- Config moved from nuts-ml to nuts-flow
- ReadPandas returns named tuples (parameter 'columns' has changed to 'colnames')
- all nuts-flow functions are exported under nutsml namespace
- PrintColType now supports namedtuple
- support for dplyer and need for dplython removed
- xlrd replaced by openpyxl for reading of excel files
- support for Python 3.5 dropped
- support for Python 2.7 dropped
- Theano support dropped
- Fixes for Tensorflow 2.0 and Keras network wrappers
- Fixes for PyTorch network wrapper
- BuildBatch.by() has been removed
- verbose flag removed from BuildBatch (use PrintType() instead)
- Examples updated
- SplitLeaveOneOut added
- ReadNumpy nut added
- PrintType now supports namedtuple
- safe loading of yaml config files
- PrintColType now prints PyTorch tensors
- titles added to ViewImage
- PrintType nut added
- axis_off and labels_off added to ViewImage
- every_sec, every_n added to ViewImage
- long_description added to setup.py
- batchstr() added
- build_tensor_batch now supports expand_dims
- edge filter added as transformer and augmentation
- travis config for Python 3.7 fixed
- Wrapper for Pytorch models added
- support for Python 3.4 dropped
- support for Python 3.7 added
- catching edge case SplitRandom((1,0))
- bug in network.predict fixed for multi-input networks
- boosting fixed
- Config is now OrderedDict
- debug output for batcher added
- fmt parameter for batcher removed
- mixup augmentation added: batcher.Mixup()
- deprecated as_grey by skimage has been replaced by as_gray
- Start of release notes