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LS Build & Deploy Instructions

How to run the LS on your system.


This section explains how to set up the Lobby Service on your system, using Maven and Docker.

Preliminary steps

Clone this repository with either https, ssh or the direct download as zip.

  • First option: git clone
  • Or click on the download button, then extract the zip file.

Install the following software on your machine:


The LS requires preconfigured database before it can be powered up. This is required for lookup / persistence of user data.


The recommended setup is a dockerized mySQL db setup. Scripts for a native mySQL DB or native Derby DB are provided as fallbacks, but require careful selection of the appropriate LS build profile.

Dockerized DB setup:

  • Create a docker container from the provided Dockerfile.
 docker build -t "ls-db:Dockerfile" . -f Dockerfile-ls-db
 docker run --platform linux/x86_64 --name=ls-db -p 3453:3306 -d ls-db:Dockerfile 

Note: Creation and deployment by Dockerfile is only required the first time!
Use docker start ls-db from here on.

Linux Compatibility: Docker MySQL container on Fedora is suspect to saturate RAM. To set boundary, use --ulimit flag: docker run --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 --platform linux/x86_64 --name=ls-db -p 3453:3306 -d ls-db:Dockerfile

Lobby Service

Select one of the provided build profiles, depending on your deployment context:

Profile Maven Command Context
dev mvn clean package spring-boot:run Default profile for development environments. Starts the LS as a native java application, TLS disabled. Accesses the DB as a dockerized mySQL instance.
derby mvn clean package spring-boot:run -Pderby Same as dev except the default mySQL DB connection configuration is replaced by a DERBY configuration. Fallback for developers whose system does not support docker / are having troubles with a manual mySQL installation.
prod Use BGP docker configuration Convenient deployment on production servers. LS is compiled and hosted in a docker container. No JDK required on host. DB connection also uses container identifier. Is used by BGP's docker-compose configuration.
war mvn clean package -Pwar Advanced build option that compiles the LS sources into a war file, for native deployment on an existing application container. DB access is replaced by a native mySQL access. This profile has the best resources/performance ratio and is compatible to container provided TLS (https).

Verify setup

  • Verify DB access (mySQL, docker):
mysql -h -P 3453 --protocol=tcp -u ls -pphaibooth3sha6Hi
 > USE ls;
 > SELECT * FROM player;

(Make sure default users are listed)

Note: Above command verifies if the DB is reachable from your host system. Therefore you want to run the command on your regular command-line, not on a container-internal shell.

  • Verify the LS is running and reflects DB state: