- What work did the SIG do this year that should be highlighted?
As accelerator workloads importance grows, SIG Node doubled down on DRA related work. There were a few changes proposed and many improvements started in 2023 will be continued in 2024.
SIG Node started many alpha-level features in 2023. Specifically, SIG Node green-lit two major features that touch Pod Lifecycle that used to be hard to change in the past. InPlace pod update is still in alpha. Sidecar containers reached beta stage and were enabled by default in 1.29. Note that sidecar containers' importance is also partially driven by AI/ML training workloads that highly depend on reliable sidecar containers support in Kubernetes.
Group is also continuing the effort of eliminating perma-betas. A few old beta features were GA-d and there are plans to continue this effort in 2024.
- Are there any areas and/or subprojects that your group needs help with (e.g. fewer than 2 active OWNERS)?
SIG Node delivers the highest number of KEPs in many releases despite the fact that SIG Node is heavily bottlenecked on the number of approvers. Approvers are overloaded, which creates community tension around KEPs which cannot get enough attention. This is true for global approvers, as well as subprojects like NPD. SIG Node codebase is hard to split into individual components, which makes the growing of new approvers harder.
Even with the push for perma beta elimination, SIG Node still has many features that are heavily used in production, but still marked as beta. Most of the time, the work needed is not challenging or complicated, but requires a lot of effort. Help in this area will be very appreciated.
- Did you have community-wide updates in 2023 (e.g. KubeCon talks)?
- KubeCon EU 2023 maintainers track
- KubeCon China 2023 maintainers track
- KubeCon NA 2023 maintainers track
- KEP work in 2023 (v1.27, v1.28, v1.29):
- 1287 - In-place Update of Pod Resources - v1.27
- 2371 - cAdvisor-less, CRI-full Container and Pod Stats - v1.29
- 2570 - Memory QoS - v1.27
- 3673 - KEP Template - v1.27
- 3695 - Extend the PodResources API to include resources allocated by DRA - v1.27
- 3960 - Pod lifecycle sleep action - v1.29
- 3983 - Add support for a kubelet drop-in configuration directory - v1.28
- 4033 - Discover cgroup driver from CRI - v1.28
- 4191 - Splitting the Image Filesystem - v1.29
- 4210 - ImageMaximumGCAge in Kubelet - v1.29
- 4216 - Image pull per runtime class - v1.29
- 2053 - Downward API HugePages - v1.27
- 2238 - Liveness Probe Grace Period - v1.28
- 2403 - Extend kubelet pod resource assignment endpoint to return allocatable resources - v1.28
- 2413 - Seccomp by default - v1.27
- 2727 - Add gRPC probe to Pod.Spec.Container.{Liveness,Readiness,Startup}Probe - v1.27
- 3288 - Split Stdout and Stderr Log Stream of Container - v1.27
- 3327 - CPUManager policy option to align CPUs by Socket instead of by NUMA node - v1.28
- 606 - Kubelet endpoint for device assignment observation details - v1.28
- 693 - Node Topology Manager - v1.27
- 727 - Kubelet Resource Metrics Endpoint - v1.29
New in 2023:
Retired in 2023:
- noderesourcetopology-api
- ci-testing
- cri-api
- cri-tools
- kernel-module-management
- kubelet
- node-api
- node-feature-discovery
- node-problem-detector
- security-profiles-operator
Retired in 2023:
- Multitenancy
- Batch
- Policy
- Structured Logging
Operational tasks in sig-governance.md:
- README.md reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed
- CONTRIBUTING.md reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed
- Other contributing docs (e.g. in devel dir or contributor guide) reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed
- Subprojects list and linked OWNERS files in sigs.yaml reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed
- SIG leaders (chairs, tech leads, and subproject leads) in sigs.yaml are accurate and active, and updated if needed
- Meeting notes and recordings for 2023 are linked from README.md and updated/uploaded if needed