The server side consists of two applications:
- Event listener that listens to the smart contract events and indexes them in a MySQL database
- REST API that provides access to the data stored in the database, and also acts as a proxy to the APIs to make it possible for the Web Client to access without exposing the access key
Before building and running the server application, please update the configuration. Start with copying the config template:
cp .env.example .env
Next, update the following configuration values:
- Change
if you deployed your own contract. If you want to use the demo application contract, keep the default value. - Change
to your access key from Console
The rest of the values should remain the same for the local development, unless you made corresponding changes in other places.
To install the dependencies, run:
npm install
To build the project for production, run:
npm run build
This command will create a build folder with optimized production-ready files.
To run and set up the database, execute:
docker compose -f ../infra/local/docker-compose.yaml --project-name lottery up -d mysql
npm run typeorm migration:run
To run the Event Listener, use:
npm run event-handler:dev
To run the API, use:
npm run api:dev