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587ecf7 · Apr 16, 2019


50 lines (42 loc) · 2.4 KB

File metadata and controls

50 lines (42 loc) · 2.4 KB


Mongoose os template with the following features:

  • CMake with:
    • local quick compilation (run mos build first - to generate files, for examples configs)
      • ESP8266 and ESP32 - xtensa
      • Windows - VS C++
    • full mos build
  • ESP32 on-chip debugging (GDB) with OpenOCD and JTAG
    1. build and flash MCU.

    2. Connect JTAG to MCU. I use ESP32 devkit\Wemos ESP32 Pro + FTDI FT2232H. Pinout (

      ESP32 JTAG
      GPIO 12 (TDI) ADBUS1
      GPIO 13 (TCK) ADBUS0
      GPIO 14 (TMS) ADBUS3
      GPIO 15 (TDO) ADBUS2
      GND GND


      Optinally you can use the reset pin.

      TIP: If you use FT2232 (or FT4232H - 4 channels) you can use the second channel for TX\RX

      ESP32 JTAG
      RX BDBUS0
      TX BDBUS1
    3. run debug_start_openocd.bat. I usually do it by hand. You can reconfigure appropriate OpenOCD configuration inside the file. screen

    4. update .gdbinit and\or .gdbinit-command-line accordingly

    5. start debugger:

      • command line:
        1. start xtensa-esp32-elf-gdb.exe -x tools/.gdbinit-command-line build/objs/mongoose-os-template.elf (debug_start_gdb.bat) screen
      • CLion:
        1. Create GDB remote debug configuration. You can use OpenOCD Download & Run however you cannot configure it with additional params (as for now) - for example you have to merge config files into one (interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg, board/esp-wroom-32.cfg). screen
        2. Create custom tool (debug_copy_gdbinit.cmd) and run it before lunch - CLion does not allow to use local .gdbinit as for now so we copy it to %HOME%/.gdbinit before each run.
        3. Select config and press Debug (Alt + F5). screen
  • Google test under windows build
  • CLion tested
  • other build, flash scripts
    • Look into tools folder

Some features are still in development