This is an example that displays the entered text using BIOS interrupts. This is only possible in 16-bit real mode. Other methods are required in 32-bit protected mode, such as receiving input via PS/2 or USB.
$bootloader = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
// Use x86_64 architecture
// Initialize bootloader
// Set code name
// Set 16 bit real mode
// Set bootloader origin
// Setup segments (initialize registers for assembly)
// Enable Text Mode
// Print inputted text
// Add bootloader signature
// Bundle each codes into an OS image
$bundler = new \PHPOS\OS\Bundler\Bundler(
new \PHPOS\OS\ConfigureOption(
__DIR__ . '/dist',
// Distribute Makefile and assembly into `dist` directory by the ConfigureOption