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Syntax of prov:QUALIFIED_NAME

Luc Moreau edited this page Jul 24, 2015 · 10 revisions

Syntax of prov:QUALIFIED_NAME

1. Introduction

PROV-DM defines a PROV Identifier as a Qualified Name, which is a name subject to namespace interpretation. It consists of a namespace, denoted by an optional prefix, and a local name_. PROV-DM stipulates that a qualified name can be mapped into an IRI by concatenating the IRI associated with the prefix and the local part. Before 0.7.0, ProvToolbox was complying with this definition.

However, PROV-N provides a concrete syntax for prov:QUALIFIED_NAME, further noting that a PROV-N qualified name QUALIFIED_NAME can be mapped to a valid IRI [RFC3987] by concatenating the namespace denoted its local name to the local name, whose -escaped characters have been unescaped by dropping the character '' (backslash). Before 0.7.0, ProvToolbox was not providing any support for this type of escaping.

2. -Escaping for Qualified Names

= \\=
' \\'
( \\(
) \\)
, \\,
: \\:
; \\;
[ \\[
] \\]
- Should not be escaped since - is accepted by PN_CHARS
. hould not be escaped since - is accepted by PN_CHARS, except for the last one
< Is it an oversight in PROV-N, should we have escaped it?
> Is it an oversight in PROV-N, should we have escaped it?

5. ProvToolbox support

The class org.openprovenance.prov.model.QualifiedNameUtils offers conversion methods implementing the encoding describe in this section.

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