This package provides a ros-controller which implements Forward Dynamics Compliance Control (FDCC) [Scherzinger2017] on a set of joints.
- In a sourced terminal, run
roslaunch cartesian_controller_examples examples.launch
In another sourced terminal, open rqt and navigate to the Controller Manager plugin under Robot Tools. Select /controller_manager as namespace and activate my_cartesian_compliance_controller.
Publish a geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped to /my_cartesian_compliance_controller/target_wrench with force x = 10 and watch the robot move.
In rqt open the Dynamic Reconfigure plugin under Configuration. Play a little with the parameters of my_cartesian_compliance_controller (e.g. stiffness/trans_x) and observe the effect of the target_wrench in RViz.
Below is an example entry for a controller specific configuration. Also see cartesian_controller_examples/config/example_controllers.yaml for further tips.
type: "position_controllers/CartesianComplianceController"
end_effector_link: "tool0"
robot_base_link: "base_link"
ft_sensor_ref_link: "sensor_link"
compliance_ref_link: "tool0"
target_frame_topic: "target_frame"
- joint1
- joint2
- joint3
- joint4
- joint5
- joint6
trans_x: 500
trans_y: 500
trans_z: 500
rot_x: 100
rot_y: 100
rot_z: 100
trans_x: {p: 0.05}
trans_y: {p: 0.05}
trans_z: {p: 0.05}
rot_x: {p: 0.01}
rot_y: {p: 0.01}
rot_z: {p: 0.01}
A minimal example can be found in cartesian_controller_test of this meta package. Also check the top-level for further information.