diff --git a/GITHUB.md b/GITHUB.md index 70647fa..9a40890 100644 --- a/GITHUB.md +++ b/GITHUB.md @@ -60,15 +60,20 @@ project: # tell quarto to read the generated sidebar metadata-files: - - _sidebar.yml + - api/_sidebar.yml +# tell quarto to read the generated styles +format: + css: + - api/_styles-quartodoc.css quartodoc: # the name used to import the package you want to create reference docs for package: quartodoc - # write sidebar data to this file - sidebar: _sidebar.yml + # write sidebar and style data + sidebar: api/_sidebar.yml + css: api/_styles-quartodoc.css sections: - title: Some functions diff --git a/about.html b/about.html index e26db5e..dea42e4 100644 --- a/about.html +++ b/about.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ } + diff --git a/api/Auto.html b/api/Auto.html index cd90c13..d4a6982 100644 --- a/api/Auto.html +++ b/api/Auto.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -483,101 +518,80 @@

On this page



Auto(self, **kwargs)

Auto(self, **kwargs)

Configure a python object to document (e.g. module, class, function, attribute).



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
namestrName of the object. This should be the path needed to import it.
signature_nameStyle of name to use in the signature. Can be “relative”, “full”, or “short”. Relative is whatever was used as the name argument, full is the fully qualified path the object, and short is the name of the object (i.e. no periods).
membersA list of members, such as attributes or methods on a class, to document.
include_privateWhether to include members starting with “_”
include_importsWhether to include members that were imported from somewhere else.
include_emptyWhether to include members with no docstring.
include_inheritedWhether to include members inherited from a parent class.
include_attributesWhether to include attributes.
include_classesWhether to include classes.
include_functionsWhether to include functions.
include(Not implemented). A list of members to include.
exclude(Not implemented). A list of members to exclude.
dynamicWhether to dynamically load docstring. By default docstrings are loaded using static analysis. dynamic may be a string pointing to another object, to return an alias for that object.
childrenStyle for presenting members. Either separate, embedded, or flat.
packageIf specified, object lookup will be relative to this path.
member_optionsOptions to apply to members. These can include any of the options above.


name : str

Name of the object. This should be the path needed to import it.

signature_name :

Style of name to use in the signature. Can be "relative", "full", or "short". Relative is whatever was used as the name argument, full is the fully qualified path the object, and short is the name of the object (i.e. no periods).

members :

A list of members, such as attributes or methods on a class, to document. If members is specified, no other includes or excludes are applied.

include_private :

Whether to include members starting with "_"

include_imports :

Whether to include members that were imported from somewhere else.

include_empty :

Whether to include members with no docstring.

include_inherited :

Whether to include members inherited from a parent class.

include_attributes :

Whether to include attributes.

include_classes :

Whether to include classes.

include_functions :

Whether to include functions.

include :

(Not implemented). A list of members to include.

exclude :

A list of members to exclude. This is performed last, in order to subtract from the results of options like include_functions.

dynamic :

Whether to dynamically load docstring. By default docstrings are loaded using static analysis. dynamic may be a string pointing to another object, to return an alias for that object.

children :

Style for presenting members. Either separate, embedded, or flat.

package :

If specified, object lookup will be relative to this path.

member_order :

Order to present members in, either "alphabetical" or "source" order. Defaults to alphabetical sorting.

member_options :

Options to apply to members. These can include any of the options above.

diff --git a/api/Builder.build.html b/api/Builder.build.html index 8860c00..cce862a 100644 --- a/api/Builder.build.html +++ b/api/Builder.build.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -483,28 +518,16 @@

On this page





Build index page, sphinx inventory, and individual doc pages.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
filterstrA simple pattern, that may include * as a wildcard. If specified, only doc paths for objects with matching names will be written. Path is the file’s base name in the API dir (e.g. MdRenderer.render)'*'


filter : str = '*'

A simple pattern, that may include * as a wildcard. If specified, only doc paths for objects with matching names will be written. Path is the file's base name in the API dir (e.g. MdRenderer.render)

diff --git a/api/Builder.create_inventory.html b/api/Builder.create_inventory.html index 7689dda..20eb7a3 100644 --- a/api/Builder.create_inventory.html +++ b/api/Builder.create_inventory.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page





Generate sphinx inventory object.

diff --git a/api/Builder.from_quarto_config.html b/api/Builder.from_quarto_config.html index b5b013c..13ddcf3 100644 --- a/api/Builder.from_quarto_config.html +++ b/api/Builder.from_quarto_config.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page





Construct a Builder from a configuration object (or yaml file).

diff --git a/api/Builder.html b/api/Builder.html index 6d3ab37..278b6c4 100644 --- a/api/Builder.html +++ b/api/Builder.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -483,106 +518,90 @@

On this page



Builder(self, package, sections=tuple(), options=None, version=None, dir='reference', title='Function reference', renderer='markdown', out_index=None, sidebar=None, rewrite_all_pages=False, source_dir=None, dynamic=None, parser='numpy', render_interlinks=False, _fast_inventory=False)

+    self
+    package
+    sections=tuple()
+    options=None
+    version=None
+    dir='reference'
+    title='Function reference'
+    renderer='markdown'
+    out_index=None
+    sidebar=None
+    css=None
+    rewrite_all_pages=False
+    source_dir=None
+    dynamic=None
+    parser='numpy'
+    render_interlinks=False
+    _fast_inventory=False

Base class for building API docs.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
packagestrThe name of the package.required
sections‘list[Any]’A list of sections, with items to document.tuple()
version‘str | None’The package version. By default this attempts to look up the current package version (TODO).None
dirstrName of API directory.'reference'
titlestrTitle of the API index page.'Function reference'
renderer‘dict | Renderer | str’The renderer used to convert docstrings (e.g. to markdown).'markdown'
options‘dict | None’Default options to set for all pieces of content (e.g. include_attributes).None
out_indexstrThe output path of the index file, used to list all API functions.None
sidebar‘str | None’The output path for a sidebar yaml config (by default no config generated).None
rewrite_all_pagesWhether to rewrite all rendered doc pages, or only those with changes.False
source_dir‘str | None’A directory where source files to be documented live. This is only necessary if you are not documenting a package, but collection of scripts. Use a “.” to refer to the current directory.None
dynamicbool | NoneWhether to dynamically load all python objects. By default, objects are loaded using static analysis.None
render_interlinksboolWhether to render interlinks syntax inside documented objects. Note that the interlinks filter is required to generate the links in quarto.False
parserDocstring parser to use. This correspond to different docstring styles, and can be one of “google”, “sphinx”, and “numpy”. Defaults to “numpy”.'numpy'


package : str

The name of the package.

sections : 'list[Any]' = tuple()

A list of sections, with items to document.

version : 'str | None' = None

The package version. By default this attempts to look up the current package version (TODO).

dir : str = 'reference'

Name of API directory.

title : str = 'Function reference'

Title of the API index page.

renderer : 'dict | Renderer | str' = 'markdown'

The renderer used to convert docstrings (e.g. to markdown).

options : 'dict | None' = None

Default options to set for all pieces of content (e.g. include_attributes).

out_index : str = None

The output path of the index file, used to list all API functions.

sidebar : 'str | None' = None

The output path for a sidebar yaml config (by default no config generated).

css : 'str | None' = None

The output path for the default css styles.

rewrite_all_pages : = False

Whether to rewrite all rendered doc pages, or only those with changes.

source_dir : 'str | None' = None

A directory where source files to be documented live. This is only necessary if you are not documenting a package, but collection of scripts. Use a "." to refer to the current directory.

dynamic : bool | None = None

Whether to dynamically load all python objects. By default, objects are loaded using static analysis.

render_interlinks : bool = False

Whether to render interlinks syntax inside documented objects. Note that the interlinks filter is required to generate the links in quarto.

parser : = 'numpy'

Docstring parser to use. This correspond to different docstring styles, and can be one of "google", "sphinx", and "numpy". Defaults to "numpy".

diff --git a/api/Builder.write_doc_pages.html b/api/Builder.write_doc_pages.html index 88c7ed3..576f3ac 100644 --- a/api/Builder.write_doc_pages.html +++ b/api/Builder.write_doc_pages.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page



Builder.write_doc_pages(pages, filter)

Builder.write_doc_pages(pages, filter)

Write individual function documentation pages.

diff --git a/api/Builder.write_index.html b/api/Builder.write_index.html index ed9a258..25cb6e6 100644 --- a/api/Builder.write_index.html +++ b/api/Builder.write_index.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page





Write API index page.

diff --git a/api/Builder.write_sidebar.html b/api/Builder.write_sidebar.html index a718216..8cd2813 100644 --- a/api/Builder.write_sidebar.html +++ b/api/Builder.write_sidebar.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page





Write a yaml config file for API sidebar.

diff --git a/api/MdRenderer.html b/api/MdRenderer.html index 2a53f0d..41057fe 100644 --- a/api/MdRenderer.html +++ b/api/MdRenderer.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -520,55 +521,46 @@

On this page



MdRenderer(self, header_level=1, show_signature=True, show_signature_annotations=False, display_name='relative', hook_pre=None, render_interlinks=False)

+    self
+    header_level=1
+    show_signature=True
+    show_signature_annotations=False
+    display_name='relative'
+    hook_pre=None
+    render_interlinks=False
+    table_style='table'

Render docstrings to markdown.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
header_levelintThe level of the header (e.g. 1 is the biggest).1
show_signatureboolWhether to show the function signature.True
show_signature_annotationsboolWhether to show annotations in the function signature.False
display_namestrThe default name shown for documented functions. Either “name”, “relative”, “full”, or “canonical”. These options range from just the function name, to its full path relative to its package, to including the package name, to its the its full path relative to its .__module__.'relative'


header_level : int = 1

The level of the header (e.g. 1 is the biggest).

show_signature : bool = True

Whether to show the function signature.

show_signature_annotations : bool = False

Whether to show annotations in the function signature.

display_name : str = 'relative'

The default name shown for documented functions. Either "name", "relative", "full", or "canonical". These options range from just the function name, to its full path relative to its package, to including the package name, to its the its full path relative to its .__module__.



>>> from quartodoc import MdRenderer, get_object
->>> renderer = MdRenderer(header_level=2)
->>> f = get_object("quartodoc", "get_object")
->>> print(renderer.render(f)[:81])
-## get_object
-`get_object(module: str, object_name: str, parser: str = 'numpy')`


>>> from quartodoc import MdRenderer, get_object
+>>> renderer = MdRenderer(header_level=2)
+>>> f = get_object("quartodoc", "get_object")
+>>> print(renderer.render(f)[:81])
+## get_object
+`get_object(module: str, object_name: str, parser: str = 'numpy')`


@@ -581,8 +573,8 @@


-quartodoc.MdRenderer.style -str(object=’’) -> str +style +str(object='') -> str @@ -598,23 +590,23 @@


-quartodoc.MdRenderer.render +render Return a string representation of an object, or layout element. -quartodoc.MdRenderer.render_annotation +render_annotation Special hook for rendering a type annotation. -quartodoc.MdRenderer.render_header +render_header Render the header of a docstring, including any anchors. -quartodoc.MdRenderer.signature -Return a string representation of an object’s signature. +signature +Return a string representation of an object's signature. -quartodoc.MdRenderer.summarize +summarize Produce a summary table. diff --git a/api/MdRenderer.render.html b/api/MdRenderer.render.html index 5075d35..39f7219 100644 --- a/api/MdRenderer.render.html +++ b/api/MdRenderer.render.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page





Return a string representation of an object, or layout element.

diff --git a/api/MdRenderer.render_annotation.html b/api/MdRenderer.render_annotation.html index 90c52ed..c018c50 100644 --- a/api/MdRenderer.render_annotation.html +++ b/api/MdRenderer.render_annotation.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -483,10 +518,10 @@

On this page





Special hook for rendering a type annotation.





el: An object representing a type annotation.

diff --git a/api/MdRenderer.render_header.html b/api/MdRenderer.render_header.html index a56a139..345669c 100644 --- a/api/MdRenderer.render_header.html +++ b/api/MdRenderer.render_header.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page





Render the header of a docstring, including any anchors.

diff --git a/api/MdRenderer.signature.html b/api/MdRenderer.signature.html index 2f26b21..4872591 100644 --- a/api/MdRenderer.signature.html +++ b/api/MdRenderer.signature.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page



MdRenderer.signature(el, source=None)

MdRenderer.signature(el, source=None)

Return a string representation of an object’s signature.

diff --git a/api/MdRenderer.summarize.html b/api/MdRenderer.summarize.html index 1a12d7d..2442960 100644 --- a/api/MdRenderer.summarize.html +++ b/api/MdRenderer.summarize.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page





Produce a summary table.

diff --git a/api/_styles-quartodoc.css b/api/_styles-quartodoc.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd3d1c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/_styles-quartodoc.css @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +/* +This file generated automatically by quartodoc version 0.8.0. +Modifications may be overwritten by quartodoc build. If you want to +customize styles, create a new .css file to avoid losing changes. +*/ + + +/* styles for parameter tables, etc.. ---- +*/ + +.doc-section dt code { + background: none; +} + +.doc-section dt { + /* background-color: lightyellow; */ + display: block; +} + +.doc-section dl dd { + margin-left: 3rem; +} diff --git a/api/ast.DocstringSectionNotes.html b/api/ast.DocstringSectionNotes.html index cc4f92f..ad8866b 100644 --- a/api/ast.DocstringSectionNotes.html +++ b/api/ast.DocstringSectionNotes.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page



ast.DocstringSectionNotes(self, value, title=None)

ast.DocstringSectionNotes(self, value, title=None)
diff --git a/api/ast.DocstringSectionSeeAlso.html b/api/ast.DocstringSectionSeeAlso.html index 9ef00a3..7e1493c 100644 --- a/api/ast.DocstringSectionSeeAlso.html +++ b/api/ast.DocstringSectionSeeAlso.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page



ast.DocstringSectionSeeAlso(self, value, title=None)

ast.DocstringSectionSeeAlso(self, value, title=None)
diff --git a/api/ast.DocstringSectionWarnings.html b/api/ast.DocstringSectionWarnings.html index 3a952b2..1620b12 100644 --- a/api/ast.DocstringSectionWarnings.html +++ b/api/ast.DocstringSectionWarnings.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page



ast.DocstringSectionWarnings(self, value, title=None)

ast.DocstringSectionWarnings(self, value, title=None)
diff --git a/api/ast.ExampleCode.html b/api/ast.ExampleCode.html index ca44961..c08da0d 100644 --- a/api/ast.ExampleCode.html +++ b/api/ast.ExampleCode.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page



ast.ExampleCode(self, value)

ast.ExampleCode(self, value)
diff --git a/api/ast.ExampleText.html b/api/ast.ExampleText.html index ef10a3d..94094e4 100644 --- a/api/ast.ExampleText.html +++ b/api/ast.ExampleText.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -69,6 +103,7 @@ } + @@ -479,7 +514,7 @@

On this page



ast.ExampleText(self, value)

ast.ExampleText(self, value)
diff --git a/api/blueprint.html b/api/blueprint.html index 2cdf228..38c69c5 100644 --- a/api/blueprint.html +++ b/api/blueprint.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -518,49 +519,33 @@

On this page



blueprint(el, package=None, dynamic=None, parser='numpy')

blueprint(el, package=None, dynamic=None, parser='numpy')

Convert a configuration element to something that is ready to render.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
el_BaseAn element, like layout.Auto, to transform.required
packagestrA base package name. If specified, this is prepended to the names of any objects.None
dynamicNone | boolWhether to dynamically load objects. Defaults to using static analysis.None


el : _Base

An element, like layout.Auto, to transform.

package : str = None

A base package name. If specified, this is prepended to the names of any objects.

dynamic : None | bool = None

Whether to dynamically load objects. Defaults to using static analysis.



>>> from quartodoc import blueprint
->>> from quartodoc.layout import Auto
->>> blueprint(Auto(name = "quartodoc.get_object"))
-DocFunction(name='quartodoc.get_object', ...)
>>> blueprint(Auto(name = "get_object"), package = "quartodoc")
-DocFunction(name='get_object', ...)


>>> from quartodoc import blueprint
+>>> from quartodoc.layout import Auto
+>>> blueprint(Auto(name = "quartodoc.get_object"))
+DocFunction(name='quartodoc.get_object', ...)
>>> blueprint(Auto(name = "get_object"), package = "quartodoc")
+DocFunction(name='get_object', ...)
diff --git a/api/collect.html b/api/collect.html index 2070d6d..0f503e7 100644 --- a/api/collect.html +++ b/api/collect.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -483,34 +518,20 @@

On this page



collect(el, base_dir)

collect(el, base_dir)

Return all pages and items in a layout.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ellayout._BaseAn element, like layout.Section or layout.Page, to collect pages and items from.required
base_dirstrThe directory where API pages will live.required


el : layout._Base

An element, like layout.Section or layout.Page, to collect pages and items from.

base_dir : str

The directory where API pages will live.

diff --git a/api/convert_inventory.html b/api/convert_inventory.html index 8e0bb07..1ac6956 100644 --- a/api/convert_inventory.html +++ b/api/convert_inventory.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -483,40 +518,20 @@

On this page



convert_inventory(in_name, out_name=None)

convert_inventory(in_name, out_name=None)

Convert a sphinx inventory file to json.



- ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
in_name‘Union[str, soi.Inventory]’Name of inventory file.required
out_nameOutput file name.None


in_name : 'Union[str, soi.Inventory]'

Name of inventory file.

out_name : = None

Output file name.

diff --git a/api/create_inventory.html b/api/create_inventory.html index 10b9798..5bd58b9 100644 --- a/api/create_inventory.html +++ b/api/create_inventory.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -518,70 +519,56 @@

On this page



create_inventory(project, version, items, uri=lambda s: f'{s.canonical_path}.html', dispname='-')

+    project
+    version
+    items
+    uri=lambda s: f'{s.canonical_path}.html'
+    dispname='-'

Return a sphinx inventory file.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
projectstrName of the project (often the package name).required
versionstrVersion of the project (often the package version).required
items‘list[dc.Object | dc.Alias]’A docstring parser to use.required
uri‘str | Callable[dc.Object, str]’Link relative to the docs where the items documentation lives.lambda s: f'{s.canonical_path}.html'
dispname‘str | Callable[dc.Object, str]’Name to be shown when a link to the item is made.'-'


project : str

Name of the project (often the package name).

version : str

Version of the project (often the package version).

items : 'list[dc.Object | dc.Alias]'

A docstring parser to use.

uri : 'str | Callable[dc.Object, str]' = lambda s: f'{s.canonical_path}.html'

Link relative to the docs where the items documentation lives.

dispname : 'str | Callable[dc.Object, str]' = '-'

Name to be shown when a link to the item is made.



>>> f_obj = get_object("quartodoc", "create_inventory")
->>> inv = create_inventory("example", "0.0", [f_obj])
->>> inv
-Inventory(project='example', version='0.0', source_type=<SourceTypes.Manual: 'manual'>)


>>> f_obj = get_object("quartodoc", "create_inventory")
+>>> inv = create_inventory("example", "0.0", [f_obj])
+>>> inv
+Inventory(project='example', version='0.0', source_type=<SourceTypes.Manual: 'manual'>)

To preview the inventory, we can convert it to a dictionary:

>>> _to_clean_dict(inv)
-{'project': 'example',
- 'version': '0.0',
- 'count': 1,
- 'items': [{'name': 'quartodoc.create_inventory',
-   'domain': 'py',
-   'role': 'function',
-   'priority': '1',
-   'uri': 'quartodoc.create_inventory.html',
-   'dispname': '-'}]}
>>> _to_clean_dict(inv)
+{'project': 'example',
+ 'version': '0.0',
+ 'count': 1,
+ 'items': [{'name': 'quartodoc.create_inventory',
+   'domain': 'py',
+   'role': 'function',
+   'priority': '1',
+   'uri': 'quartodoc.create_inventory.html',
+   'dispname': '-'}]}
diff --git a/api/get_object.html b/api/get_object.html index 1147a80..faf9a36 100644 --- a/api/get_object.html +++ b/api/get_object.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -520,82 +521,57 @@

On this page



get_object(path, object_name=None, parser='numpy', load_aliases=True, dynamic=False, loader=None)

+    path
+    object_name=None
+    parser='numpy'
+    load_aliases=True
+    dynamic=False
+    loader=None

Fetch a griffe object.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pathstrAn import path to the object. This should have the form path.to.module:object. For example, quartodoc:get_object or quartodoc:MdRenderer.render.required
object_name‘str | None’(Deprecated). A function name.None
parserstrA docstring parser to use.'numpy'
load_aliasesFor aliases that were imported from other modules, should we load that module?True
dynamicWhether to dynamically import object. Useful if docstring is not hard-coded, but was set on object by running python code.False


path : str

An import path to the object. This should have the form path.to.module:object. For example, quartodoc:get_object or quartodoc:MdRenderer.render.

object_name : 'str | None' = None

(Deprecated). A function name.

parser : str = 'numpy'

A docstring parser to use.

load_aliases : = True

For aliases that were imported from other modules, should we load that module?

dynamic : = False

Whether to dynamically import object. Useful if docstring is not hard-coded, but was set on object by running python code.


See Also


See Also

preview: print a user-friendly preview of a griffe object.



>>> get_function("quartodoc", "get_function")
-<Function('get_function', ...


>>> get_function("quartodoc", "get_function")
+<Function('get_function', ...


- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


x : dc.Object


diff --git a/api/index.html b/api/index.html index cfe80f8..f866193 100644 --- a/api/index.html +++ b/api/index.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ } + @@ -542,7 +543,7 @@

Docstring Renderers MdRenderer.signature -Return a string representation of an object’s signature. +Return a string representation of an object's signature. MdRenderer.summarize diff --git a/api/layout.ChoicesChildren.html b/api/layout.ChoicesChildren.html index dee85fb..1cb6c5a 100644 --- a/api/layout.ChoicesChildren.html +++ b/api/layout.ChoicesChildren.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -483,46 +518,28 @@

On this page





Options for how child members of a class or module should be documented.



- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
embeddedEmbed documentation inside the parent object’s documentation.
flatInclude documentation after the parent object’s documentation.
separatePut documentation for members on their own, separate pages.
linkedInclude only a table of links to members (which may not be documented).


embedded :

Embed documentation inside the parent object's documentation.

flat :

Include documentation after the parent object's documentation.

separate :

Put documentation for members on their own, separate pages.

linked :

Include only a table of links to members (which may not be documented).

diff --git a/api/layout.ContentElement.html b/api/layout.ContentElement.html index a40323d..00be2a6 100644 --- a/api/layout.ContentElement.html +++ b/api/layout.ContentElement.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ } + diff --git a/api/layout.Doc.html b/api/layout.Doc.html index df86ecc..7119188 100644 --- a/api/layout.Doc.html +++ b/api/layout.Doc.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -484,40 +519,28 @@

On this page





A python object to be documented.

Note that this class should not be used directly. Instead, use child classes like DocFunction.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
namestrThe import path of the object (e.g. quartodoc.get_object).
objUnion[dc.Object, dc.Alias]The loaded python object.
anchorstrAn anchor named, used to locate this documentation on a quartodoc.layout.Page.


name : str

The import path of the object (e.g. quartodoc.get_object).

obj : Union[dc.Object, dc.Alias]

The loaded python object.

anchor : str

An anchor named, used to locate this documentation on a quartodoc.layout.Page.


See Also


See Also

quartodoc.layout.DocModule, quartodoc.layout.DocClass, quartodoc.layout.DocFunction, quartodoc.layout.DocAttribute

diff --git a/api/layout.DocAttribute.html b/api/layout.DocAttribute.html index fa45002..5a1a3bc 100644 --- a/api/layout.DocAttribute.html +++ b/api/layout.DocAttribute.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page





Document a python attribute.

diff --git a/api/layout.DocClass.html b/api/layout.DocClass.html index 824a2e5..bf7c3bd 100644 --- a/api/layout.DocClass.html +++ b/api/layout.DocClass.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page





Document a python class.

diff --git a/api/layout.DocFunction.html b/api/layout.DocFunction.html index 66bb4ca..673279a 100644 --- a/api/layout.DocFunction.html +++ b/api/layout.DocFunction.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page





Document a python function.

diff --git a/api/layout.DocModule.html b/api/layout.DocModule.html index e4c3df0..d2060fc 100644 --- a/api/layout.DocModule.html +++ b/api/layout.DocModule.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

On this page





Document a python module.

diff --git a/api/layout.Item.html b/api/layout.Item.html index f650dad..49bcea4 100644 --- a/api/layout.Item.html +++ b/api/layout.Item.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -483,42 +518,29 @@

On this page





Information about a documented object, including a URI to its location.

Item is used to creative relative links within a documented API. All of the items for an API are saved as an inventory file (usually named objects.json), so documentation sites can link across each other.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
namestrThe name of the object.
objUnion[dc.Object, dc.Alias]A representation of the object (eg its parameters and parsed docstring)
uriOptional[str]A relative URI link to the object from the root of the documentation site.
dispnameOptional[str]Default display name, if none is specified in the interlink. If None, the default is to dipslay the name attribute.


name : str

The name of the object.

obj : Union[dc.Object, dc.Alias]

A representation of the object (eg its parameters and parsed docstring)

uri : Optional[str]

A relative URI link to the object from the root of the documentation site.

dispname : Optional[str]

Default display name, if none is specified in the interlink. If None, the default is to dipslay the name attribute.

diff --git a/api/layout.Layout.html b/api/layout.Layout.html index b19c68a..b9916f2 100644 --- a/api/layout.Layout.html +++ b/api/layout.Layout.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -483,31 +518,20 @@

On this page





The layout of an API doc, which may include many pages.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sectionslist[Union[SectionElement, Section]]Top-level sections of the quarto layout config.
packageUnion[str, None, MISSING]The package being documented.


sections : list[Union[SectionElement, Section]]

Top-level sections of the quarto layout config.

package : Union[str, None, MISSING]

The package being documented.

diff --git a/api/layout.Link.html b/api/layout.Link.html index 6060929..7edad29 100644 --- a/api/layout.Link.html +++ b/api/layout.Link.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ - + @@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1em; /* quarto-specific, see https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/4556 */ vertical-align: middle; } +/* CSS for syntax highlighting */ +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre; position: relative; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { line-height: 1.25; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span:empty { height: 1.2em; } +.sourceCode { overflow: visible; } +code.sourceCode > span { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } +div.sourceCode { margin: 1em 0; } +pre.sourceCode { margin: 0; } +@media screen { +div.sourceCode { overflow: auto; } +} +@media print { +pre > code.sourceCode { white-space: pre-wrap; } +pre > code.sourceCode > span { display: inline-block; text-indent: -5em; padding-left: 5em; } +} +pre.numberSource code + { counter-reset: source-line 0; } +pre.numberSource code > span + { position: relative; left: -4em; counter-increment: source-line; } +pre.numberSource code > span > a:first-child::before + { content: counter(source-line); + position: relative; left: -1em; text-align: right; vertical-align: baseline; + border: none; display: inline-block; + -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; + -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; + padding: 0 4px; width: 4em; + } +pre.numberSource { margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 4px; } +div.sourceCode + { } +@media screen { +pre > code.sourceCode > span > a:first-child::before { text-decoration: underline; } +} @@ -70,6 +104,7 @@ } + @@ -480,7 +515,7 @@

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