Linked lists and arrays are similar since they both store collections of data. The terminology is that arrays and linked lists store "elements" on behalf of "client" code.
An array allocates memory for all its elements lumped together as one block of memory. In contrast, a linked list allocates space for each element separately in its own block of memory called a linked list element or node. The list gets is overall structure by using pointers to connect all its nodes together like the links in a chain.
A more sophisticated kind of linked list is a doubly-linked list or two-way linked list. Each node has two links: one points to the previous node, or points to a null value or empty list if it is the first node, and one points to the next, or points to a null value or empty list if it is the final node.
For a more detailed description see Wikipedia: Linked List or the Stanford CS education library.
The following features are available in the linked list service program (in no particular order):
- Creating a linked list
- Adding to the linked list (beginning, end, by index)
- Adding all entries of another list
- Replaceing entries of the list
- Removing entries from the list (beginning, end, by index)
- Creating a sublist
- Rotating the list
- Clear the list
- Check size of the list
- Check fill status of list (empty or not empty)
- Get entry of the list (beginning, end, by index)
- Check if the list contains an item
- Iterate through the list (forward and backward)
- Get index of an entry
- Get last index of an entry
- Copy all entries to a character array
- Swap entries in the list
- Execute a procedure on all entries of the list
- Reverse list
- Create a list from a character string
- Create a copy of a list
- Count the frequency of an entry in the list
- Data type specific procedures for storing and getting values
- Sort list
- Merge two lists
The implemented list is a doubly-linked list. Entries are stored in dynamically allocated memory (allocated via %alloc). Because of that it is necessary to use the dispose procedure after using the list for freeing up the allocated memory. If the memory is not freed with the dispose procedure it will be released with the ending of the activation group or job.
The code is written in RPG IV free format. It uses some C-functions for working with memory and strings and intensely uses pointers.
// creating a list
listPtr = list_create();
// check if the list is empty (it should be)
if (list_isEmpty(listPtr));
dsply 'List is empty';
dsply 'List is not empty';
// create a new list which is populated with
// a subset of data from the original list
sublistPtr = list_sublist(listPtr : 2);
// iterate through the entries of the list
valuePtr = list_iterate(sublistPtr);
dow (valuePtr <> *null);
value = %str(valuePtr);
dsply value;
valuePtr = list_iterate(sublistPtr);
// freeing the allocated memory
The linked list utilities service program shows how the linked list can be used to make returning a list of simple data easier than using a userspace.
An example of how to use the service program can be found in the examples folder of the project.
This software has no further dependencies. It comes with all necessary files.
For standard installation the setup script can be executed as is. For automatically
copying the copybook to a directory in the IFS export OSSILE_INCDIR
like this
export OSSILE_INCDIR=/usr/local/include/ossile
before executing the setup script. The directory which is stated in the export should exist before executing the script.
The examples folder contains some examples of how to use the service program procedures.
API documentation of the Linked List service program can be found at ILEDocs on The documentation is generated from the source code.
API documentation of the Linked List Utilities service program can be found at ILEDocs on The documentation is generated from the source code.