From ed6458a5b13cce6c16a1528508b137c6257aca8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Benjamin Somers Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 14:13:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] t9n/fr: incus/news/incus-6-4-has-been-released Signed-off-by: Benjamin Somers --- .../ | 737 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 737 insertions(+) create mode 100644 content/incus/ diff --git a/content/incus/ b/content/incus/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..38f24d9a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/incus/ @@ -0,0 +1,737 @@ +title: Incus 6.4 est maintenant disponible +date: 2024/08/09 18:08 +origin: +content: |- + + # Introduction + L’équipe d’Incus est heureuse d’annoncer la sortie d’Incus 6.4 ! + + + Cette version propose des nouveautés très variées pour tout le monde ! + + + Elle contient un certain nombre de corrections de bugs et des nouvelles fonctionnalités relatives au support des conteneurs OCI ajouté dans la version précédente. Elle apporte également de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour les environnements partagés/clusterisés complexes. Enfin, elle est remplie de résolutions de bugs, corrigeant de nombreux irritants autour notamment du stockage, du clustering, de l’authentification OpenID et de l’audit. + + [![image|690x309](]( + + + Comme d’habitude, vous pouvez l’essayer vous-même en ligne : + + + + + # Nouvelles fonctionnalités + ## Configuration des groupes dans les clusters + Les groupes disposent désormais d’une table de configuration standard, comme la plupart des autres objets d’Incus. + + + Cela vient avec son ensemble habituel de commandes et d’API : + + - `incus cluster group edit` + - `incus cluster group get` + - `incus cluster group set` + - `incus cluster group show` + - `incus cluster group unset` + + + ## Caractéristiques CPU propres à chaque groupe + En plus de leur configuration, cette nouvelle version d’Incus permet de définir pour chaque groupe un ensemble de fonctionnalités CPU exposées aux VM. + + + Il est ainsi possible d’avoir un groupe par modèle/génération de CPU, et de laisser Incus calculer un ensemble de flags CPU commun pour ces serveurs. + + + Par exemple, `incus cluster group set foo instances.vm.cpu.x86_64.baseline=kvm64 instances.vm.cpu.x86_64.flags=auto` permet à Incus de parcourir automatiquement les serveurs dans le groupe `foo` et de le laisser définir la clef de configuration `flags` avec l’ensemble des flags CPU en commun. + + + Mais cela permet également de définir votre propre configuration CPU ; par exemple, `incus cluster group set foo instances.vm.cpu.x86_64.baseline=EPYCv2 instances.vm.cpu.x86_64.flags=-svm` expose un CPU AMD EPYC de base de 2e génération, avec l’extension de virtualisation (svm) désactivée. + + + ## Utilisation d’un chemin dans un volume comme un disque + Il est maintenant possible d’utiliser un chemin à l’intérieur d’un volume personnalisé comme source dans la définition d’un disque. + + stgraber@castiana:~$ incus launch images:ubuntu/24.04 demo + Launching demo + stgraber@castiana:~$ incus launch images:ubuntu/24.04 demo-sub + Launching demo-sub + stgraber@castiana:~$ incus storage volume create default demovol + Storage volume demovol created + stgraber@castiana:~$ incus config device add demo demovol disk pool=default source=demovol path=/mnt/demovol + Device demovol added to demo + stgraber@castiana:~$ incus exec demo bash + root@demo:~# mkdir -p /mnt/demovol/sub/path/ + root@demo:~# echo world > /mnt/demovol/sub/path/hello + root@demo:~#· + exit + stgraber@castiana:~$ incus config device add demo-sub demovol disk pool=default source=demovol/sub/path path=/mnt/demovol + Device demovol added to demo-sub + stgraber@castiana:~$ incus exec demo-sub bash + root@demo-sub:~# cat /mnt/demovol/hello· + world + + + Dans cet exemple, un volume personnalisé `demovol` est créé, puis attaché au conteneur `demo`. Un sous-répertoire est créé dans ce volume, et ce sous-répertoire est ensuite attaché à un autre conteneur, `demo-sub`. + + + ## Limites des projets par pool de stockage + Les projets dans Incus peuvent se voir appliquer des limites de ressources, ce qui est idéal lorsque l’on donne accès à un projet à un tiers. Jusqu’à présent, il était possible de donner une limite sur l’utilisation disque totale au sein d’un projet, mais elle s’appliquait à chacun des pools de stockage. + + + Puisqu’il est courant d’avoir différents pools de stockage, représentant différentes caractéristiques (local vs distant) ou classes (ssd vs hdd) de stockage, il est utile d’avoir un moyen de fournir des limites pour chaque pool. + + + Pour ce faire, une nouvelle clef de configuration pour les projets, `limits.disk.pool.POOLNAME`, est désormais disponible. Définir la limite à `0` pour un pool le désactive complètement et le fait disparaître de la liste des pools de stockage du projet. + + stgraber@dakara:~$ incus project info test-limits + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | RESOURCE | LIMIT | USAGE | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | CONTAINERS | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | CPU | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | DISK | UNLIMITED | 0B | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | INSTANCES | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | MEMORY | UNLIMITED | 0B | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | NETWORKS | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | PROCESSES | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | VIRTUAL-MACHINES | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + stgraber@dakara:~$ incus storage list + +---------+--------+-------------+---------+---------+ + | NAME | DRIVER | DESCRIPTION | USED BY | STATE | + +---------+--------+-------------+---------+---------+ + | default | zfs | | 45 | CREATED | + +---------+--------+-------------+---------+---------+ + | foo | dir | | 0 | CREATED | + +---------+--------+-------------+---------+---------+ + stgraber@dakara:~$ incus project set test-limits limits.disk.pool.default=5GiB limits.disk=10GiB + stgraber@dakara:~$ incus project info test-limits + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | RESOURCE | LIMIT | USAGE | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | CONTAINERS | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | CPU | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | DISK | 10.00GiB | 0B | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | DISK (DEFAULT) | 5.00GiB | 0B | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | INSTANCES | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | MEMORY | UNLIMITED | 0B | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | NETWORKS | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | PROCESSES | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + | VIRTUAL-MACHINES | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+-------+ + stgraber@dakara:~$ incus storage list + +---------+--------+-------------+---------+---------+ + | NAME | DRIVER | DESCRIPTION | USED BY | STATE | + +---------+--------+-------------+---------+---------+ + | default | zfs | | 45 | CREATED | + +---------+--------+-------------+---------+---------+ + stgraber@dakara:~$ incus create images:ubuntu/24.04 c1 --storage default -d root,size=5GiB + Creating c1 + + The instance you are starting doesn't have any network attached to it. + To create a new network, use: incus network create + To attach a network to an instance, use: incus network attach + + stgraber@dakara:~$ incus create images:ubuntu/24.04 c2 --storage default -d root,size=5GiB + Creating c2 + Error: Failed instance creation: Failed checking if instance creation allowed: Reached maximum aggregate value "5GiB" for "limits.disk.pool.default" in project "test-limits" + stgraber@dakara:~$ incus project set test-limits + stgraber@dakara:~$ incus create images:ubuntu/24.04 c2 --storage foo -d root,size=5GiB + Creating c2 + + The instance you are starting doesn't have any network attached to it. + To create a new network, use: incus network create + To attach a network to an instance, use: incus network attach + + stgraber@dakara:~$ incus project info test-limits + +------------------+-----------+----------+ + | RESOURCE | LIMIT | USAGE | + +------------------+-----------+----------+ + | CONTAINERS | UNLIMITED | 2 | + +------------------+-----------+----------+ + | CPU | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+----------+ + | DISK | 10.00GiB | 10.00GiB | + +------------------+-----------+----------+ + | DISK (DEFAULT) | 5.00GiB | 5.00GiB | + +------------------+-----------+----------+ + | DISK (FOO) | 5.00GiB | 5.00GiB | + +------------------+-----------+----------+ + | INSTANCES | UNLIMITED | 2 | + +------------------+-----------+----------+ + | MEMORY | UNLIMITED | 0B | + +------------------+-----------+----------+ + | NETWORKS | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+----------+ + | PROCESSES | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+----------+ + | VIRTUAL-MACHINES | UNLIMITED | 0 | + +------------------+-----------+----------+ + stgraber@dakara:~$ + + + Ici, un projet est configuré avec une limite de disque, qui cache dans un premier temps l’un des pools et définit une utilisation maximale pour l’autre, puis avec une seconde limite qui s’applique au pool précédemment caché. + + + ## Réseaux OVN isolés (sans uplink) + Jusqu’à présent, tous les réseaux OVN disposaient d’un réseau uplink (avec la propriété `network`). + Il s’agit du réseau sur lequel se trouve le port du routeur connecté à l’extérieur, et au travers duquel tout l’ingress/egress vers/depuis le réseau OVN a lieu. + + + Incus choisit une adresse IPv4 (et/ou IPv6) sur ce réseau uplink et l’utilise pour router le trafic en-dehors du réseau virtuel, vers le réseau physique. + + + Désormais, une valeur spéciale `none` pour la propriété `network` indique à Incus de créer un réseau OVN connecté à aucun uplink, et donc complètement isolé. + + root@server01:~# incus network create ovn-isolated network=none --type=ovn + Network ovn-isolated created + root@server01:~# incus launch images:ubuntu/24.04 c1 --network ovn-isolated + Launching c1 + root@server01:~# incus list + +------+---------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+----------+ + | NAME | STATE | IPV4 | IPV6 | TYPE | SNAPSHOTS | LOCATION | + +------+---------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+----------+ + | c1 | RUNNING | (eth0) | fd42:669c:8431:b3cc:216:3eff:fef3:fdb2 (eth0) | CONTAINER | 0 | server01 | + +------+---------+--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+----------+ + root@server01:~# incus exec c1 bash + root@c1:~# ping + PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. + ^C + --- ping statistics --- + 2 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1031ms + + + Nous créons ici un réseau isolé et y connectons un conteneur. + Ce réseau fournit des adresses IPv4 et IPv6 comme précédemment, mais aucun trafic ne peut en sortir. + + + ## LXCFS par instance + Une nouvelle clef de configuration du serveur, `instances.lxcfs.per_instance`, peut désormais être activée pour qu’Incus démarre une instance dédiée de LXCFS pour chaque conteneur. + + + Cela permet de dévier de la configuration par défaut, dans laquelle une seule instance de LXCFS tourne pour l’ensemble du système. + + + L’activation de cette option entraîne une utilisation de ressources légèrement plus importante pour chaque conteneur, mais réduit le risque qu’un conteneur sature l’instance LXCFS partagée, cloisonnant ainsi les plantages de LXCFS à un seul conteneur. + + stgraber@castiana:~$ pgrep -a lxcfs + 1101 /opt/incus/bin/lxcfs /var/lib/incus-lxcfs + stgraber@castiana:~$ incus config set instances.lxcfs.per_instance=true + stgraber@castiana:~$ incus restart demo + stgraber@castiana:~$ pgrep -a lxcfs + 1101 /opt/incus/bin/lxcfs /var/lib/incus-lxcfs + 962122 lxcfs -f -p /run/incus/demo/ --runtime-dir /run/incus/demo/lxcfs /var/lib/incus/devices/demo/lxcfs + + + ## Définition de variables d’environnement dans un fichier + Pour faciliter l’exécution des conteneurs OCI, il est désormais possible de spécifier des variables d’environnement dans un fichier lu à la création du conteneur, et converti en options de configuration d’Incus. + + stgraber@castiana:~$ cat mysql.env + MYSQL_DATABASE=wordpress + MYSQL_USER=wordpress + MYSQL_PASSWORD=wordpress + MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=1 + + stgraber@castiana:~$ incus launch docker:mysql mysql --environment-file mysql.env + Launching mysql + + stgraber@castiana:~$ incus config show mysql + architecture: x86_64 + config: + environment.GOSU_VERSION: "1.17" + environment.HOME: /root + environment.MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress + environment.MYSQL_MAJOR: innovation + environment.MYSQL_PASSWORD: wordpress + environment.MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD: "1" + environment.MYSQL_SHELL_VERSION: 9.0.1-1.el9 + environment.MYSQL_USER: wordpress + environment.MYSQL_VERSION: 9.0.1-1.el9 + environment.PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin + environment.TERM: xterm + image.architecture: x86_64 + image.description: (OCI) + image.type: oci + volatile.base_image: d8df069848906979fd7511db00dc22efeb0a33a990d87c3c6d3fcdafd6fc6123 + f12e3ddb-ac93-4942-b3e1-dcd560893140 + volatile.container.oci: "true" + volatile.eth0.host_name: vethac8631aa + volatile.eth0.hwaddr: 00:16:3e:20:32:87 + volatile.idmap.base: "0" + volatile.idmap.current: '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000}]' + '[{"Isuid":true,"Isgid":false,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000},{"Isuid":false,"Isgid":true,"Hostid":1000000,"Nsid":0,"Maprange":1000000000}]' + volatile.last_state.idmap: '[]' + volatile.last_state.power: RUNNING + volatile.uuid: 5ed7f63b-5b6c-4c89-9dfa-117c2b785370 + volatile.uuid.generation: 5ed7f63b-5b6c-4c89-9dfa-117c2b785370 + devices: {} + ephemeral: false + profiles: + - default + stateful: false + description: "" + + + Dans cet exemple, un conteneur `mysql` est créé à partir d’une image OCI, avec des variables d’environnement spécifiées dans `mysql.env`. + + + # Liste complète des changements + Voici une liste complète de tous les changements apportés par cette version : + + + [details="Liste complète des commits"] + - incus-simplestreams: Fix split images + - [lxd-import] github: stop purging core20 + - [lxd-import] github: purge disabled/superseded snaps + - [lxd-import] github: move snap removal to "Reclaim some space" step + - [lxd-import] github: put docker removal its own step + - [lxd-import] github: mask lxc{,-net}.service in a singe command + - [lxd-import] lxd/instance/drivers/driver/qemu: Don't leak file descriptor when probing for Direct I/O support + - [lxd-import] lxd/network/acl: Change protocol field for ovn logs + - [lxd-import] lxd/instance: Reject limits.kernel config for VMs + - [lxd-import] doc: `limits.kernel` only applies to containers (see #12874) + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage: Fix resize for pools with custom zfs.pool_name + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/driver_zfs_utils: fix typos + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/driver_zfs_utils: make it explicit that blocksize is in bytes + - [lxd-import] lxd/task/group: Make cancel type of context.CancelFunc for clarity + - [lxd-import] doc: Add paragraph on how to delete images + - [lxd-import] test: Add exec exit code test + - [lxd-import] lxd/apparmor: allow confined services to receive required signals + - [lxd-import] lxd/rsync: Consistently compare files on nanosecond basis + - [lxd-import] test/suites/migration: Check for file contents after refresh + - [lxd-import] test/suites/migration: Check local and remote instance refreshes based on nanoseconds + - [lxd-import] doc: add paragraph on how to delete images + - [lxd-import] doc: enable multiprocessing for pyspelling + - [lxd-import] Makefile: have run-parts report which script it runs + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/ceph: Disable filesystem config keys on block volumes + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/lvm: Disable filesystem config keys on block volumes + - [lxd-import] test: Add check to restore custom volumes of type block + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/ceph: Update UnmountVolumeSnapshot docstring + - [lxd-import] lxd: Improve error check for existing certificates + - [lxd-import] shared/api: Updates swagger description for certificate field. + - [lxd-import] shared/api: Fix lint errors (receiver-naming). + - [lxd-import] lxd/db/cluster: Fix lint error (revive: var-naming). + - [lxd-import] lxd-migrate: Ignore lint error (revive: deep-exit). + - [lxd-import] lxc/remote: Fix lint errors (revive: exported). + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/backend: Don't validate custom storage volumes twice + - [lxd-import] lxd-generate: Return helpful error instead of panicking. + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/backend: Use quotes consistently for error messages + - [lxd-import] lxd/project: Don't panic on StorageVolumeParts + - [lxd-import] github: don't abort on remount failures + - [lxd-import] test/main: add log grouping (GHA) + - [lxd-import] test/main: show dmesg on failure + - [lxd-import] lxd/api/internal: Use correct quoting for error in internalImportFromBackup + - [lxd-import] lxd/db/cluster/devices: Use correct string quoting of device type for error in NewDeviceType + - [lxd-import] lxd/instances/post: Improve error in createFromBackup + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/backend/lxd: Update backup.yaml after instance and volume DB records have been generated in CreateInstanceFromBackup + - [lxd-import] test/main: don't wrap tests logs in log groups + - [lxd-import] lxd/device/disk: Remove config.iso file when the cloud-init:config disk device is removed + - [lxd-import] lxd/images: Add project to error in autoSyncImages + - [lxd-import] lxd/project/project: Remove optimisation from StorageVolumeProject + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/volumes: Remove unnecessary 2 line variable definition in doCustomVolumeRefresh + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/volumes: Remove unnecessary 2 line variable definition in doVolumeCreateOrCopy + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/volumes: Validate source project in doCustomVolumeRefresh + - [lxd-import] [lxd-import] lxd/storage/volumes: Validate source project in doVolumeCreateOrCopy + - [lxd-import] lxd/db/cluster: Remove redunant parentheses. + - [lxd-import] lxd/db/cluster: Rename "node" to "cluster member". + - [lxd-import] lxd/migrate/storage/volumes: Use volume name from DB in migrationSourceWs.DoStorage + - [lxd-import] lxd/network/network/utils: Fix incorrect conversion from int64 to int in inRoutingTable + - [lxd-import] lxd/network/network/utils: Remove unnecessary call to fmt.Sprintf by passing base to ParseInt + - [lxd-import] lxd/response: Use SmartError if SyncResponse success=false + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/driver/zfs/volumes: Fix error scoping in CreateVolumeFromCopy + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/driver/zfs/volumes: Define send/receive channels together in CreateVolumeFromCopy + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/driver/zfs/volumes: Kill sender if receiver fails in CreateVolumeFromCopy + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/driver/zfs/volumes: Handle multi-line errors in CreateVolumeFromCopy + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/driver/btrfs/volumes: Fix hang when btrfs receive fails in RefreshVolume + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/driver/btrfs/volumes: Handle multi-line errors in RefreshVolume + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/driver/zfs/volumes: Aligns RefreshVolume with BTRFS driver + - [lxd-import] lxd/response: Fallback to error response after setting headers + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/backend/lxd: Use volume name from VolumeDBGet in BackupCustomVolume + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/btrfs: Clarify fallback in case UUID discovery times out + - incusd/db/cluster: Fix import shadowing + - doc/rest-api: Refresh swagger YAML + - [lxd-import] lxd/db/cluster: Update error messages in unit tests. + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers: Add volume param to roundVolumeBlockSizeBytes + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/zfs: Round to zfs.blocksize or 16KiB + - [lxd-import] test/storage: Add non-power-of-two sized storage check + - [lxd-import] test/storage: Remove zfs rounding test + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers: Refactor volume size rounding logic + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/zfs: Wait for device to appear when activating a volume + - [lxd-import] lxd/storage/drivers/zfs: Check for non /dev/zvol/* paths + - incusd/storage/zfs: Fix import shadowing + - doc/storage_backup: Fix command example + - doc/requirements: Add OCI requirements + - doc/images: Mention OCI images + - incusd/instance/edk2: Support OVMF filenames on arm64 + - incusd/instance/drivers/qemu: Limit CPU flag calculation to x86_64 + - incus/s3: Fix mcli minio client executable name check + - incusd/instance/qemu: Fix architecture check being backward + - incusd/instance: Fix initial configuration handling for OCI + - client/oci: Add errors for missing skopeo + - client/oci: Add errors for missing umoci + - Change RunDir file mode to 0711 + - incusd/instance/lxc: Handle OCI containers using real PID1 + - incusd/apparmor/qemu: Relax apparmor rules a bit + - incus-simplestreams: Handle removal of combined images + - incusd/instance/lxc: Add basic Mounts handling for OCI + - incusd/apparmor/qemu: Fix typo in rule + - incusd/apparmor/dnsmasq: Relax rules a bit + - incusd/db/node: Fix version check in GetAPI + - incusd/db: Allow cluster startup with differing API extensions + - incusd: Extend heartbeat data for minimum API extension count + - incusd/storage: Use writeback mode for qemu-img convert + - incusd/storage: Improve unpacking message + - incusd/operations: Handle percentage only updates + - incusd/storage: Pass through tracker to qemu-img + - incusd/db/cluster: Update tests for relaxed API extensions checks + - incusd/apparmor: Implement progress tracker for qemu-img + - incusd/cgroup: Handle unknown devices in io.stat + - incusd/instance_post: Always set the target project + - incusd/storage/drivers: Consistently set VolumeMultiNode + - incusd/storage/lvm: Require an exclusive lock during snapshot + - incusd/storage/lvm: Properly handle activation during resize + - incusd/storage: Properly detect filesystem on remote block + - incusd/cluster: Always attempt to forward custom volume requests + - client: Always set GetBody + - client: Report OIDC refresh failure + - incus/remote: Forward OIDC auth failures + - Make run-parts running compatible with different versions + - client: Retry when told to by the proxy + - Use qemu-img convert output to update progress + - incusd/cluster: Add flagFormat + - internal/cmd: Add support for format options + - incusd/isntance/edk2: Move seabios to /usr/share/qemu + - incusd/isntance/edk2: Add ArchLinux x86_64 paths + - tests: Use future values in property test + - incusd/db/cluster: Cleanup indentation + - incusd/db/cluster: Update schema + - incusd/db/generate: Add exception for cluster tables + - api: clustering_groups_config + - incusd/db/cluster: Add cluster_groups_config + - incusd/db/cluster: Update schema + - shared/api: Add Config to ClusterGroupPut + - doc/rest-api: Refresh swagger YAML + - incusd/db/cluster: Update functions for new cluster group config table + - incusd/cluster: Add cluster group config logic + - doc: Update configs + - incus/completion: Add cmpClusterGroupConfigs + - incus/cluster/group: Add get/set/unset + - i18n: Update translation templates + - doc: Add cluster group config + - tests: Add cluster group config test + - incusd/resources: Add sortedMapKeys + - incusd/resources/cpu: Sort sockets, cores and threads + - incusd/auth: Fill missing local volume location + - incusd/cluster: Correctly record on move + - incusd/migration: Show source errors first + - incusd/instance/qemu: Clarify live migration error + - incusd/cluster: Attempt to ping the server prior to healing + - incusd/instance/qemu: Fix bad timeout errors + - api: instances_lxcfs_per_instance + - incusd/instance/qemu: Send two ACPI events on shutdown + - incusd/instance: Add progress tracking to export + - incusd/server/config: Add instances.lxcfs.per_instance + - incusd/instance/lxc: Add support for per-instance LXCFS + - doc: Update configs + - client: Remove GetBody when can't seek back + - client: Add Seek call to GetBody + - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) + - incusd: Simplify image replication + - incusd/images: Only remove from authorizer once + - incusd/images: Correctly record new aliases + - incusd/images: Correctly remove aliases + - incusd/images: Set authorizer entries at the correct time + - incusd/images: Don't alter image info on cluster copy + - incusd/storage_pools: Set authorizer for pending pools + - incusd/networks: Set authorizer for pending networks + - incusd/network: Handle long interface names + - incus/cluster: Cleanup certificate update message + - i18n: Update translation templates + - incus/top: Properly filter disk usage + - incusd/state: Add Cluster gateway + - incusd/daemon: Sort state fields + - incusd/daemon: Add cluster gateway to state + - incusd/acme: Update for state change + - incusd/images: Update for state change + - incusd/operations: Update for state change + - incusd/instances: Update for state change + - incusd/patches: Update for state change + - incusd/cluster: Update for state change + - incusd/instances: Use targetGroupPrefix + - incusd/cluster: Split files + - incusd/cluster: Fix import shadowing + - incusd/cluster: Re-factor healing logic + - incusd/cluster: Improve logging + - incusd/cluster: Reduce dqlite logging + - incusd/cluster: Extend HasConnectivity to do API checking + - incusd/cluster: Add HasConnectivity check to event handling + - incusd: Don't block on startup for cluster queries + - incusd/cluster: Rework offline server detection + - incusd/cluster/evacuation: Add separate healing mode + - incusd/cluster/healing: Try up to 5 times + - incusd/cluster/healing: Add logging + - incusd/device/disk: Fix bad CanMigrate logic + - incusd/storage/lvm: Properly activate/deactivate ISOs + - incusd/images: Expose image type as header + - client: Skip image hash if OCI + - incusd/instance/lxc: Add /init to OCI init paths + - incusd/device: Don't fail on LXCFS device entry + - client: Report source errors too on copy + - incusd/storage: Have roundVolumeBlockSizeBytes return an error + - incusd/instance_post: Fix cross-server live-migration + - incus/image: Correct image copy logic + - incusd/storage/lvm: Hardden common functions + - incusd/api: Don't panic on missing config + - incusd/storage: Add Deactivate flag + - incusd/storage/lvm: Add deactivation step for clusters + - incusd/cluster: Return clear status for servers currently starting up + - incusd/instance/lxc: Reduce logging level + - incusd/instance/qemu: Reduce logging level + - incusd/migrate: Reduce logging + - incusd/storage: Reduce logging + - incusd/instance/qemu: Remove double lifecycle event + - tests/clustering: Use correct target project argument + - incusd/isntance/edk2: Fix CSM handling + - incusd/storage/zfs: Always call tryGetVolumeDiskPathFromDataset + - incusd/network/ovn: Require functional uplink + - doc: add colima instructions + - doc: Update + - incus/network/load_balancer: Fix example + - i18n: Update translation templates + - incusd/network/ovn: Fix crash on uninitialized external IDs + - doc/instances: Add VM agent install instructions + - shared/api: Add Config to ServerUntrusted + - doc/rest-api: Refresh swagger YAML + - incusd/api_1.0: Expose user.ui config keys to all clients + - doc/server: Mention user.ui config keys + - incusd/auth/oidc: Better handle logout + - incusd/networks: Emit lifecycle event and authz entries for OVN networks + - incusd/network/ovn: Fix indent + - doc/storage_volume: Fix snapshot command + - shared/api: Add EventLifecycleInstanceMigrated + - shared/api: Sort lifecycle events + - incusd/lifecycle: Add InstanceMigrated + - incusd/lifecycle: Sort lifecycle events + - incusd/isntance/operationlock: Add ActionMigrate + - incusd/instance/common: Add support for migration operation + - incusd/instance/qemu: Add support for migration operation and lifecycle + - incusd/instance/lxc: Add support for migration operation and lifecycle + - shared/api: Add lifecycle events for cluster evacuation and healing + - incusd/lifecycle: Add lifecycle events for cluster evacuation and healing + - incusd/cluster: Add lifecycle events for evacuation + - incusd/request: Strip port from event address + - incusd/instance: Properly link instance and operation + - incusd/operations: Add CopyRequestor for nested operations + - incusd/instance: Track operation during exec/console + - doc/clustering: Better document healing + - incusd/instance: Track operation during creation + - incusd/instance: Track operation during deletion + - incusd/instance: Keep track of API operations + - incusd/instance: Set operations on snapshot + - incus-migrate: Properly handle projects + - incusd/apparmor: Allow mounting zfs when delegation is supported + - doc/clustering: Add howto on cluster access + - cmd/incusd: Set keep-alive timeout + - incusd/auth/oidc: Handle cases where we can't set cookies + - incusd/instance/qemu: Deref ceph config path + - incusd/apparmor/qemu: Guess ceph config paths + - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) + - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) + - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) + - incusd/instance/lxc: Respect LXCFS_OPTS + - api: clustering_groups_vm_cpu_definition + - incusd/cluster_groups: Add CPU definition keys + - doc: Update configs + - incusd/instance/qemu: Use cluster group config + - incusd/instance/drivers: Extract GetClusterCPUFlags + - incusd/cluster/group: Support for auto CPU flags + - incusd: Switch OVN to a getter function + - incusd/network: Port to new OVN state function + - incus: Add support for environment file (.env) + - i18n: Update translation templates + - incusd/storage/lvm: Re-try activation/deactivation + - incusd/storage/lvm: Don't activate volumes during cold migration + - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) + - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) + - shared/cliconfig: Add CacheDir + - incus: Configure a cache directory + - api: disk_volume_subpath + - incusd/device/disk: Allow relative paths within custom volumes + - doc/devices_disk: Mention sub-paths + - tests: Test volume subpaths + - api: projects_limits_disk_pool + - incusd/projects: Add new limits.disk.pool config key + - doc: Update configs + - incus/project: Handle pool disk limits + - incusd/project: Add per-pool disk limits + - incusd/project: Add HiddenStoragePools + - incusd/storage: Hide pools with a zero limit + - tests: Add test for per pool limits + - incus/image/alias: Add support for column selection + - i18n: Update translation templates + - incusd/main_forknet: Make it so our DHCP client never fails + - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) + - api: network_ovn_isolated + - incusd/network/ovn: Harden deletion logic + - doc/network/ovn: Cover isolated networks + - incusd/networks: Reserve "none" for uplinks + - incusd/network/ovn: Allow creating isolated OVN networks (no uplink) + - incusd/device/nic_ovn: Handle networks without uplinks + - gomod: Update dependencies + - Release Incus 6.4 + [/details] + + + # Documentation + La documentation d’Incus peut être consultée sur : + + + + # Paquets + Incus ne fournit pas de paquet d’installation mais bien un tarball à chaque version. Vous trouverez ci-dessous différentes solutions pour mettre Incus en service. + + + ## Installation du serveur Incus sous Linux + Incus est disponible sur la plupart des distributions Linux courantes. Vous trouverez des instructions d’installation détaillées dans notre documentation. + + + + + ## Paquet Homebrew du client Incus + Le client Incus est disponible sur Homebrew pour Linux et macOS. + + + + + ## Paquet Chocolatey du client Incus + Le client Incus est disponible sur Chocolatey pour les utilisateurs de Windows. + + + + + ## Paquet Winget du client Incus + Le client Incus est aussi disponible sur Winget pour les utilisateurs de Windows. + + + + + # Support + Les versions de fonctionnalité d’Incus ne sont supportées que jusqu’à la sortie de la suivante. Les personnes souhaitant un support plus long et des changements moins fréquents devraient plutôt envisager d’utiliser Incus 6.0 LTS. + + + Le support communautaire est disponible sur : + Un support commercial est disponible sur : + Les bugs peuvent être signalés sur :