Some features includes:
- automatically save images named with parameters used during deconvolution
- loop over different robust parameters or over a list of measurement sets.
- can be used with
installed on singularity containers.
Note: This was tested with wsclean verions > 3.0 only. Some arguments/options are not available for wsclean <3.0
The first point is to know where wsclean
is installed, natively or in singularity.
If you have wsclean installed locally, you only need to set the path to the data.
root_dir_sys = '/media/user/data/Arp220/'
If you are using singularity,in addition of setting the variable root_dir_sys
you must specify the mounting directory where your data is stored. For example:
mount_dir = root_dir_sys+':/mnt'
Then, the root_dir where your data will be stored becomes:
root_dir = '/mnt/'
In case of using singularity, we need also to specify where wsclean
image is
wsclean_dir = '/home/user/apps/wsclean-gpu.simg
auto_mask = '-auto-mask 3.0'
auto_threshold = '-auto-threshold 0.001'
This controls how deep deconvolution is performed.
Following multiple instructions from wsclean manual and private comunications
a good starting point to obtain good image quality is to set an auto mask of 3
(which is standard) but using a very low threshold level (deep clean inside the mask).
You must experiment with your data, but usually what can be done, start with --auto_threshold 0.1
or -auto_threshold 0.01
, and check.
You can also specify manually the threshold level, for example:
auto_threshold = '-threshold 1.0e-6Jy'
With the deconvolver argument, please select any deconvolver you want to use. Just check if the options are consistent and implemented. Please, contac me about any issue using a different deconvolver/options.
For example, one can use the multiscale deconvolver and add options to it, e.g.
deconvolver = '-multiscale'
deconvolver_options = '-multiscale-scales 0,4,8,16,32,64'
You can eaasily pass other arguments, such as
deconvolver_args = '-channels-out 4 -join-channels -weighting-rank-filter 3 ' \
'-weighting-rank-filter-size 64 -no-mf-weighting ' \
'-no-negative -use-wgridder'
Set basic image parameters, such as:
weighting = 'briggs'
imsize= '3072'
cell = '0.008arcsec'
niter= '10000'
Note that the robust parameter is specified later.
This is a to-do....
For now, there is a loop at the end of the code that uses the -taper-gaussian
mode, where one can
loop over different sky-tapers.
data_column = '-data-column DATA'
gain_args = '-mgain 0.3 -multiscale-gain 0.05 -gain 0.05'
shift_options = ''
opt_args = '-super-weight 15.0 -mem 90 -j 32 -parallel-gridding 32 ' \
'-parallel-reordering 1 -deconvolution-threads 32 ' \
'-log-time -no-update-model-required -field all'
opt_args = opt_args + shift_options
Note that the phase shift can be enabled by just setting a shift centre value, for example
shift_options = '-shift 13:15:32.689094 + '
The last block of the code allows to run imaging over a list of images and/or a list of robust values and/or multiple tapers.
image_list = ['UGC5101_eM_0935_6121_avg_8s_RR_LL']
robusts = [0.0,0.5
# -2.0,-1.8,-1.4,-1.0,-0.8,-0.6,-0.2,0.0,0.5,1.0
tapers = ['','0.25asec']
# for fixed visibility weights during concat.
for field in image_list:
g_name = field
for robust in robusts:
for uvtaper in tapers:
if uvtaper == '':
taper_mode = ''
taper_mode = '-taper-gaussian '
image_statistics = imaging(g_name=g_name,
field=field, robust=str(robust),
if image_statistics is not None:
image_statistics['robust'] = robust
image_statistics['uvtaper'] = uvtaper
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(image_statistics, orient='index').T
df.to_csv(root_dir_sys+image_statistics['imagename'].replace('.fits','_data.csv'), header=True,
Some issues related with wsclean that currently can be a limitation is imaging visibilities containing non-homogeneous polarizations (e.g. RL, LR, or all four together RR,LL, RL,LR), see ( So, you may want to split your visibility to have only RR,LL polarizations. In that case, deconvolution may work.
To excecute the code, it is recommended to use it inside casa, for example, on the same directory that the script is, do :
$ casa
CASA <1>: exec(open('./').read())