diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index 6bd3e2d..515eda4 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ install: script: - cd ../TopicNet/topicnet - - py.test . --timeout=20 --cov + - py.test . --timeout=40 --cov after_success: - codecov diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index efcabe1..d985d92 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,17 +1,18 @@ # TopicNet -![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/TopicNet) +[![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/topicnet?color=blue)](https://pypi.org/project/topicnet/) +[![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/TopicNet)](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-360/) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet) -![GitHub pull requests](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-pr-raw/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet) -![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet) -![PyPI - License](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/TopicNet?color=Black) +[![GitHub pull requests](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-pr-raw/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet)](https://github.com/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet/pulls) +[![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet)](https://github.com/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet/issues) +[![PyPI - License](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/TopicNet?color=Black)](https://github.com/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) [Русская версия](README-rus.md) --- ### What is TopicNet? -TopicNet is a high-level interface running on top of [BigARTM](https://github.com/bigartm/bigartm) developed in [Machine Intelligence Laboratory](https://mipt.ai/en). +TopicNet is a high-level interface developed by [Machine Intelligence Laboratory](https://mipt.ai/en) for [BigARTM](https://github.com/bigartm/bigartm) library. ```TopicNet``` library was created to assist in the task of building topic models. It aims at automating model training routine freeing more time for artistic process of constructing a target functional for the task at hand. @@ -24,8 +25,8 @@ Consider using TopicNet if: ```TopicNet``` provides an infrastructure for your prototyping (```Experiment``` class) and helps to observe results of your actions via ```viewers``` module. -![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet) -![GitHub last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet) +[![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet)](https://github.com/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet/graphs/contributors) +[![GitHub last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet)](https://github.com/machine-intelligence-laboratory/TopicNet/commits/master) ### How to start? Define `TopicModel` from an ARTM model at hand or with help from `model_constructor` module, where you can set models main parameters. Then create an `Experiment`, assigning a root position to this model and path to store your experiment. Further, you can define a set of training stages by the functionality provided by the `cooking_machine.cubes` module. diff --git a/codecov.yml b/codecov.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf29966 --- /dev/null +++ b/codecov.yml @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +ignore: + - "test_*.py" # ignore tests diff --git a/docs/cooking_machine/config_parser.html b/docs/cooking_machine/config_parser.html index 5375cac..36d0b87 100644 --- a/docs/cooking_machine/config_parser.html +++ b/docs/cooking_machine/config_parser.html @@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
- +topicnet.cooking_machine.config_parser
+Parsing text file into Experiment instance using strictyaml
+The aim here is to make config:
+* possible to use even for non-programmers
+* hard to misuse
+* easy debuggable
+Hence, the process of parsing config is a bit more complicated than
+it could be, but it produces more useful error messages. For example:
+ File $YOUR_CONFIG.yaml, line 42
+ topic_names: 10
+ ^ this value should be a 'list' instead of 'int'
+ YAMLValidationError: 'int' passed instead of 'list'
+instead of:
+ File $SOME_FILE.py, line 666, in $SOME_FUNCTION
+ for topic_name in topic_names:
+ TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
+To achieve this, strictyaml makes use of various validators which
+keep track of individual line numbers and which fragments are already
+checked and which aren't quite here yet.
+Our process consists of three stages:
+1) we check the high-level structure using `base_schema`.
+The presence of each required key is ensured.
+After this stage we could be sure than we can create a valid model
+using specified parameters.
+2) we make a second pass and revalidate 'regularizers' and 'stages'
+This step is performed semi-automatically: using `inspect`,
+we extract everything from `__init__` method signature.
+ For example:
+ def __init__(self, num_iters: int = 5)
+ allows us to infer that num_iters parameter should be int,
+ but it isn't strictly required.
+3) we construct instances of classes required, convert types manually
+and implement some shortcuts.
+Ideally, this stage should be performed using revalidate() as well,
+but it's a work-in-progress currently.
+""" # noqa: W291
+from .cubes import RegularizersModifierCube, CubeCreator
+from .experiment import Experiment
+from .dataset import Dataset
+from .models import scores as tnscores
+from .models import TopicModel
+from .cubes import PerplexityStrategy, GreedyStrategy
+from .model_constructor import init_simple_default_model, create_default_topics
+from .rel_toolbox_lite import count_vocab_size, handle_regularizer
+import artm
+from inspect import signature, Parameter
+from strictyaml import Map, Str, Int, Seq, Float, Bool
+from strictyaml import Any, Optional, EmptyDict, EmptyNone, EmptyList
+from strictyaml import dirty_load
+# TODO: use stackoverflow.com/questions/37929851/parse-numpydoc-docstring-and-access-components
+# for now just hardcode most common / important types
+ "tau": Float(),
+ "topic_names": Str() | Seq(Str()) | EmptyNone(),
+ # TODO: handle class_ids in model and in regularizers separately
+ "class_ids": Str() | Seq(Str()) | EmptyNone(),
+ "gamma": Float() | EmptyNone(),
+ "seed": Int(),
+ "num_document_passes": Int(),
+ "num_processors": Int(),
+ "cache_theta": Bool(),
+ "reuse_theta": Bool(),
+ "theta_name": Str()
+# change log style
+lc = artm.messages.ConfigureLoggingArgs()
+lc.minloglevel = 3
+lib = artm.wrapper.LibArtm(logging_config=lc)
+element = Any()
+base_schema = Map({
+ 'regularizers': Seq(element),
+ Optional('scores'): Seq(element),
+ 'stages': Seq(element),
+ 'model': Map({
+ "dataset_path": Str(),
+ Optional("modalities_to_use"): Seq(Str()),
+ Optional("modalities_weights"): Any(),
+ "main_modality": Str(),
+ }),
+ 'topics': Map({
+ "background_topics": Seq(Str()) | Int() | EmptyList(),
+ "specific_topics": Seq(Str()) | Int() | EmptyList(),
+ })
+SUPPORTED_CUBES = [CubeCreator, RegularizersModifierCube]
+SUPPORTED_STRATEGIES = [PerplexityStrategy, GreedyStrategy]
+def choose_key(param):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ param : inspect.Parameter
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str or strictyaml.Optional
+ """
+ if param.default is not Parameter.empty:
+ return Optional(param.name)
+ return param.name
+def choose_validator(param):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ param : inspect.Parameter
+ Returns
+ -------
+ instance of strictyaml.Validator
+ """
+ if param.annotation is int:
+ return Int()
+ if param.annotation is float:
+ return Float()
+ if param.annotation is bool:
+ return Bool()
+ if param.annotation is str:
+ return Str()
+ if param.name in ARTM_TYPES:
+ return ARTM_TYPES[param.name]
+ return Any()
+def build_schema_from_signature(class_of_object, use_optional=True):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ class_of_object : class
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict
+ each element is either str -> Validator or Optional(str) -> Validator
+ """
+ choose_key_func = choose_key if use_optional else (lambda param: param.name)
+ return {choose_key_func(param): choose_validator(param)
+ for param in signature(class_of_object.__init__).parameters.values()
+ if param.name != 'self'}
+def wrap_in_map(dictionary):
+ could_be_empty = all(isinstance(key, Optional) for key in dictionary)
+ if could_be_empty:
+ return Map(dictionary) | EmptyDict()
+ return Map(dictionary)
+def build_schema_for_scores():
+ """
+ Returns
+ -------
+ strictyaml.Map
+ schema used for validation and type-coercion
+ """
+ schemas = {}
+ for elem in artm.scores.__all__:
+ if "Score" in elem:
+ class_of_object = getattr(artm.scores, elem)
+ # TODO: check if every key is Optional. If it is, then "| EmptyDict()"
+ # otherwise, just Map()
+ res = wrap_in_map(build_schema_from_signature(class_of_object))
+ specific_schema = Map({class_of_object.__name__: res})
+ schemas[class_of_object.__name__] = specific_schema
+ for elem in tnscores.__all__:
+ if "Score" in elem:
+ class_of_object = getattr(tnscores, elem)
+ res = build_schema_from_signature(class_of_object)
+ # res["name"] = Str() # TODO: support custom names
+ res = wrap_in_map(res)
+ specific_schema = Map({class_of_object.__name__: res})
+ schemas[class_of_object.__name__] = specific_schema
+ return schemas
+def build_schema_for_regs():
+ """
+ Returns
+ -------
+ strictyaml.Map
+ schema used for validation and type-coercion
+ """
+ schemas = {}
+ for elem in artm.regularizers.__all__:
+ if "Regularizer" in elem:
+ class_of_object = getattr(artm.regularizers, elem)
+ res = build_schema_from_signature(class_of_object)
+ if elem in ["SmoothSparseThetaRegularizer", "SmoothSparsePhiRegularizer",
+ "DecorrelatorPhiRegularizer"]:
+ res[Optional("relative", default=None)] = Bool()
+ res = wrap_in_map(res)
+ specific_schema = Map({class_of_object.__name__: res})
+ schemas[class_of_object.__name__] = specific_schema
+ return schemas
+def is_key_in_schema(key, schema):
+ if key in schema:
+ return True
+ return any(
+ key_val.key == key for key_val in schema
+ if isinstance(key_val, Optional)
+ )
+def build_schema_for_cubes():
+ """
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict
+ each element is str -> strictyaml.Map
+ where key is name of cube,
+ value is a schema used for validation and type-coercion
+ """
+ schemas = {}
+ for class_of_object in SUPPORTED_CUBES:
+ res = build_schema_from_signature(class_of_object)
+ # "selection" isn't used in __init__, but we will need it later
+ res["selection"] = Seq(Str())
+ # shortcut for strategy intialization
+ if is_key_in_schema("strategy", res):
+ signature_validation = {}
+ for strategy_class in SUPPORTED_STRATEGIES:
+ local_signature_validation = build_schema_from_signature(strategy_class)
+ signature_validation.update(local_signature_validation)
+ res[Optional("strategy_params")] = Map(signature_validation)
+ # we will deal with "values" later, but we can check at least some simple things already
+ if class_of_object.__name__ == "CubeCreator":
+ element = Map({"name": Str(), "values": Seq(Any())})
+ res["parameters"] = Seq(element)
+ if class_of_object.__name__ == "RegularizersModifierCube":
+ element = Map({
+ Optional("name"): Str(),
+ Optional("regularizer"): Any(),
+ Optional("tau_grid"): Seq(Float())
+ })
+ res["regularizer_parameters"] = element | Seq(element)
+ res = Map(res)
+ specific_schema = Map({class_of_object.__name__: res})
+ schemas[class_of_object.__name__] = specific_schema
+ return schemas
+def preprocess_parameters_for_cube_creator(elem_args):
+ """
+ This function does two things:
+ 1) convert class_ids from
+ name: class_ids@text, values: [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ to
+ name: class_ids, values: {"@text": [0, 1, 2, 3]}
+ 2) type conversion for "values" field.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ elem_args: strictyaml.YAML object
+ (contains dict inside)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ new_elem_args: dict
+ """
+ for param_portion in elem_args["parameters"]:
+ name = str(param_portion["name"])
+ if name.startswith("class_ids"):
+ validator = Float() | Seq(Float())
+ else:
+ validator = Seq(ARTM_TYPES[name])
+ param_schema = Map({
+ "name": Str(),
+ "values": validator
+ })
+ param_portion.revalidate(param_schema)
+def handle_special_cases(elem_args, kwargs):
+ """
+ In-place fixes kwargs, handling special cases and shortcuts
+ (only strategy for now)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ elem_args: dict
+ kwargs: dict
+ """
+ # special case: shortcut for strategy
+ if "strategy" in elem_args:
+ strategy = None
+ for strategy_class in SUPPORTED_STRATEGIES:
+ if strategy_class.__name__ == elem_args["strategy"]:
+ strat_schema = build_schema_from_signature(strategy_class, use_optional=False)
+ strat_kwargs = {}
+ for key, value in elem_args["strategy_params"].items():
+ key = str(key)
+ value.revalidate(strat_schema[key])
+ strat_kwargs[key] = value.data
+ strategy = strategy_class(**strat_kwargs)
+ kwargs["strategy"] = strategy # or None if failed to identify it
+def build_score(elemtype, elem_args, is_artm_score):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ elemtype : str
+ name of score
+ elem_args: dict
+ is_artm_score: bool
+ Returns
+ -------
+ instance of artm.Score or topicnet.BaseScore
+ """
+ module = artm.scores if is_artm_score else tnscores
+ class_of_object = getattr(module, elemtype)
+ kwargs = {name: value
+ for name, value in elem_args.items()}
+ return class_of_object(**kwargs)
+def build_regularizer(elemtype, elem_args, specific_topic_names, background_topic_names):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ elemtype : str
+ name of regularizer
+ elem_args: dict
+ parsed: strictyaml.YAML object
+ Returns
+ -------
+ instance of artm.Regularizer
+ """
+ class_of_object = getattr(artm.regularizers, elemtype)
+ kwargs = {name: value
+ for name, value in elem_args.items()}
+ # special case: shortcut for topic_names
+ if "topic_names" in kwargs:
+ if kwargs["topic_names"] == "background_topics":
+ kwargs["topic_names"] = background_topic_names
+ if kwargs["topic_names"] == "specific_topics":
+ kwargs["topic_names"] = specific_topic_names
+ return class_of_object(**kwargs)
+def build_cube_settings(elemtype, elem_args):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ elemtype : str
+ name of regularizer
+ elem_args: strictyaml.YAML object
+ (contains dict inside)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ list of dict
+ """
+ if elemtype == "CubeCreator":
+ preprocess_parameters_for_cube_creator(elem_args)
+ kwargs = {name: value
+ for name, value in elem_args.data.items()
+ if name not in ['selection', 'strategy', 'strategy_params']}
+ handle_special_cases(elem_args, kwargs)
+ return {elemtype: kwargs,
+ "selection": elem_args['selection'].data}
+def _add_parsed_scores(parsed, topic_model):
+ """ """
+ for score in parsed.data.get('scores', []):
+ for elemtype, elem_args in score.items():
+ is_artm_score = elemtype in artm.scores.__all__
+ score_object = build_score(elemtype, elem_args, is_artm_score)
+ if is_artm_score:
+ topic_model._model.scores.add(score_object, overwrite=True)
+ else:
+ topic_model.custom_scores[elemtype] = score_object
+def _add_parsed_regularizers(
+ parsed, model, specific_topic_names, background_topic_names, data_stats
+ """ """
+ regularizers = []
+ for stage in parsed.data['regularizers']:
+ for elemtype, elem_args in stage.items():
+ should_be_relative = None
+ if "relative" in elem_args:
+ should_be_relative = elem_args["relative"]
+ elem_args.pop("relative")
+ regularizer_object = build_regularizer(
+ elemtype, elem_args, specific_topic_names, background_topic_names
+ )
+ handle_regularizer(should_be_relative, model, regularizer_object, data_stats)
+ regularizers.append(model.regularizers[regularizer_object.name])
+ return regularizers
+def parse_modalities_data(parsed):
+ has_modalities_to_use = is_key_in_schema("modalities_to_use", parsed["model"])
+ has_weights = is_key_in_schema("modalities_weights", parsed["model"])
+ main_modality = parsed["model"]["main_modality"]
+ # exactly one should be specified
+ if has_modalities_to_use == has_weights:
+ raise ValueError(f"Either 'modalities_to_use' or 'modalities_weights' should be specified")
+ if has_weights:
+ modalities_to_use = list(parsed["model"]["modalities_weights"].data)
+ if main_modality not in modalities_to_use:
+ modalities_to_use.append(main_modality)
+ local_schema = Map({
+ key: Float() for key in modalities_to_use
+ })
+ parsed["model"]["modalities_weights"].revalidate(local_schema)
+ modalities_weights = parsed["model"]["modalities_weights"].data
+ else:
+ modalities_weights = None
+ modalities_to_use = parsed.data["model"]["modalities_to_use"]
+ return modalities_to_use, modalities_weights
+def parse(yaml_string, force_single_thread=False):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ yaml_string : str
+ force_single_thread : bool
+ Returns
+ -------
+ cube_settings: list of dict
+ regularizers: list
+ topic_model: TopicModel
+ dataset: Dataset
+ """
+ parsed = dirty_load(yaml_string, base_schema, allow_flow_style=True)
+ specific_topic_names, background_topic_names = create_default_topics(
+ parsed.data["topics"]["specific_topics"],
+ parsed.data["topics"]["background_topics"]
+ )
+ revalidate_section(parsed, "stages")
+ revalidate_section(parsed, "regularizers")
+ if "scores" in parsed:
+ revalidate_section(parsed, "scores")
+ cube_settings = []
+ dataset = Dataset(parsed.data["model"]["dataset_path"])
+ modalities_to_use, modalities_weights = parse_modalities_data(parsed)
+ data_stats = count_vocab_size(dataset.get_dictionary(), modalities_to_use)
+ model = init_simple_default_model(
+ dataset=dataset,
+ modalities_to_use=modalities_to_use,
+ main_modality=parsed.data["model"]["main_modality"],
+ specific_topics=parsed.data["topics"]["specific_topics"],
+ background_topics=parsed.data["topics"]["background_topics"],
+ modalities_weights=modalities_weights
+ )
+ regularizers = _add_parsed_regularizers(
+ parsed, model, specific_topic_names, background_topic_names, data_stats
+ )
+ topic_model = TopicModel(model)
+ _add_parsed_scores(parsed, topic_model)
+ for stage in parsed['stages']:
+ for elemtype, elem_args in stage.items():
+ settings = build_cube_settings(elemtype.data, elem_args)
+ if force_single_thread:
+ settings[elemtype]["separate_thread"] = False
+ cube_settings.append(settings)
+ return cube_settings, regularizers, topic_model, dataset
+def revalidate_section(parsed, section):
+ """
+ Perofrms in-place type coercion and validation
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parsed : strictyaml.YAML object
+ (half-parsed, half-validated chunk of config)
+ section: str
+ """
+ if section == "stages":
+ schemas = build_schema_for_cubes()
+ elif section == "regularizers":
+ schemas = build_schema_for_regs()
+ elif section == "scores":
+ schemas = build_schema_for_scores()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown section name '{section}'")
+ for i, stage in enumerate(parsed[section]):
+ assert len(stage) == 1
+ name = list(stage.data)[0]
+ if name not in schemas:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported {section} value: {name} at line {stage.start_line}")
+ local_schema = schemas[name]
+ stage.revalidate(local_schema)
+def build_experiment_environment_from_yaml_config(yaml_string, experiment_id,
+ save_path, force_single_thread=False):
+ settings, regs, model, dataset = parse(yaml_string, force_single_thread)
+ # TODO: handle dynamic addition of regularizers
+ experiment = Experiment(experiment_id=experiment_id, save_path=save_path, topic_model=model)
+ experiment.build(settings)
+ return experiment, dataset
of dict
def build_cube_settings(elemtype, elem_args):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ elemtype : str
+ name of regularizer
+ elem_args: strictyaml.YAML object
+ (contains dict inside)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ list of dict
+ """
+ if elemtype == "CubeCreator":
+ preprocess_parameters_for_cube_creator(elem_args)
+ kwargs = {name: value
+ for name, value in elem_args.data.items()
+ if name not in ['selection', 'strategy', 'strategy_params']}
+ handle_special_cases(elem_args, kwargs)
+ return {elemtype: kwargs,
+ "selection": elem_args['selection'].data}
def build_experiment_environment_from_yaml_config(yaml_string, experiment_id, save_path, force_single_thread=False)
def build_experiment_environment_from_yaml_config(yaml_string, experiment_id,
+ save_path, force_single_thread=False):
+ settings, regs, model, dataset = parse(yaml_string, force_single_thread)
+ # TODO: handle dynamic addition of regularizers
+ experiment = Experiment(experiment_id=experiment_id, save_path=save_path, topic_model=model)
+ experiment.build(settings)
+ return experiment, dataset
def build_regularizer(elemtype, elem_args, specific_topic_names, background_topic_names)
@@ -106,6 +707,35 @@ Returns
of artm.Regularizer
+Expand source code
+def build_regularizer(elemtype, elem_args, specific_topic_names, background_topic_names):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ elemtype : str
+ name of regularizer
+ elem_args: dict
+ parsed: strictyaml.YAML object
+ Returns
+ -------
+ instance of artm.Regularizer
+ """
+ class_of_object = getattr(artm.regularizers, elemtype)
+ kwargs = {name: value
+ for name, value in elem_args.items()}
+ # special case: shortcut for topic_names
+ if "topic_names" in kwargs:
+ if kwargs["topic_names"] == "background_topics":
+ kwargs["topic_names"] = background_topic_names
+ if kwargs["topic_names"] == "specific_topics":
+ kwargs["topic_names"] = specific_topic_names
+ return class_of_object(**kwargs)
def build_schema_for_cubes()
@@ -118,6 +748,52 @@ Returns
where key is name of cube,
value is a schema used for validation and type-coercion
+Expand source code
+def build_schema_for_cubes():
+ """
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict
+ each element is str -> strictyaml.Map
+ where key is name of cube,
+ value is a schema used for validation and type-coercion
+ """
+ schemas = {}
+ for class_of_object in SUPPORTED_CUBES:
+ res = build_schema_from_signature(class_of_object)
+ # "selection" isn't used in __init__, but we will need it later
+ res["selection"] = Seq(Str())
+ # shortcut for strategy intialization
+ if is_key_in_schema("strategy", res):
+ signature_validation = {}
+ for strategy_class in SUPPORTED_STRATEGIES:
+ local_signature_validation = build_schema_from_signature(strategy_class)
+ signature_validation.update(local_signature_validation)
+ res[Optional("strategy_params")] = Map(signature_validation)
+ # we will deal with "values" later, but we can check at least some simple things already
+ if class_of_object.__name__ == "CubeCreator":
+ element = Map({"name": Str(), "values": Seq(Any())})
+ res["parameters"] = Seq(element)
+ if class_of_object.__name__ == "RegularizersModifierCube":
+ element = Map({
+ Optional("name"): Str(),
+ Optional("regularizer"): Any(),
+ Optional("tau_grid"): Seq(Float())
+ })
+ res["regularizer_parameters"] = element | Seq(element)
+ res = Map(res)
+ specific_schema = Map({class_of_object.__name__: res})
+ schemas[class_of_object.__name__] = specific_schema
+ return schemas
def build_schema_for_regs()
@@ -128,6 +804,32 @@ Returns
schema used for validation and type-coercion
+Expand source code
+def build_schema_for_regs():
+ """
+ Returns
+ -------
+ strictyaml.Map
+ schema used for validation and type-coercion
+ """
+ schemas = {}
+ for elem in artm.regularizers.__all__:
+ if "Regularizer" in elem:
+ class_of_object = getattr(artm.regularizers, elem)
+ res = build_schema_from_signature(class_of_object)
+ if elem in ["SmoothSparseThetaRegularizer", "SmoothSparsePhiRegularizer",
+ "DecorrelatorPhiRegularizer"]:
+ res[Optional("relative", default=None)] = Bool()
+ res = wrap_in_map(res)
+ specific_schema = Map({class_of_object.__name__: res})
+ schemas[class_of_object.__name__] = specific_schema
+ return schemas
def build_schema_for_scores()
@@ -138,6 +840,40 @@ Returns
schema used for validation and type-coercion
+Expand source code
+def build_schema_for_scores():
+ """
+ Returns
+ -------
+ strictyaml.Map
+ schema used for validation and type-coercion
+ """
+ schemas = {}
+ for elem in artm.scores.__all__:
+ if "Score" in elem:
+ class_of_object = getattr(artm.scores, elem)
+ # TODO: check if every key is Optional. If it is, then "| EmptyDict()"
+ # otherwise, just Map()
+ res = wrap_in_map(build_schema_from_signature(class_of_object))
+ specific_schema = Map({class_of_object.__name__: res})
+ schemas[class_of_object.__name__] = specific_schema
+ for elem in tnscores.__all__:
+ if "Score" in elem:
+ class_of_object = getattr(tnscores, elem)
+ res = build_schema_from_signature(class_of_object)
+ # res["name"] = Str() # TODO: support custom names
+ res = wrap_in_map(res)
+ specific_schema = Map({class_of_object.__name__: res})
+ schemas[class_of_object.__name__] = specific_schema
+ return schemas
def build_schema_from_signature(class_of_object, use_optional=True)
@@ -153,6 +889,26 @@ Returns
each element is either str -> Validator or Optional(str) -> Validator
+Expand source code
+def build_schema_from_signature(class_of_object, use_optional=True):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ class_of_object : class
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict
+ each element is either str -> Validator or Optional(str) -> Validator
+ """
+ choose_key_func = choose_key if use_optional else (lambda param: param.name)
+ return {choose_key_func(param): choose_validator(param)
+ for param in signature(class_of_object.__init__).parameters.values()
+ if param.name != 'self'}
def build_score(elemtype, elem_args, is_artm_score)
@@ -172,6 +928,30 @@ Returns
of artm.Score
or topicnet.BaseScore
+Expand source code
+def build_score(elemtype, elem_args, is_artm_score):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ elemtype : str
+ name of score
+ elem_args: dict
+ is_artm_score: bool
+ Returns
+ -------
+ instance of artm.Score or topicnet.BaseScore
+ """
+ module = artm.scores if is_artm_score else tnscores
+ class_of_object = getattr(module, elemtype)
+ kwargs = {name: value
+ for name, value in elem_args.items()}
+ return class_of_object(**kwargs)
def choose_key(param)
@@ -187,6 +967,24 @@ Returns
or strictyaml.Optional
+Expand source code
+def choose_key(param):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ param : inspect.Parameter
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str or strictyaml.Optional
+ """
+ if param.default is not Parameter.empty:
+ return Optional(param.name)
+ return param.name
def choose_validator(param)
@@ -202,6 +1000,32 @@ Returns
of strictyaml.Validator
+Expand source code
+def choose_validator(param):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ param : inspect.Parameter
+ Returns
+ -------
+ instance of strictyaml.Validator
+ """
+ if param.annotation is int:
+ return Int()
+ if param.annotation is float:
+ return Float()
+ if param.annotation is bool:
+ return Bool()
+ if param.annotation is str:
+ return Str()
+ if param.name in ARTM_TYPES:
+ return ARTM_TYPES[param.name]
+ return Any()
def handle_special_cases(elem_args, kwargs)
@@ -217,12 +1041,54 @@ Returns
: dict
+Expand source code
+def handle_special_cases(elem_args, kwargs):
+ """
+ In-place fixes kwargs, handling special cases and shortcuts
+ (only strategy for now)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ elem_args: dict
+ kwargs: dict
+ """
+ # special case: shortcut for strategy
+ if "strategy" in elem_args:
+ strategy = None
+ for strategy_class in SUPPORTED_STRATEGIES:
+ if strategy_class.__name__ == elem_args["strategy"]:
+ strat_schema = build_schema_from_signature(strategy_class, use_optional=False)
+ strat_kwargs = {}
+ for key, value in elem_args["strategy_params"].items():
+ key = str(key)
+ value.revalidate(strat_schema[key])
+ strat_kwargs[key] = value.data
+ strategy = strategy_class(**strat_kwargs)
+ kwargs["strategy"] = strategy # or None if failed to identify it
def is_key_in_schema(key, schema)
+Expand source code
+def is_key_in_schema(key, schema):
+ if key in schema:
+ return True
+ return any(
+ key_val.key == key for key_val in schema
+ if isinstance(key_val, Optional)
+ )
def parse(yaml_string, force_single_thread=False)
@@ -246,6 +1112,100 @@ Returns
: Dataset
+Expand source code
+def parse(yaml_string, force_single_thread=False):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ yaml_string : str
+ force_single_thread : bool
+ Returns
+ -------
+ cube_settings: list of dict
+ regularizers: list
+ topic_model: TopicModel
+ dataset: Dataset
+ """
+ parsed = dirty_load(yaml_string, base_schema, allow_flow_style=True)
+ specific_topic_names, background_topic_names = create_default_topics(
+ parsed.data["topics"]["specific_topics"],
+ parsed.data["topics"]["background_topics"]
+ )
+ revalidate_section(parsed, "stages")
+ revalidate_section(parsed, "regularizers")
+ if "scores" in parsed:
+ revalidate_section(parsed, "scores")
+ cube_settings = []
+ dataset = Dataset(parsed.data["model"]["dataset_path"])
+ modalities_to_use, modalities_weights = parse_modalities_data(parsed)
+ data_stats = count_vocab_size(dataset.get_dictionary(), modalities_to_use)
+ model = init_simple_default_model(
+ dataset=dataset,
+ modalities_to_use=modalities_to_use,
+ main_modality=parsed.data["model"]["main_modality"],
+ specific_topics=parsed.data["topics"]["specific_topics"],
+ background_topics=parsed.data["topics"]["background_topics"],
+ modalities_weights=modalities_weights
+ )
+ regularizers = _add_parsed_regularizers(
+ parsed, model, specific_topic_names, background_topic_names, data_stats
+ )
+ topic_model = TopicModel(model)
+ _add_parsed_scores(parsed, topic_model)
+ for stage in parsed['stages']:
+ for elemtype, elem_args in stage.items():
+ settings = build_cube_settings(elemtype.data, elem_args)
+ if force_single_thread:
+ settings[elemtype]["separate_thread"] = False
+ cube_settings.append(settings)
+ return cube_settings, regularizers, topic_model, dataset
+def parse_modalities_data(parsed)
+Expand source code
+def parse_modalities_data(parsed):
+ has_modalities_to_use = is_key_in_schema("modalities_to_use", parsed["model"])
+ has_weights = is_key_in_schema("modalities_weights", parsed["model"])
+ main_modality = parsed["model"]["main_modality"]
+ # exactly one should be specified
+ if has_modalities_to_use == has_weights:
+ raise ValueError(f"Either 'modalities_to_use' or 'modalities_weights' should be specified")
+ if has_weights:
+ modalities_to_use = list(parsed["model"]["modalities_weights"].data)
+ if main_modality not in modalities_to_use:
+ modalities_to_use.append(main_modality)
+ local_schema = Map({
+ key: Float() for key in modalities_to_use
+ })
+ parsed["model"]["modalities_weights"].revalidate(local_schema)
+ modalities_weights = parsed["model"]["modalities_weights"].data
+ else:
+ modalities_weights = None
+ modalities_to_use = parsed.data["model"]["modalities_to_use"]
+ return modalities_to_use, modalities_weights
def preprocess_parameters_for_cube_creator(elem_args)
@@ -267,6 +1227,41 @@ Returns
: dict
+Expand source code
+def preprocess_parameters_for_cube_creator(elem_args):
+ """
+ This function does two things:
+ 1) convert class_ids from
+ name: class_ids@text, values: [0, 1, 2, 3]
+ to
+ name: class_ids, values: {"@text": [0, 1, 2, 3]}
+ 2) type conversion for "values" field.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ elem_args: strictyaml.YAML object
+ (contains dict inside)
+ Returns
+ -------
+ new_elem_args: dict
+ """
+ for param_portion in elem_args["parameters"]:
+ name = str(param_portion["name"])
+ if name.startswith("class_ids"):
+ validator = Float() | Seq(Float())
+ else:
+ validator = Seq(ARTM_TYPES[name])
+ param_schema = Map({
+ "name": Str(),
+ "values": validator
+ })
+ param_portion.revalidate(param_schema)
def revalidate_section(parsed, section)
@@ -280,12 +1275,55 @@ Parameters
: str
+Expand source code
+def revalidate_section(parsed, section):
+ """
+ Perofrms in-place type coercion and validation
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ parsed : strictyaml.YAML object
+ (half-parsed, half-validated chunk of config)
+ section: str
+ """
+ if section == "stages":
+ schemas = build_schema_for_cubes()
+ elif section == "regularizers":
+ schemas = build_schema_for_regs()
+ elif section == "scores":
+ schemas = build_schema_for_scores()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown section name '{section}'")
+ for i, stage in enumerate(parsed[section]):
+ assert len(stage) == 1
+ name = list(stage.data)[0]
+ if name not in schemas:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported {section} value: {name} at line {stage.start_line}")
+ local_schema = schemas[name]
+ stage.revalidate(local_schema)
def wrap_in_map(dictionary)
+Expand source code
+def wrap_in_map(dictionary):
+ could_be_empty = all(isinstance(key, Optional) for key in dictionary)
+ if could_be_empty:
+ return Map(dictionary) | EmptyDict()
+ return Map(dictionary)
@@ -318,6 +1356,7 @@ Index
@@ -327,7 +1366,9 @@ Index