The final project for REACT NanoDegree.
My Reads is a react application that categorizes books by shelves.
The main page: 'localhost:3000/' renders three types of bookshelves:
- Currently reading
- Want to read
- Read
And the search page: 'localhost:3000' renders the result of the searched books and can add the book to your favorite bookshelf.
- CSS3
- SASS //in the second version 1.0.0
- BEM //in the second version 1.0.0
- tailwind //in the second version 1.0.0
- React
- GitHub
- Bash
Use the package manager NPM to install foobar.
npm install //To install dependencies
npm start //To start the app
npm build //To debloy the app
import * as bookAPI from './bookAPI'
# returns 'get all books items'
# returns 'update book shelf'
bookAPI.update(book, shelf)
# returns 'searched items'
we most likely will not accept pull requests.