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Tensorflow implementation of "Speaker-Independent Speech Separation with Deep Attractor Network"

Link to original paper



numpy / scipy

tensorflow >= 1.2

matplotlib (optional, for visualization)

h5py / fuel (optional, for certain datasets)


Prepare datasets

Currently, TIMIT and WSJ0 datasets are implemented. You can use the "toy" dataset for debugging. It just some white noise.

  • TIMIT dataset

Follow app/datasets/TIMIT/readme for dataset preparation.

  • WSJ0 dataset

Follow app/datasets/WSJ0/readme for dataset preparation.

After setting up a dataset, you may want to change DATASET_TYPE in hyperparameters.

Setup hyperparameters

This is to change batch size, learning rate, dataset type etc ...

  • The recommended way: using JSON file

There's a default.json file at the root directory. You make your own and change some of the values. For example you can create a JSON file with:


Save it as my_setup.json, now you can run the script with:

python -c my_setup.json
  • The direct way: using command line arguments

Some commonly used hyperparameters can be overridden by CLI args.

For example, to set learning rate:

python -lr=1e-2

Here's a incomplete list of them:

# set learning rate, overrides LR

# set dataset to use, overrides DATASET_TYPE

# set batch size, overrides 

# set

Note If you get out of memory (OOM) error from tensorflow, you can try using a lower BATCH_SIZE.

Note If you change FFT_SIZE, FFT_STRIDE, FFT_WND, SMP_RATE, you should do dataset preprocessing again.

Note If you change model architecture, the previously saved model parameter may not be compatible.

Perform experiments

Under the root directory of this repo:

  • train a model for 10 epoch and see accuracy, using TIMIT dataset
    python -ds='timit'
  • train a model using your own hyperparameters
    python -c my_setup.json
  • train a model for 100 epoch and save it
    python -ne=100 -o='params.ckpt'
  • continue from last saved model, train 100 more epoch, save back
    python -ne=100 -i='params.ckpt' -o='params.ckpt'
  • test the trained model on test set
    python -i='params.ckpt' -m=test
  • draw a sample from test set, then separate it:
    $ python -i='params.ckpt' -m=demo
    $ ls *.wav
    demo.wav demo_separated_1.wav demo_separated_2.wav
  • separate a given WAV file:
    $ python -i='params.cpkt' -m=demo -if=file.wav
    $ ls *.wav
    file.wav file_separated_1.wav file_separated_2.wav
  • launch tensorboard and see graphs
    tensorboard --logdir=./logs/`
  • for more CLI arguments, do
    python --help

Use custom dataset

  • Make a file app/datasets/

  • Make a subclass of app.datasets.dataset.Dataset

    class MyDataset(Dataset):

You can use app/datasets/ as an reference.

  • In app/datasets/, add:
    import app.datasets.my_dataset
  • To use your dataset, set DATASET_TYPE to "my_dataset" in JSON config file

Customize model

You can make subclass of Estimator, Encoder, or Separator to tweak model.

  • Encoder is for getting embedding from log-magnitude spectra.

  • Estimator is for estimating attractor points from embedding.

  • Separator uses mixture spectra, mixture embedding and attractor to get separated spectra.

You can set encoder type by setting ENCODER_TYPE in hyperparameters.

You can set estimator type by setting TRAIN_ESTIMATOR_METHOD and INFER_ESTIMATOR_METHOD in hyperparameters.

You can set separator type by setting SEPARATOR_TYPE in hyperparameters.

Make sure to use @register_* decorator for your class. See code in app/ for details. There are existing sub-modules.

To change overall model architecture, modify in


  • Only the favorable "anchor" method for estimating attractor location during inference is implemented. During training, it's also possible to use ground truth to give attractor location.

  • TIMIT dataset is small, so we use same set for test and validation.

  • We use WSJ0 si_tr_s / si_dt_05 / si_et_05 subsets as training / validation / test set respectively. The speakers are randomly chosen and mixed at runtime.

    This setup is slightly different to orignal paper.

  • Only single GPU training is implemented.

  • Doesn't work on Windows.