CS 350 - Operating Systems Spring 2016 Elvin Yung
Previous: Virtual Memory Next: I/O
A scheduling policy determines how to assigning work (called tasks or jobs) to workers.
In an OS, the jobs are the threads/processes (basically same thing in OS161), and the workers are the processors.
For now, the main metric that we care about is the average turnaround time: the time from the job's arrival to the job's completion.
It would also be great if the scheduling was fair, i.e. that every job gets a proportionate amount of resources, although we don't talk about that here.
A bunch of mostly-unreasonable assumptions that we'll make, and then remove one by one:
- Each job takes the same amount of time to run.
- Every job arrives at the same time.
- When a job runs, it runs to completion.
- Jobs only use the CPU, and perform no I/O
- We know the workload of each job.
- (Assume that jobs don't all arrive at the exact same time, i.e. that assumption 2 doesn't strictly hold.)
- The most naive way to do it: just keep taking the first incomplete job and running it.
- Suppose we have 3 jobs, A, B, and C, arriving in that order, and they each take 1 unit of time.
- Then the turnaround time for A is 1, for B it's 2, and for C it's 3.
- The average turnaround time is 2.
Now relax assumption 1, i.e. now assume that jobs can have different workloads.
Suppose we have 3 jobs, A, B, and C, arriving in that order. A takes 10 units of time, and B and C each take 1 unit of time.
Then the turnaround time for A is 10, for B it's 11, and for C it's 12.
Average turnaround time = 11
That's terrible!
Obvious flaw of FIFO: if a long job gets run, many jobs can pile up behind it (convoy effect).
Also pretty simple: just keep picking the job with the smallest workload.
Works great as long as assumption 2 holds.
With our previous example, one correct order is this: B, C, A
Then the turnaround time for B is 1, for C it's 2, and for A it's 12.
Average turnaround time = 5
Huge improvement.
- Now suppose jobs can arrive at different times.
- In particular, suppose that job A arrives at t = 0, and then jobs B and C arrive at t = 1.
- Then at the beginning the scheduler would run A since that's the only (and thus shortest) job, and then B and C would still be forced to wait behind A.
- In other words, the convoy effect still occurs.
Now we relax assumption 3.
We introduce preemption: the scheduler can choose to interrupt a job while it's running, run another job, and go back to it later.
STCF works like this: when a new job is enqueued, if the new job has less time left than the current job, it preempts the current job and runs the new job.
With our previous example, when job B arrives at t = 1, job A still has 9 time units left, whereas job A only 1 left, so A gets preempted and B gets run.
Then at t = 2, job B is done, but job C only has 1 time unit left while B still has 9, so C gets run.
The turnaround times are as follows:
- A: 12 - 0 = 12
- B: 2 - 1 = 1
- C: 3 - 1 = 2
- Average turnaround time: 5
- STCF is great, but from the 1960s onward computers started being interactive.
- Interactivity means that jobs might spend time waiting for I/O (e.g. writing to disk, waiting for stdin, etc.)
- This means that we care about the response time: the time between when the job first arrives, and when it gets run for the first time.
- For our previous example, A and B each have response times of 0, but C has a response time of 1.
- So it's clear that preempting only when a new job arrives doesn't always work.
- We already know about timer interrupts - why not use those?
- In particular, we will run jobs a slice (or quantum) at a time, i.e. every time we run a job, we only run it until the next timer interrupt.
- RR works like this:
- Run a slice of the first job on the queue.
- If the job isn't complete at the end of the quantum, move it to the back.
- Repeat.
MLFQ is the most common scheduling algorithm in modern OSes. It's used in OS X, Linux (since 2.4), and Windows (since NT).
It essentially gives preference to short I/O bound jobs.
The basic setup is that there are multiple queues with different priority levels (i.e. the multi-level part).
Then, the scheduler runs jobs based on these rules:
- Each job starts off at the end of the highest priority queue.
- The scheduler processes the jobs in the highest non-empty priority queue, in a round-robin fashion.
- When a job is run, it's allocated a quantum of time.
- If it finishes before the end of the quantum, it leaves the system.
- If it uses up the entire quantum but doesn't finish, it's preempted, and put at the end of the queue below (obviously, unless it's already at the bottom).
- If it gives up CPU control before the end of the quantum without finishing, it stays at the same level.
- In other words, the scheduler uses feedback to determine which priority a job should be at.
You'll notice that it's possible that jobs in lower level queues might take a long time to complete if a lot of jobs enter (starvation).
Some MLFQ implementations work around this by periodically moving all jobs back to the top priority queue.
- What really happened on Mars? - tl;dr how the Pathfinder Mars probe got brought down by a crappy scheduling policy.
- A Quantitative Measure of Fairness and Discrimination for Resource Allocation in Shared Computer Systems by R. Jain et al. - A common metric for scheduling fairness.
- MIT OCW Queueing Theory course
Next: I/O