsException
it is a RuntimeException
that will be serialized into a nice error with a 400 HTTP response to the web-service consumer.
To use this feature, WsResultExceptionMapper
must be registered in Jersey:
Usage example:
Error enum definition:
public enum ProjectWsError implements WsError {
public void create(Use userToCreate) {
Validators.checkRequired("Login", userToCreate.getLogin());
Validators.checkRequired("Password", userToCreate.getPassword());
if(!userToCreate.getPassword().equals(userToCreate.getPasswordConfirmation())) {
throw new WsException(
"Password confirmation"
To have an HTTP 400 error (instead of a 500 error) when an input JSON is provided,
use WsJacksonJsonProvider
instead of JacksonJaxbJsonProvider
as Jersey JSON provider.
Non blocking web-services enable to address this use case:
- the application is using a remote API that is used in a non critical part of the application,
- the remote API starts to answer slowly or not event at all (the root cause can be multiple: out of memory, sql connection pool full, http connection pool full, etc.),
- after some time the application will completely stop responding: the http connection pool will be full.
The main goal of non blocking web-services is to isolate a remote API so that if this API goes down,
the main application will not go down with it.
Plume web Jersey provides utilities functions to help setup non blocking web-services.
This utilities functions are available in AsyncJersey
and AsyncOkHttp
Do note that to use AsyncOkHttp
the dependency to OkHttp must be added manually.
Here is a usage example:
In the API class:
public CompletableFuture<String> fetchDataAsync() {
return AsyncOkHttp
// the okHttpClient should be built in the constructor
.newCall(new Request.Builder().url("https://remote-api-host/operation").build())
// note that this apply operation will be executed by OkHttp thread pool
// if slow instructions should be done after the HTTP response is received,
// it should be done in a separate thread pool, with thenApplyAsync(function, executor)
.thenApply(AsyncOkHttp.wrapUncheked(response -> response.body().string()));
In the Jersey web-service class:
public void waitAsync(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {