Discord intro documentation: here
Discord is a good tool to learn in today's coding world: most workplaces will have some asynchronous chat/collaborative platform, and Discord is used for all sorts of jobs and organizing online communities ... maybe you've already used it with your friends, for gaming, or in other communities. In our class, we will use the Discord platform for questions, discussions, sharing resources, etc:
- you will receive an invite link via your CCNY e-mail, I will send this out before Tues., Aug. 29th
- you may create a new Discord account with your CCNY e-mail, or you may use an account you already have
- you can name yourself anything that you want, but please make sure that your profile "About Me" includes your first name and last initial, so that we know who each other are - you can customize your User or Server profile settings to adjust this
- post a "hello world" message in the #general channel
- you can customize the appearance so it's easiest for you to read
- you can use Markdown, a markup language, in your messages, especially helpful for sharing and asking questions about code: style guide here
fun fact - the backend for Discord is partially written in C++!