diff --git a/src/api-wrappers/CGWindowID.swift b/src/api-wrappers/CGWindowID.swift
index 14faf0dcc..8cfd44424 100644
--- a/src/api-wrappers/CGWindowID.swift
+++ b/src/api-wrappers/CGWindowID.swift
@@ -19,11 +19,63 @@ extension CGWindowID {
return CGSCopySpacesForWindows(cgsMainConnectionId, CGSSpaceMask.all.rawValue, [self] as CFArray) as! [CGSSpaceID]
- func screenshot() -> CGImage? {
- // CGSHWCaptureWindowList
+ // fullscreen has multiple windows
+ // e.g. Notes.app has a toolbar window and a main window
+ // We need to composite these window images
+ func fullScreenshot(_ win: Window) -> CGImage? {
+ var height: CGFloat = 0;
+ var width: CGFloat = 0;
+ var imageMap = [(CGWindow, CGImage)]()
+ var maxWidthWindowId: CGWindowID = 0
+ let screen = Spaces.spaceFrameMap.first { $0.0 == win.spaceId }!.1
+ var windowsInSpaces = Spaces.windowsInSpaces([win.spaceId]) // The returned windows are sorted from highest to lowest according to the z-index
+ var windowsToCapture: [CGWindow] = []
+ // find current app's window in the fullscreen space
+ for item in windowsInSpaces {
+ let cgWin = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo([.excludeDesktopElements, .optionIncludingWindow], item) as! [CGWindow]
+ guard cgWin.first!.isNotMenubarOrOthers(),
+ cgWin.first!.ownerPID() == win.application.runningApplication.processIdentifier,
+ cgWin.first!.bounds() != nil,
+ let bounds = CGRect(dictionaryRepresentation: cgWin.first!.bounds()!), bounds.height > 0, bounds.width > 0 else { continue }
+ windowsToCapture.append(cgWin.first!)
+ }
+ // Drawing images from lowest to highest base on the z-index
+ windowsToCapture = windowsToCapture.reversed()
+ for item in windowsToCapture {
+ let bounds = CGRect(dictionaryRepresentation: item.bounds()!)
+ if width < bounds!.width {
+ maxWidthWindowId = item.id()!
+ }
+ var windowId = item.id()!
+ let list = CGSHWCaptureWindowList(cgsMainConnectionId, &windowId, 1, [.ignoreGlobalClipShape, .nominalResolution]).takeRetainedValue() as! [CGImage]
+ imageMap.append((item, list.first!))
+ }
+ let bytesPerRow = imageMap.first { $0.0.id()! == maxWidthWindowId }!.1.bytesPerRow
+ var context = CGContext.init(data: nil,
+ width: Int(screen.frame.width),
+ height: Int(screen.frame.height),
+ bitsPerComponent: 8,
+ bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow,
+ space: imageMap.first!.1.colorSpace!,
+ bitmapInfo: imageMap.first!.1.bitmapInfo.rawValue)
+ // composite these window images
+ for item in imageMap {
+ let bounds = CGRect(dictionaryRepresentation: item.0.bounds()!)
+ // Convert the coordinate system, the origin of window is top-left, the image is bottom-left
+ // so we need to convert y-index
+ context?.draw(item.1, in: CGRect.init(x: bounds!.origin.x, y: screen.frame.height - bounds!.height - bounds!.origin.y, width: bounds!.width, height: bounds!.height))
+ }
+ return context?.makeImage()
+ }
+ func screenshot(_ win: Window) -> CGImage? {
var windowId_ = self
- let list = CGSHWCaptureWindowList(cgsMainConnectionId, &windowId_, 1, [.ignoreGlobalClipShape, .nominalResolution]).takeRetainedValue() as! [CGImage]
- return list.first
+ if win.isFullscreen {
+ return fullScreenshot(win)
+ } else {
+ let list = CGSHWCaptureWindowList(cgsMainConnectionId, &windowId_, 1, [.ignoreGlobalClipShape, .nominalResolution]).takeRetainedValue() as! [CGImage]
+ return list.first
+ }
// // CGWindowListCreateImage
// return CGWindowListCreateImage(.null, .optionIncludingWindow, self, [.boundsIgnoreFraming, .bestResolution])
diff --git a/src/api-wrappers/HelperExtensions.swift b/src/api-wrappers/HelperExtensions.swift
index eee756913..e03c1b96e 100644
--- a/src/api-wrappers/HelperExtensions.swift
+++ b/src/api-wrappers/HelperExtensions.swift
@@ -211,3 +211,18 @@ extension String {
self = NSFileTypeForHFSTypeCode(fourCharCode).trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "'"))
+fileprivate var notificationKey: Int = 1
+extension NSRunningApplication {
+ var notification: Notification.Name? {
+ get {
+ return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, ¬ificationKey) as? Notification.Name
+ }
+ set {
+ if let value = newValue {
+ objc_setAssociatedObject(self, ¬ificationKey, value, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/api-wrappers/PrivateApis.swift b/src/api-wrappers/PrivateApis.swift
index ec60896b2..b03083d2c 100644
--- a/src/api-wrappers/PrivateApis.swift
+++ b/src/api-wrappers/PrivateApis.swift
@@ -126,6 +126,11 @@ func CGSManagedDisplayGetCurrentSpace(_ cid: CGSConnectionID, _ displayUuid: CFS
func CGSAddWindowsToSpaces(_ cid: CGSConnectionID, _ windows: NSArray, _ spaces: NSArray) -> Void
+// Move the given windows (CGWindowIDs) to the given space (CGSSpaceID)
+// * macOS 10.10+
+func CGSMoveWindowsToManagedSpace(_ cid: CGSConnectionID, _ windows: NSArray, _ space: CGSSpaceID) -> Void
// remove the provided windows from the provided spaces
// * macOS 10.10-12.2
diff --git a/src/logic/Application.swift b/src/logic/Application.swift
index 63b9fe6c4..2a00e4126 100644
--- a/src/logic/Application.swift
+++ b/src/logic/Application.swift
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ class Application: NSObject {
func observeNewWindows(_ group: DispatchGroup? = nil) {
if runningApplication.isFinishedLaunching && runningApplication.activationPolicy != .prohibited {
retryAxCallUntilTimeout(group, 5) { [weak self] in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- if let axWindows_ = try self.axUiElement!.windows(), axWindows_.count > 0 {
+ guard let self = self, let axWindows_ = try self.axUiElement!.windows() else { throw AxError.runtimeError }
+ if axWindows_.count > 0 {
// bug in macOS: sometimes the OS returns multiple duplicate windows (e.g. Mail.app starting at login)
let axWindows = try Array(Set(axWindows_)).compactMap {
if let wid = try $0.cgWindowId() {
@@ -116,14 +116,10 @@ class Application: NSObject {
let window = self.addWindowslessAppsIfNeeded()
- if group == nil && !self.wasLaunchedBeforeAltTab && (
- // workaround: opening an app while the active app is fullscreen; we wait out the space transition animation
- CGSSpaceGetType(cgsMainConnectionId, Spaces.currentSpaceId) == .fullscreen ||
- // workaround: some apps launch but have no window ready instantly. It's very unlikely an app would launch with no window
- // so we retry until timeout, in those rare cases (e.g. Bear.app)
- // we only do this for active app, to avoid wasting CPU, with the trade-off of maybe missing some windows
- self.runningApplication.isActive
- ) {
+ // workaround: some apps launch but have no window ready instantly. It's very unlikely an app would launch with no window
+ // so we retry until timeout, in those rare cases (e.g. Bear.app)
+ // we only do this for active app, to avoid wasting CPU, with the trade-off of maybe missing some windows
+ if group == nil && self.runningApplication.notification == NSWorkspace.didActivateApplicationNotification {
throw AxError.runtimeError
@@ -146,6 +142,42 @@ class Application: NSObject {
return windows
+ func getOtherSpaceWindows(_ windowsOnlyOnOtherSpaces: [CGWindowID]) -> [Window] {
+ var otherSpaceWindows: [Window] = []
+ for winId in windowsOnlyOnOtherSpaces {
+ let cgWinArray = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo([.excludeDesktopElements, .optionIncludingWindow], winId) as! [CGWindow]
+ // get current app's windows only on other space
+ guard runningApplication.processIdentifier == cgWinArray.first!.ownerPID()
+ && cgWinArray.first!.id() != nil
+ && cgWinArray.first!.isNotMenubarOrOthers()
+ && cgWinArray.first!.bounds() != nil
+ && CGRect(dictionaryRepresentation: cgWinArray.first!.bounds()!)!.width > 100
+ && CGRect(dictionaryRepresentation: cgWinArray.first!.bounds()!)!.height > 100
+ else { continue }
+ guard let capture = CGWindowListCreateImage(CGRect.null, .optionIncludingWindow, cgWinArray.first!.id()!, .boundsIgnoreFraming) else { continue }
+ let win = Window(self, cgWinArray.first!)
+ Windows.appendAndUpdateFocus(win)
+ otherSpaceWindows.append(win)
+ }
+ return otherSpaceWindows
+ }
+ func addOtherSpaceWindows(_ windowsOnlyOnOtherSpaces: [CGWindowID]) {
+ if runningApplication.isFinishedLaunching && runningApplication.activationPolicy != .prohibited {
+ retryAxCallUntilTimeout { [weak self] in
+ guard let self = self else { return }
+ DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
+ guard let self = self else { return }
+ var windows = self.getOtherSpaceWindows(windowsOnlyOnOtherSpaces)
+ if let window = self.addWindowslessAppsIfNeeded() {
+ windows.append(contentsOf: window)
+ }
+ App.app.refreshOpenUi(windows)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
func addWindowslessAppsIfNeeded() -> [Window]? {
if !Preferences.hideWindowlessApps &&
runningApplication.activationPolicy == .regular &&
diff --git a/src/logic/Applications.swift b/src/logic/Applications.swift
index c16e4415c..ed469096d 100644
--- a/src/logic/Applications.swift
+++ b/src/logic/Applications.swift
@@ -14,10 +14,19 @@ class Applications {
_ = group.wait(wallTimeout: .now() + .seconds(2))
+ static func addOtherSpaceWindows(_ windowsOnlyOnOtherSpaces: [CGWindowID]) {
+ for app in list {
+ app.wasLaunchedBeforeAltTab = true
+ guard app.runningApplication.isFinishedLaunching else { continue }
+ app.addOtherSpaceWindows(windowsOnlyOnOtherSpaces)
+ }
+ }
static func initialDiscovery() {
+ WorkspaceEvents.registerFrontAppChangeNote()
static func addInitialRunningApplications() {
@@ -31,17 +40,18 @@ class Applications {
let windowsOnOtherSpaces = Spaces.windowsInSpaces(otherSpaces)
let windowsOnlyOnOtherSpaces = Array(Set(windowsOnOtherSpaces).subtracting(windowsOnCurrentSpace))
if windowsOnlyOnOtherSpaces.count > 0 {
- // on initial launch, we use private APIs to bring windows from other spaces into the current space, observe them, then remove them from the current space
- CGSAddWindowsToSpaces(cgsMainConnectionId, windowsOnlyOnOtherSpaces as NSArray, [Spaces.currentSpaceId])
- Applications.observeNewWindowsBlocking()
- CGSRemoveWindowsFromSpaces(cgsMainConnectionId, windowsOnlyOnOtherSpaces as NSArray, [Spaces.currentSpaceId])
+ // Currently we add those window in other space without AXUIElement init
+ // We don't need to get the AXUIElement until we focus these windows.
+ // when we need to focus these windows, we use the helper window to take us to that space,
+ // then get the AXUIElement, and finally focus that window.
+ Applications.addOtherSpaceWindows(windowsOnlyOnOtherSpaces)
static func addRunningApplications(_ runningApps: [NSRunningApplication], _ wasLaunchedBeforeAltTab: Bool = false) {
runningApps.forEach {
- if isActualApplication($0) {
+ if isActualApplication($0, wasLaunchedBeforeAltTab) {
Applications.list.append(Application($0, wasLaunchedBeforeAltTab))
@@ -101,10 +111,37 @@ class Applications {
- private static func isActualApplication(_ app: NSRunningApplication) -> Bool {
+ private static func isActualApplication(_ app: NSRunningApplication, _ wasLaunchedBeforeAltTab: Bool = false) -> Bool {
// an app can start with .activationPolicy == .prohibited, then transition to != .prohibited later
// an app can be both activationPolicy == .accessory and XPC (e.g. com.apple.dock.etci)
- return (isNotXpc(app) || isAndroidEmulator(app)) && !app.processIdentifier.isZombie()
+ return isAnWindowApplication(app, wasLaunchedBeforeAltTab) && (isNotXpc(app) || isAndroidEmulator(app)) && !app.processIdentifier.isZombie()
+ }
+ private static func isAnWindowApplication(_ app: NSRunningApplication, _ wasLaunchedBeforeAltTab: Bool = false) -> Bool {
+ if (wasLaunchedBeforeAltTab) {
+ // For wasLaunchedBeforeAltTab=true, we assume that those apps are all launched, if they are programs with windows.
+ // Even if it has 0 windows at this point, axUiElement.windows() will not throw an exception. If they are programs without windows, then axUiElement.windows() will throw an exception.
+ // Here I consider there is an edge case where AltTab is starting up and this program has been loading, then it is possible that axUiElement.windows() will throw an exception.
+ // I'm not quite sure if this happens, but even if it does, then after restarting this application, AltTab captures its window without any problem. I think this happens rarely.
+ let allWindows = CGWindow.windows(.optionAll)
+ guard let winApp = (allWindows.first { app.processIdentifier == $0.ownerPID()
+ && $0.isNotMenubarOrOthers()
+ && $0.id() != nil
+ && $0.bounds() != nil
+ && CGRect(dictionaryRepresentation: $0.bounds()!)!.width > 0
+ && CGRect(dictionaryRepresentation: $0.bounds()!)!.height > 0
+ }) else {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ } else {
+ // Because we only add the application when we receive the didActivateApplicationNotification.
+ // So here is actually the handling for the case wasLaunchedBeforeAltTab=false. For applications where wasLaunchedBeforeAltTab=true, the majority of isActive is false.
+ // The reason for not using axUiElement.windows() here as a way to determine if it is a window application is that
+ // When we receive the didActivateApplicationNotification notification, the application may still be loading and axUiElement.windows() will throw an exception
+ // So we use isActive to determine if it is a window application, even if the application is not frontmost, isActive is still true at this time
+ return true;
+ }
private static func isNotXpc(_ app: NSRunningApplication) -> Bool {
diff --git a/src/logic/HelperWindow.swift b/src/logic/HelperWindow.swift
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be791c0f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/logic/HelperWindow.swift
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import Cocoa
+ * we use this window to help us switch to another space
+ */
+class HelperWindow: NSWindow {
+ var canBecomeKey_ = true
+ override var canBecomeKey: Bool { canBecomeKey_ }
+ convenience init() {
+ self.init(contentRect: .zero, styleMask: [.borderless], backing: .buffered, defer: false)
+ setupWindow()
+ }
+ private func setupWindow() {
+ isReleasedWhenClosed = false
+ hidesOnDeactivate = false
+ title = "Helper Window"
+ }
diff --git a/src/logic/Spaces.swift b/src/logic/Spaces.swift
index 9b616d852..9e469426b 100644
--- a/src/logic/Spaces.swift
+++ b/src/logic/Spaces.swift
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ class Spaces {
static var visibleSpaces = [CGSSpaceID]()
static var screenSpacesMap = [ScreenUuid: [CGSSpaceID]]()
static var idsAndIndexes = [(CGSSpaceID, SpaceIndex)]()
+ static var spaceFrameMap = [(CGSSpaceID, NSScreen)]()
static func observeSpaceChanges() {
NSWorkspace.shared.notificationCenter.addObserver(forName: NSWorkspace.activeSpaceDidChangeNotification, object: nil, queue: nil, using: { _ in
@@ -13,7 +14,17 @@ class Spaces {
// if UI was kept open during Space transition, the Spaces may be obsolete; we refresh them
- Windows.list.forEachAsync { $0.updatesWindowSpace() }
+ Windows.list.forEachAsync {
+ $0.updatesWindowSpace()
+ // we need to set up AXUIElement for those invisiable window launched before AltTab when space changed
+ if $0.axUiElement == nil && $0.spaceId == currentSpaceId && !$0.isWindowlessApp {
+ do {
+ try $0.getAxUiElementAndObserveEvents()
+ } catch {
+ debugPrint("can not setUpMissingInfoForOtherWindows for", $0.application.runningApplication.bundleIdentifier)
+ }
+ }
+ }
NSWorkspace.shared.notificationCenter.addObserver(forName: NSApplication.didChangeScreenParametersNotification, object: nil, queue: nil, using: { _ in
debugPrint("OS event", "didChangeScreenParametersNotification")
@@ -47,15 +58,18 @@ class Spaces {
+ spaceFrameMap.removeAll()
var spaceIndex = SpaceIndex(1)
(CGSCopyManagedDisplaySpaces(cgsMainConnectionId) as! [NSDictionary]).forEach { (screen: NSDictionary) in
var display = screen["Display Identifier"] as! ScreenUuid
if display as String == "Main", let mainUuid = NSScreen.main?.uuid() {
display = mainUuid
+ let nsScreen = NSScreen.screens.first { $0.uuid() == display } as! NSScreen
(screen["Spaces"] as! [NSDictionary]).forEach { (space: NSDictionary) in
let spaceId = space["id64"] as! CGSSpaceID
idsAndIndexes.append((spaceId, spaceIndex))
+ spaceFrameMap.append((spaceId, nsScreen))
screenSpacesMap[display, default: []].append(spaceId)
spaceIndex += 1
diff --git a/src/logic/Window.swift b/src/logic/Window.swift
index 2f99abe6c..5c66d3faf 100644
--- a/src/logic/Window.swift
+++ b/src/logic/Window.swift
@@ -61,6 +61,44 @@ class Window {
debugPrint("Adding app-window", title ?? "nil", application.runningApplication.bundleIdentifier ?? "nil")
+ // we init a window when this window is not at current active space
+ init(_ application: Application, _ cgWindow: CGWindow) {
+ self.application = application
+ self.title = bestEffortTitle(cgWindow.title())
+ self.cgWindowId = cgWindow.id()!
+ let bounds = CGRect(dictionaryRepresentation: cgWindow.bounds()!)
+ self.size = bounds!.size
+ self.position = bounds!.origin
+ updatesWindowSpace()
+ if CGSSpaceGetType(cgsMainConnectionId, self.spaceId) == .fullscreen {
+ self.isFullscreen = true
+ } else {
+ self.isFullscreen = false
+ }
+ self.isMinimized = false
+ if !Preferences.hideThumbnails {
+ refreshThumbnail()
+ }
+ application.removeWindowslessAppWindow()
+ debugPrint("Adding app-window", title ?? "nil", application.runningApplication.bundleIdentifier ?? "nil")
+ }
+ func getAxUiElementAndObserveEvents() throws {
+ guard let windows = try self.application.axUiElement?.windows(), windows.count > 0 else {
+ debugPrint("try to getAxUiElementAndObserveEvents nil", self.application.runningApplication.bundleIdentifier, self.title, self.spaceId)
+ return
+ }
+ for win in windows {
+ if try cgWindowId == win.cgWindowId() {
+ self.axUiElement = win
+ self.isMinimized = try self.axUiElement.isMinimized()
+ self.observeEvents()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ debugPrint("try to getAxUiElementAndObserveEvents failed", self.application.runningApplication.bundleIdentifier, self.title, self.spaceId)
+ }
deinit {
debugPrint("Deinit window", title ?? "nil", application.runningApplication.bundleIdentifier ?? "nil")
@@ -95,13 +133,13 @@ class Window {
func refreshThumbnail() {
- guard let cgImage = cgWindowId.screenshot() else { return }
+ guard let cgImage = cgWindowId.screenshot(self) else { return }
thumbnail = NSImage(cgImage: cgImage, size: NSSize(width: cgImage.width, height: cgImage.height))
thumbnailFullSize = thumbnail!.size
func close() {
- if isWindowlessApp { return }
+ if isWindowlessApp || self.axUiElement == nil { return }
BackgroundWork.accessibilityCommandsQueue.asyncWithCap { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
if self.isFullscreen {
@@ -114,7 +152,7 @@ class Window {
func minDemin() {
- if isWindowlessApp { return }
+ if isWindowlessApp || self.axUiElement == nil { return }
BackgroundWork.accessibilityCommandsQueue.asyncWithCap { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
if self.isFullscreen {
@@ -131,7 +169,7 @@ class Window {
func toggleFullscreen() {
- if isWindowlessApp { return }
+ if isWindowlessApp || self.axUiElement == nil { return }
BackgroundWork.accessibilityCommandsQueue.asyncWithCap { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.axUiElement.setAttribute(kAXFullscreenAttribute, !self.isFullscreen)
@@ -157,6 +195,11 @@ class Window {
+ func gotoSpace(_ spaceId: CGSSpaceID) {
+ CGSMoveWindowsToManagedSpace(cgsMainConnectionId, [App.app.helperWindow.windowNumber] as NSArray, spaceId)
+ App.app.showHelperWindow()
+ }
func focus() {
if isWindowlessApp {
if let bundleID = application.runningApplication.bundleIdentifier {
@@ -164,6 +207,31 @@ class Window {
} else {
application.runningApplication.activate(options: .activateIgnoringOtherApps)
+ } else if self.axUiElement == nil {
+ // the window is in other space, we can not get AXUIElement before we go to it's space
+ // when we want to focus the window, it means we want to go to the space and focus the window
+ // so we just go to that space by using helperWindow, then we get AXUIElement and focus the window
+ gotoSpace(self.spaceId)
+ do {
+ retryAxCallUntilTimeout { [weak self] in
+ guard let self = self else { return }
+ try self.getAxUiElementAndObserveEvents()
+ if self.axUiElement == nil {
+ // retry until we get axUiElement
+ throw AxError.runtimeError
+ }
+ BackgroundWork.accessibilityCommandsQueue.asyncWithCap { [weak self] in
+ guard let self = self else { return }
+ var psn = ProcessSerialNumber()
+ GetProcessForPID(self.application.pid, &psn)
+ _SLPSSetFrontProcessWithOptions(&psn, self.cgWindowId, .userGenerated)
+ self.makeKeyWindow(psn)
+ self.axUiElement.focusWindow()
+ }
+ }
+ } catch {
+ debugPrint("can not setUpMissingInfoForCurrentWindow for", self.application.runningApplication.bundleIdentifier)
+ }
} else {
// macOS bug: when switching to a System Preferences window in another space, it switches to that space,
// but quickly switches back to another window in that space
diff --git a/src/logic/events/AccessibilityEvents.swift b/src/logic/events/AccessibilityEvents.swift
index 0f797a446..38898121a 100644
--- a/src/logic/events/AccessibilityEvents.swift
+++ b/src/logic/events/AccessibilityEvents.swift
@@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ fileprivate func applicationActivated(_ element: AXUIElement, _ pid: pid_t) thro
app.focusedWindow = window
App.app.checkIfShortcutsShouldBeDisabled(window, app.runningApplication)
App.app.refreshOpenUi(window != nil ? [window!] : nil)
+ guard let win = (Windows.list.first { app.runningApplication.processIdentifier == $0.application.runningApplication.processIdentifier && !$0.isWindowlessApp }) else {
+ // for edge-case: some app (e.g. Bear.app) is loading and runningApplication.isFinishedLaunching is false (sometimes) when we call observeNewWindows() at first time
+ // as a result we miss their windows. but we will receive kAXApplicationActivatedNotification notification and we can add it successfully
+ app.observeNewWindows()
+ return
+ }
diff --git a/src/logic/events/WorkspaceEvents.swift b/src/logic/events/WorkspaceEvents.swift
index 911270d32..574a93700 100644
--- a/src/logic/events/WorkspaceEvents.swift
+++ b/src/logic/events/WorkspaceEvents.swift
@@ -10,15 +10,57 @@ class WorkspaceEvents {
static func observerCallback(_ application: NSWorkspace, _ change: NSKeyValueObservedChange) {
- let workspaceApps = Set(NSWorkspace.shared.runningApplications)
- let diff = Array(workspaceApps.symmetricDifference(previousValueOfRunningApps))
- if change.kind == .insertion {
- debugPrint("OS event", "apps launched", diff.map { ($0.processIdentifier, $0.bundleIdentifier) })
- Applications.addRunningApplications(diff)
- } else if change.kind == .removal {
- debugPrint("OS event", "apps quit", diff.map { ($0.processIdentifier, $0.bundleIdentifier) })
- Applications.removeRunningApplications(diff)
+ }
+ static func registerFrontAppChangeNote() {
+ NSWorkspace.shared.notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(receiveFrontAppChangeNote(_:)), name: NSWorkspace.didActivateApplicationNotification, object: nil)
+ NSWorkspace.shared.notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(receiveFrontAppLaunchNote(_:)), name: NSWorkspace.didLaunchApplicationNotification, object: nil)
+ NSWorkspace.shared.notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(receiveFrontAppTerminateNote(_:)), name: NSWorkspace.didTerminateApplicationNotification, object: nil)
+ }
+ // We add apps when we receive a didActivateApplicationNotification notification, not when we receive an apps launched, because any app will have an apps launched notification.
+ // But we are only interested in apps that have windows. We think that since an app can be activated, it must have a window, and subscribing to its window event makes sense and is likely to work, even if it requires multiple retries to subscribe.
+ // I'm not very sure if there is an edge case, but so far testing down the line has not revealed it.
+ // When we receive the didActivateApplicationNotification notification, NSRunningApplication.isActive=true, even if the app is not the frontmost window anymore.
+ // If we go to add the application when we receive the message of apps launched, at this time NSRunningApplication.isActive may be false, and try axUiElement.windows() may also throw an exception.
+ // For those background applications, we don't receive notifications of didActivateApplicationNotification until they have their own window. For example, those menu bar applications.
+ @objc static func receiveFrontAppChangeNote(_ notification: Notification) {
+ if let application = notification.userInfo?[NSWorkspace.applicationUserInfoKey] as? NSRunningApplication {
+ debugPrint("OS event", notification.name.rawValue, application.bundleIdentifier, application.processIdentifier)
+ guard let app = (Applications.list.first { application.processIdentifier == $0.pid }) else {
+ debugPrint("add running application", application.bundleIdentifier, application.processIdentifier)
+ application.notification = notification.name
+ Applications.addRunningApplications([application])
+ return
+ }
+ guard let win = (Windows.list.first { application.processIdentifier == $0.application.runningApplication.processIdentifier && !$0.isWindowlessApp }) else {
+ app.hasBeenActiveOnce = true
+ app.runningApplication.notification = notification.name
+ app.observeNewWindows()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @objc static func receiveFrontAppLaunchNote(_ notification: Notification) {
+ if let application = notification.userInfo?[NSWorkspace.applicationUserInfoKey] as? NSRunningApplication {
+ debugPrint("OS event", notification.name.rawValue, application.bundleIdentifier, application.processIdentifier)
+ guard let app = (Applications.list.first { application.processIdentifier == $0.pid }) else {
+ debugPrint("add running application", notification.name.rawValue, application.bundleIdentifier, application.processIdentifier)
+ application.notification = notification.name
+ Applications.addRunningApplications([application])
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @objc static func receiveFrontAppTerminateNote(_ notification: Notification) {
+ if let application = notification.userInfo?[NSWorkspace.applicationUserInfoKey] as? NSRunningApplication {
+ debugPrint("OS event", notification.name.rawValue, application.bundleIdentifier, application.processIdentifier)
+ if let app = (Applications.list.first { application.processIdentifier == $0.pid }) {
+ debugPrint("remove running application", application.bundleIdentifier, application.processIdentifier)
+ Applications.removeRunningApplications([application])
+ }
- previousValueOfRunningApps = workspaceApps
diff --git a/src/ui/App.swift b/src/ui/App.swift
index d03511989..d801b2841 100644
--- a/src/ui/App.swift
+++ b/src/ui/App.swift
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class App: AppCenterApplication, NSApplicationDelegate {
static var app: App!
var thumbnailsPanel: ThumbnailsPanel!
var preferencesWindow: PreferencesWindow!
+ var helperWindow: HelperWindow!
var feedbackWindow: FeedbackWindow!
var isFirstSummon = true
var appIsBeingUsed = false
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ class App: AppCenterApplication, NSApplicationDelegate {
self.preferencesWindow = PreferencesWindow()
+ self.helperWindow = HelperWindow()
self.feedbackWindow = FeedbackWindow()
@@ -158,6 +160,11 @@ class App: AppCenterApplication, NSApplicationDelegate {
+ // focus the helper window and we can go to that space
+ @objc func showHelperWindow() {
+ showSecondaryWindow(helperWindow)
+ }
func showSecondaryWindow(_ window: NSWindow?) {
if let window = window {
NSScreen.preferred().repositionPanel(window, .appleCentered)