debugger community team members help shepherd the community. They are here to help mentor newcomers, review pull requests, and facilitate issue discussions.
They are genuinely friendly human beings, and together serve as a fantastic resource for anyone wishing to contribute to the Firefox Debugger.
- Responding to newcomer questions in Slack and on GitHub.
- Helping select tasks for newcomers or other community members who are unsure of where to start.
- Reviewing pull requests, with a goal of three (3) reviews per PR.
- Where possible, helping bring a PR to a final acceptable state, based on engineering review.
- Providing useful feedback in issues.
- Leading by example, through adherence to Mozilla's Community Participation Guidelines ("CPG").
- Looking for and reporting any violations of the Community Participation Guidelines.
- Ensuring opportunities for all levels of contribution, confidence, and background.
Active Community Members are visibly active in our Slack and/or GitHub channels. We identify active members as being those whom contributors and staff can most count on for a response within 2-3 days.
(Ordered alphabetically, by first name) | |
Anshul is an applications developer @Oracle, living in India. Ask Anshul about:
Hubert is a software developer @ComparetheMarket (formerly @Oath), living in the UK. Ask Hubert about:
Martin is a software developer @ComparetheMarket (formerly @Oath), living in the UK. | |
Princiya is a software developer living in Germany. Ask Princiya about:
Tyler is a software developer @jobber, living in Canada. Ask Tyler about:
From time to time, and for many reasons that life gives us, one of our community team members may need to reduce or pause their involvement for a while. We might still see them in Slack, or commenting on bugs, but we have no expectations of regular availability.
(Ordered alphabetically, by first name) | |
Wellington is a software developer living in the US. Ask Wellington about:
Emeritus status honors those who have dedicated time and talent to the debugger project, but have needed to step back for any of a variety of reasons. While they may not be actively contributing here any longer, we want to make sure they remain a visible part of the Firefox Debugger's history and success.
- If you think we've missed anyone that should be included here, please contact someone on the staff team.
(Ordered alphabetically, by first name) | |
Lukas led expertise in areas of:
Irfan led expertise in areas of:
Jaideep led expertise in areas of:
We welcome active contributors to join the debugger team. Specifically, we are looking for contributors with:
- Passion for the Firefox Debugger project
- Interest in helping other contributors, and fostering community growth
- Two months of active contribution to the repository.
To apply, simply contact one of our staff or community team members via Slack or email, and we'll get right back to you.
We embrace diversity, and invite people from any and all backgrounds to get involved in the debugger project. We don't discriminate based on family status, gender, gender-identity, marital status, sexual orientation, sex, age, ability, race and/or ethnicity, national origin, socioeconomic status, religion, geographic location, or any other dimension of diversity.
Once per year, we'll check in with our team members (both active and on break) to ensure they are feeling supported, and to check if they will remain active on our team for the coming months. If we do not hear back from members at check-in time, they will be transitioned to an alumni role.
As of this writing, the next review period will be during the month of July 2019.