The EKF SLAM Algorithm solve the online SLAM problem. In contrast to the EKF, GraphSLAM solves the full SLAM problem. The posterior of the full SLAM problem naturally forms a sparse graph. This graph leads to a sum of nonlinear quadratic constrains. Optimizing these constraints yields a maximum likelihood map and a corresponding set of robot pose
Figure 11.1 illustrates the GraphSLAM algorithm. It contains five pose labeled
- pose node
- map feature node
Arcs in this graph come in two types:
- motion arcs: It links any two consecutive robots poses
- measurement arcs: It links poses to features that were measured there
Each edge in the graph corresponds to a nonlinear constraint
- Motion constraints integrate the motion model
- Measurement constrains integrate the measurement model
- The target function of GraphSLAM is the sum of these constraints
The sum of all constraints results in a nonlinear least squares problem. Minimizing it yields the most likely map and the most likely robot path.
The representation of information
EKF SLAM represents information through a covariance matrix and a mean vector. GraphSLAM represents the information as a graph of soft constraints. Updating the covariance in an EKF is computationally expensive whereas growing the graph is cheap.
EKF is a incremental SLAM algorithm and GraphSLAM is more like a lazy SLAM technique
EKF resolves any new piece of information immediately into an improved estimate of the state of the world. It maintains a posterior over the momentary pose of the robot. GraphSLAM, in contrast, simply accumulates the information into its graph without resolving it.
Suppose we are given
- a set of measurements
$z_{1:t}$ with associated correspondence variables$c_{1:t}$ - a set of controls
The node in the graph are
- the robot poses
$x_{1:t}$ - the features in the map
Each edge in the graph correspond to an event
- a motion event generates an edge between two poses
- a measurement event creates a link between a pose and a feature in the map
The constraints are generally nonlinear, but in the process of resolving them they are linearized and transformed into an information matrix.
For a linear system, these constraints are equivalent to entries in an information matrix and an information vector of a large system of equations.(这些约束与信息矩阵和信息向量里的条目等价). The meaning of the information matrix and information vector is same as that in information filter
\Omega = \Sigma^{-1},\quad \xi=\Sigma^{-1}\mu
\Sigma=Cov(y_{1:t},y_{1:t}),\quad y_t=[x_1,\ldots,x_{t},m_1,\ldots,m_n]^T
At some pose
The constraint is of the type $$ (z_t^i-h(x_t,m_j))^TQ_t^{-1}(z_t^i-h(x_t,m_j)) $$ We will prove it in the mathematical derivation section.
The control
While moving from
The sum of all constraints in the graph will be of the form
In the associated information matrix
- Between any two consecutive poses
$x_{t-1}$ and$x_t$ will sbe a non-zero value that represents the information link introduced by the control$u_t$ . - Also non-zero will be any element between a map feature
$m_j$ and a pose$x_t$ , if$m_j$ was observed when the robot was a$x_t$ .
All elements between pairs of different features remain zero. This reflects the fact that we never received information pertaining to their relative location -- all we receive in SLAM are measurements that constrain the location of a feature relative to a robot pose.
In GraphSLAM, the map and the path are obtained from the linearize information matrix via
$\mu=\Omega^{-1}\xi$ .Recalling Kalman Filter, we use
$\mu$ as the estimation of the state$x_t$ . In GraphSLAM, the state vector is extended to$y_{1:t}=[x_1,\ldots,x_t,m_1,\ldots,m_n]^T$ . We use$\mu$ as the estimation of$y_{1:t}$ . So we can obtain map and path from$\mu$ -
If the feature is seen only locally in time, the graph represented by the constraints is linear. Thus,
$\Omega$ can be reordered so that it becomes a band-diagonal matrix, and all non-zero values occur near its diagonal. The equation$\mu=\Omega^{-1}\xi$ can then be computed in linear time. -
Most worlds possess cycles. There will exist features
$m_j$ that are seen at drastically different time step$x_{t_1}$ and$x_{t_2}$ , with$t_2\gg t_1$ . In our constraint graph, this introduces a cyclic dependence:$x_{t_1}$ and$x_{t_2}$ are linked through the sequence of controls$u_{t_1+1},u_{t_1+2},\ldots,u_{t_2}$ and through the joint observation links between$x_{t_1}$ and$m_j$ , and$x_{t_2}$ and$m_j$ , respectively.
The GraphSLAM algorithm now employs an important factorization trick, which we can think of as propagating information through the information matrix (in fact, it is a generalization of the well-known variable elimination algorithm for matrix inversion).
Suppose we would like to remove a feature
By removing each feature
- Set all links between
$m_j$ and the poses$\tau(j)$ to zero by introducing a new link between any two poses$x_t,x_{t'}\in \tau(j)$ . Similarly, the information vector values for all poses$\tau(j)$ are also updated. - By removing each feature
$m_j$ from$\Omega$ and$\xi$ , we ultimately arrive at a much smaller information from$\tilde{\Omega}$ and$\tilde{\xi}$ defined only over the robot path variables. The posterior over the robot path is new recovered as$\tilde{\Sigma}=\tilde{\Omega}^{-1}$ and$\tilde{\mu}=\tilde{\Sigma}\xi$ . Unfortunately, our reduction step does not eliminate cycles in the posterior. - At a last step, GraphSLAM recovers the feature locations. Conceptually, this is achieved by building a new information matrix
$\Omega_j$ and information vector$\xi_j$ for each$m_j$ . Both are defined over the variable$m_j$ and the poses$\tau(j)$ at which$m_j$ were observed. It contains the original links between$m_j$ and$\tau(j)$ , but the poses$\tau(j)$ are set to the values in$\tilde{\mu}$ , without uncertainty.
The main difficulty in implementing the simple additive information algorithm pertains to the conversion of a conditional probability of the form
It contains several steps
- GraphSLAM initialize
- GraphSLAM linearize
- GraphSLAM reduce
- GraphSLAM solve
To build out initial information matrix
There exist a number of solutions to the problem of finding an initial mean
This algorithm takes the controls
Refer to the mathematical derivation section
The derivation of the GraphSLAM algorithm is divided into the following steps
- A derivation of a recursive formula for calculating the full SLAM posterior, represented in information form.
- Then we investigate each term in this posterior, and derive from them the additive SLAM updates through Taylor expansions.
- We will derive the necessary equations for recovering recovering the path and the map.
We firstly introduce a variable for the augmented state of the full SLAM problem.
We will use
The full posterior $$ p(y_{0:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t}) $$ could be factored by Bayes rule $$ p(y_{0:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})=\eta p(z_t|y_{0:t},z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})p(y_{0:t}|z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t}) $$ derivation $$ \begin{split} p(y_{0:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})&=\frac{p(y_{0:t},z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})}{p(z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})}\ &= \frac{p(z_t|y_{0:t},z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})p(y_{0:t},z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})}{p(z_t)p(z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})}\ &= \frac{p(z_t|y_{0:t},z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})}{p(z_t)}\cdot\frac{p(y_{0:t},z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})}{p(z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})}\ &= \eta p(z_t|y_{0:t},z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t}) p(y_{0:t}|z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t}) \end{split} $$ we can simplify the equation
The firstly probability on the right-hand side can be reduced by dropping irrelevant conditioning variables, since the measurement
$z_t$ is only correspond to current state$y_t$ and its correspondence $$ p(z_t|y_{0:t},z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})=p(z_t|y_t,c_t) $$ -
Similarly, we can factor the second probability by partitioning
$y_{0:t}$ into$x_t$ and$y_{0:t-1}$ , and obtain $$ \begin{split} p(y_{0:t}|z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})&=p(x_t|y_{0:t-1},z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})p(y_{0:t-1}|z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})\ &= p(x_t|x_{t-1},u_t)p(y_{0:t-1}|z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t-1},c_{1:t-1}) \end{split} $$ since state$x_t$ is only correspond to last state$x_{t-1}$ and motion$u_t$
Putting these expression back gives us the recursive definition of the full SLAM posterior
p(y_{0:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})=\eta p(z_t|y_t,c_t)p(x_t|x_{t-1},u_t)p(y_{0:t-1}|z_{1:t-1},u_{1:t-1},c_{1:t-1})
The item
The log-SLAM posterior follows directly from the previous equation
\log p(y_{0:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})=\mathrm{const.}+\log p(x_0)+\sum_t\bigg[\log p(x_t|x_{t-1},u_t)+\sum_ip(z_t^i|y_t,c_t^i)\bigg]
Just as in Chapter 10, we assume the outcome of robot motion is distributed normally according to
z_t^i = h(y_t,c_t^i)+\delta_t \space \sim \space \mathcal{N}(h(y_t,c_t^i),Q_t)
In equations, we have
p(x_t|x_{t-1},u_t) &= \eta \exp\big{-\frac{1}{2}(x_t-g(u_t,x_{t-1}))^TR_t^{-1}(x_t-g(u_t,x_{t-1}))\big}\
p(z_t^i|y_t,c_t^i) &= \eta \exp\big{-\frac{1}{2}(z_t^i-h(y_t,c_t^i))^TQ_t^{-1}(z^i_t-h(t_t,c_{t}^i))\big}\
The prior
The negative log-SLAM posterior can be written as
-\log p(y_{0:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})=\mathrm{const.}+\frac{1}{2}\bigg[x_0^T\Omega_0x_0+\sum_t(x_t-g(u_t,x_{t-1}))^TR_t^{-1}(x_t-g(u_t,x_{t-1}))\
+\sum_t\sum_i (z_t^i-h(y_t,c_t^i))^TQ_t^{-1}(z^i_t-h(t_t,c_{t}^i))\bigg]
This is essentially the same as
Since the state vector
By linearization, we can obtain $$ \begin{split} \log &p(y_{0:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})=\mathrm{const.}-\frac{1}{2}\ &\bigg{ x_0^T\Omega_0x_0+\sum_t(x_t-g(u_t,\mu_{t-1})-G_t(x_{t-1}-\mu_{t-1}))^TR_t^{-1}(x_t-g(u_t,\mu_{t-1})-G_t(x_{t-1}-\mu_{t-1}))\ &+\sum_t\sum_i (z_t^i-h(\mu_t,c_t^i)-H_t^i(y_t-\mu_t))^TQ_t^{-1}(z^i_t-h(\mu_t,c_t^i)-H_t^i(y_t-\mu_t)) \bigg} \end{split} $$
This linearization part of book is a piece of shit. You can refer to for detailed derivation.
$$ \begin{split} \Omega_{0:t} \quad &\longleftarrow \quad [\Omega_{0:t-1}]^{\mathrm{expand}} +\underbrace{\Big(\begin{bmatrix}-G_t^T\I\end{bmatrix}R_t^{-1}[-G_t\quad I]\Big)^{\mathrm{expand}}}{\mathrm{add\space control\space constraint}} +\underbrace{[H_t^{iT}Q_t^{-1}H_t^i]^{\mathrm{expand}}}{\mathrm{add\space measurement\space constraint}}\
\xi_{0:t} \quad &\longleftarrow \quad [\xi_{0:t-1}]^{\mathrm{expand}} +\underbrace{\Big(\begin{bmatrix}-G_t^T\I\end{bmatrix}R_t^{-1}[-G_t\quad I]\Big)^{\mathrm{expand}}}{\mathrm{add\space control\space constraint}} +\underbrace{[H_t^{iT}Q_t^{-1}(z_t^i-h(\mu_t,c_t^i)+H_t^i\mu_t)]^{\mathrm{expand}}}{\mathrm{add\space measurement\space constraint}} \end{split} $$
The reduction step GraphSLAM_reduce is based on a factorization of the full SLAM posterior $$ p(y_{0:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})=p(m|x_{0:t},z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})p(x_{0:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})\ \rightarrow p(x_{0:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})=\int p(y_{0:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})dm $$ since $$ p(x_{0:t}|z_{1:t},u_{1:t},c_{1:t})\sim\mathcal{N}(\tilde{\xi},\tilde{\Omega}) $$ According to the following two form
We firstly subdivide the matrix
\xi &= \begin{bmatrix} \xi_{x_{0:t}}\ \xi_{m} \end{bmatrix} \end{split} $$ According to the marginalization lemma, the probability is obtained as $$ \begin{split} \tilde{\Omega} &= \Omega_{x_{0:t},x_{0:t}}-\Omega_{x_{0:t},m}\Omega_{m,m}^{-1}\Omega_{m,x_{0:t}}\ \tilde{\xi}&= \xi_{x_{0:t}}-\Omega_{x_{0:t},m}\Omega_{m.m}^{-1}\xi_{m} \end{split} $$
we will recover the map from
According to the conditioning lemma
\Omega_m = \Omega_{m,m}\
\xi_m = \xi_{m}-\Omega_{m,x_{0:t}}\tilde{\mu}{x{0:t}}
\Sigma_m = \Omega_{m,m}^{-1}\
\mu_m = \Sigma_m(\xi_{m}-\Omega_{m,x_{0:t}}\tilde{\mu}{x{0:t}})
It is important to notice that this is a Gaussian