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ISS API Testing Report


To create a automated test suite for testing the ISS API to get the current, past, or future position of the ISS and also get TLE data on the ISS

APIs in Scope: satellites/[id]/positions satellites/[id]/tles Test Automation Setup

Created a simple BDD cucumber based framework on Rest Assured(JAVA) for setting up regression testing. Each of the features are logically created based on the core functionality like GET/POST/PUT/DELETE of satellites.

Each feature has examples to cover, happy, and negative flows

Framework Details: Runner Class - To run the tests Feature files - To mention test case scenarios with examples POJO Helpers - To set and get json objects Report helper class - To generate extent reports Step builder and helper classes - For step definition glues and reusable methods

How to run the cases?

Prerequisite : Install JAVA JDK- 11.0.6" Install Intellij/Eclipse- a suitable IDE Install GIT bash/GIT GUI to pull my repo If your IDE does not have MAVEN already available you can get it from marketplace You also need to setup cucumber on your IDE-

Steps to Run the test

Create a folder on your local where you want to download the project Clone the project from GIT with command git clone Once cloned successfully open your IDE and import the project as a Maven project. Your path should be until where the pom.xml resides Build with Maven-Install, once the project is imported. Wait for all dependencies to get downloaded Ensure you see no errors in your project, maybe i missed some prerequisite step, so for any issues let me know :) Right click and Run the test runner file under -APIAutomation/src/test/java/com/automation/hotel/runner/ Currently all feature files are marked with “Regression” Tag, please change/comment with hash (#) symbol next to the tag if you wish to run individual features After the run, the reports are present at APIAutomation/test-output/SparkReport I have placed my generated report in the same folder named as “Final Report_ISS.html”

Techstack Java, Maven, Rest Assured, BDD,Extent Reports

GIT Repo:


Please pardon my silly assumptions, since satellites are a very far away topic for me :), it’s all based on some googling I did. The minimum velocity should be 27000 kmph The latitude should be in range of -90 and 90 The longitude should be in range of -180 and 180 The visibility could be any of 3 values (visible, eclipsed, daylight)

PostMan Collection:

All the requests are created and tested via postman. Collection is added in the GIT repo as well