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Kmers as an assembly metric

Basically, can we learn something about reads (and their "assembly potential"), by quantitating the number of matches to a refseq database?

Here are the putative steps.

  1. make fasta file of kmers from refseq. The specific data base is based on the taxa unser study. I'll use the mammalian RefSeq for starters.

  2. Make jellyfish database of kmers (same length as RefSeq database)

  3. Query the overlap. As the read set improves, the degree of overlap increases. This degree should plateau at some specific sequencing depth.

  4. At the "right" kmer length (which should be long), there should be close to 0 kmers found in the invert RefSeq database

RefSeq downloaded 28Feb18

#3,968,793,686 unique 31mers in refseq mammal
#4,384,045,340 unique 41mers in refseq mammal

#4,406,519,592 unique 31mers in refseq invert


cd /mnt/lustre/macmaneslab/macmanes/kmers


seqtk sample -s23 SRR2086412.TRIM_1P.cor.fq "$SUBSAMP" > "$SAMP"_"$TAXA"_"$READS"

for kmer in `seq 31 10 41`; do
        jellyfish count -m "$kmer" -s 100M -t 24 -o /dev/stdout -C "$DATABASE" | jellyfish dump /dev/stdin > "$kmer"mers_in_"$TAXA"_refseq.fasta;
        jellyfish count -m "$kmer" -s 100M -t 24 -o k"$kmer"_"$SAMP"reads.jf -C "$SAMP"_"$TAXA"_"$READS";
        jellyfish query k"$kmer"_"$SAMP"reads.jf -s "$kmer"mers_in_"$TAXA"_refseq.fasta | awk '$2 > 0' | tee -a k"$kmer"_"$SAMP"_matches_in_"$TAXA".list;

In 10K reads from SRR2086412.TRIM_1P.cor.fq, there are 338184 31mer matches to 31mer very database (338184/3968793686 = 8.521078e-05 )

In 10K reads from SRR2086412.TRIM_1P.cor.fq, there are 294657 41mer matches to 41mer very database (294657/4384045340 = 6.721121e-05 )