- Generate transaction envelope XDR
- Open up the app and insert the generated XDR
- Check your transaction in the Explainer
- Select the network you want to sign it for (MAIN is global public network)
- Add your signature (secret key or using Ledger)
- Copy the result and submit it to the network
How can I generate transaction evelope XDR?
MyStellar.Tools - enter using your public key, try to execute any action that requires signing (like sending XLM) and it will show you the XDR
Stellar Laboratory (Advanced) - use Transaction Builder to create your transaction and the XDR will be at the bottom of the page
How do I submit the signed transaction to the network?
MyStellar.Tools - enter using your public key, choose "Submit transaction" in the left menu, paste your transaction into the form and hit Submit
Stellar Laboratory - paste your transaction into the form and hit Submit
# install dependencies
# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
yarn run dev
# build electron application for production
yarn run build
# run end-to-end tests
yarn test
- Signing with Ledger makes the app unresponsive for a while on Windows
- Signing with Ledger works only with single operation transactions
This project was generated with electron-vue@1c165f7 using vue-cli. Documentation about the original structure can be found here.