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Ariel's Global Scheduler

arikwex edited this page Jan 27, 2015 · 14 revisions

The global scheduler algorithm is a "dream" I had long ago, and this game finally gave me the medium to test it out! The algorithm's performance metrics were measured on level 17 to yield:

Elapsed Time: 1000s Transport / sec: 2.46 Avg wait time: 12.4 sec Max wait time: 36.9 Moves: 6216

Algorithm concept: Model the behavior of an elevator as a graph and assign costs to navigation of the elevator. Using a simple BFS-style command & conquer, each elevator finds an individual optimal plan. This plan is periodically updated as new requests arrive (either on-board the elevator or on the floors). An elevator is assigned request by a higher level arbiter. This arbiter evaluates which elevator will endure the least cost to take on any new requests before making a judgement call.

Even though this algorithm works pretty well... It's quite dumb. In fact, it'd probably be BAD in the real world given my current heuristics. There are circumstances in which an individual can get stuck on an elevator indefinitely (but that's ok because it's not part of the metrics :P). With some fine heuristic tuning and adjustments to the elevator modeling steps, this could be on hell of an algorithm.

But until then... Enjoy :)

` { scheduler: null,

init: function(elevators, floors) { var log = function() { //console.log(; };

/* Assign an elevator this new request */
var assignElevator = function(req) {
  var minPlan = null;
  var minElev = null;
  for (var i = 0; i < elevators.length; i++) {
    var elevator = elevators[i];
    var theoreticalRequests = elevator.allRequests().slice();
    var plan = elevator.navigationPlan(elevator.currentFloor(), elevator.loadFactor(), theoreticalRequests);

    if (minElev == null) {
      minPlan = plan;
      minElev = elevator;
    } else if (plan.cost < minPlan.cost) {
      minPlan = plan;
      minElev = elevator;
  log("<<<<<<< Assigned ", req, " to elevator " + minElev._id + " >>>>>>>>>");
  // TODO: On new floor or call requests, the elevator should offer up old call requests just in case there are more optimal divisions of labor.
  // TODO: Model floor request likelyhood

/* Call request object */
var callRequest = function(floor, isUp) {
  return {
    callRequest: true,
    up: isUp,
    down: !isUp,
    destFloor: floor.floorNum(),
    startTime: (+new Date())

/* Listen for floor button pushes */
for (var i = 0; i < floors.length; i++) {
  (function(floor) {
    floor.on('up_button_pressed', function() {
      var request = new callRequest(this, true);
    floor.on('down_button_pressed', function() {
      var request = new callRequest(this, false);

/* Floor request object */
var floorRequest = function(num) {
  return {
    floorRequest: true,
    destFloor: num,
    startTime: (+new Date())

var Node = function(state) {
  var obj = {};
  for (var attr in state) {
    obj[attr] = state[attr];
  return obj;

for (var i = 0; i < elevators.length; i++) {
  (function(elevator) {
    elevator._id = i;

    elevator.deferredPlans = null;
    elevator.floorRequests = [];
    elevator.callRequests = [];

    elevator.prioritize = function() {
      // Optimal personal plan using current requests
      var requests = this.allRequests();
      var plan = this.navigationPlan(this.currentFloor(), this.loadFactor(), requests);

      log("-------ELEVATOR[" + this._id+ "]----------");
      log("REQUESTS", requests);
      log("PLAN", plan);

      this.deferredPlans = plan.path;

    elevator.allRequests = function() {
      var requests = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < this.floorRequests.length; i++) {
      for (var i = 0; i < this.callRequests.length; i++) {
      // reduce duplicates or invalids
      for (var i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) {
        if (requests[i].destFloor == this.currentFloor()) {
          requests.splice(i, 1);
        for (var j = i + 1; j < requests.length; j++) {
          if (requests[i].destFloor == requests[j].destFloor) {
            requests.splice(j, 1);
      return requests;

    elevator.addFloorRequest = function(req) {

    elevator.addCallRequest = function(req) {

    elevator.serviceRequests = function(floorNum) {
      // Remove floor requests
      for (var i = 0; i < this.floorRequests.length; i++) {
        var floorRequest = this.floorRequests[i];
        if (floorRequest.destFloor == floorNum) {
      // Remove call requests
      for (var i = 0; i < this.callRequests.length; i++) {
        var callRequest = this.callRequests[i];
        if (callRequest.destFloor == floorNum) {
          this.callRequests.splice(i, 1);

    elevator.navigationPlan = function(currentFloor, currentLoad, allRequests) {
      // Grab necessary local methods
      var estimatedTravelTime = this.estimatedTravelTime;
      var maxClientWaitTime = this.maxClientWaitTime;
      var minLeaf = null;

      // Create a navigation graph
      var root = new Node({
        floor: currentFloor,
        requests: allRequests,
        estimatedLoad: currentLoad,
        estimatedTime: (+new Date()),
        parent: null,
        cost: 0

      // Recursive construction
      var stepLayer = function(current) {
        var requests = current.requests;

        if (requests.length == 0) {
          if (minLeaf === null) {
            minLeaf = current;
          } else if (current.cost < minLeaf.cost) {
            minLeaf = current;

        for (var i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) {
          var request = requests[i];

          var pathTime = estimatedTravelTime(current.floor, request.destFloor);
          var maxWaitTime = maxClientWaitTime(current.estimatedTime, requests);
          var deltaCost = pathTime + Math.pow(maxWaitTime/4.0, 2);

          var deltaLoad = 0;
          // TODO: make an adaptive load model
          if (request.floorRequest) {
            deltaLoad -= 0.3;
          } else if (request.callRequest) {
            deltaLoad += 0.25;
          var nextLoad = current.estimatedLoad + deltaLoad;
          if (nextLoad > 1) {
            nextLoad = 1;
          } else if (nextLoad < 0) {
            nextLoad = 0;
          deltaCost += 5 * (nextLoad - 0.5) * (nextLoad - 0.5);

          var otherRequests = requests.slice();
          otherRequests.splice(i, 1);

          var node = new Node({
            floor: request.destFloor,
            requests: otherRequests.slice(),
            estimatedLoad: current.estimatedLoad + deltaLoad,
            estimatedTime: current.estimatedTime + pathTime * 1000.0,
            parent: current,
            cost: current.cost + deltaCost


      // No requests
      if (minLeaf == null) {
        return {
          path: [],
          cost: 9999999,

      // Backtrace
      var path = [];
      var cost = minLeaf.cost;
      while (minLeaf != null) {
        minLeaf = minLeaf.parent;
      if (path[0] == currentFloor) {

      return {
        path: path,
        cost: cost

    elevator.estimatedTravelTime = function(from, to) {
      return Math.abs(from-to) * 0.5;

    elevator.maxClientWaitTime = function(estimatedTime, requests) {
      var maxTime = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) {
        if (requests[i].callRequest) {
          var diff = estimatedTime - requests[i].startTime;
          if (diff > maxTime) {
            maxTime = diff;
      return maxTime / 1000.0;

    elevator.on('idle', function() {

    elevator.on('floor_button_pressed', function(num) {
      this.addFloorRequest(new floorRequest(num));

    elevator.on('passing_floor', function(num, dir) {

    elevator.on('stopped_at_floor', function(num) {

      // Queue maneuvers
      if (this.deferredPlans) {
        elevator.destinationQueue = this.deferredPlans;
        this.deferredPlans = null;

      // Mission planner throwback
      if (this.loadFactor() > 0.5) {
        var callRequests = this.callRequests.slice();
        this.callRequests = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < callRequests.length; i++) {


update: function(dt, elevators, floors) { } } `

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