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Instruction Wiki

Lưu Đức Trung edited this page Jul 3, 2018 · 8 revisions

How to track?

at each topic you can change the status depend on your knowledge
  • 🔲 : no idea about it
  • 🔳 : Know what it is, take it soon
  • ✅ : Have already known/learnt about it
When you  "already knew/learn about it", you can add the self-grade your 

level by add the color
kyu (your current level) Ability
📓 Shodan learnt about it, beginning use it
📒 Sandan use it in some (1->3) small project, have its certification, understand its core concept
📗 Godan use it in a lot of (4->n) small project, can teach another people about it, know its advantage/defect
📙 Shinidan use it in some (1->2) big project, understant what is running underneath
📕 Kudan use it in a lot of (3->n) big project, confidence to say you're an expert of this topic, talk about it in talk-show, can hack/change it's core
📘 Judan have recognition from a nother people that you're an expert of this topic, people talk about you when they learn/discuss/search this topic



Status Topic Level Process Type Item Reconition Start Date
🔲 CS - core knowledge in Computer Science (alternate for the "Data Structure and Algorithms" in image above) 📓 no started Path my CS roadmap Certificate 1-Fer-2018
daily view Resource my private CS resource list --- ---

after learn and apply your knowledge

Status Topic Level Process Type Item Reconition Start Date
CS - core knowledge in Computer Science (alternate for the "Data Structure and Algorithms" in image above) 📗 no started Path my CS roadmap Certificate 1-Fer-2018
daily view Resource my private CS resource list --- ---

Now you have a CS knowledge and seft-grade at level 3 (Godan)


  • Don't worry, I'd added this instruction in each place you need to manipulate your tracking.
  • I use "Dan" in martial art, because it make a little bit engaging
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