NOTE: This Guide is still a "Work in Progress", if you got any recommendations or issues with it, please post them into the related issue: juice-shop#16
WARNING: The resources created in this guid will cost about $??/month. Make sure to delete the resources as described in Step 5 Deinstallation when you do not need them anymore.
# Before we can do anything we need a resource group
az group create --location westeurope --name multi-juicer
# let's create the cluster now
# I decreased the node count to 2, to dodge the default core limit
az aks create --resource-group multi-juicer --name juicy-k8s --node-count 2
# now to authenticate fetch the credentials for the new cluster
az aks get-credentials --resource-group multi-juicer --name juicy-k8s
# verify by running
# should print "juicy-k8s"
kubectl config current-context
helm install multi-juicer oci://
# kubernetes will now spin up the pods
# to verify every thing is starting up, run:
kubectl get pods
# This should show you two pods a juice-balancer pod and a progress-watchdog pod
# Wait until both pods are ready
This step is optional, but helpful to catch errors quicker.
# lets test out if the app is working correctly before proceeding
# for that we can port forward the JuiceBalancer service to your local machine
kubectl port-forward service/juice-balancer 3000:3000
# Open up your browser for localhost:3000
# You should be able to see the MultiJuicer Balancer UI
# Try to create a team and see if everything works correctly
# You should be able to access a JuiceShop instances after a few seconds after creating a team,
# and after clicking the "Start Hacking" Button
# You can also try out if the admin UI works correctly
# Go back to localhost:3000/balancer
# To log in as the admin log in as the team "admin"
# The password for the team gets auto generated if not specified, you can extract it from the kubernetes secret:
kubectl get secrets juice-balancer-secret -o=jsonpath='{.data.adminPassword}' | base64 --decode
Create a yaml file with the following contents:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: juice-loadbalancer
selector: juice-balancer-multi-juicer juice-balancer
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 3000
type: LoadBalancer
Then, create the new Service with the following using the kubectl command. The Azure Cloud Shell ( can be used for this.
kubectl create -f loadbalancer.yaml
To expose multi-juicer over https you should use a propper ingress controller instead of just a loadbalancer. This will give you far better control. Remove the loadbalancer from step 4 once you have setup the https connection. To continue follow the multi-juicer azure ssl guide