This is a developer level guide to the Sai source layout and how the different objects relate to each other.
Sai is Simple-Dai, a simplification of the Dai Stablecoin System intended for field testing and refining Dai components. Sai has several features that distinguish it from Dai:
- trusted price feed
- single collateral type
- global settlement
- liquidations at fixed price (rather than auctions)
This document is an introduction to Sai, aimed at those seeking an understanding of the Solidity implementation. We assume knowledge of the white paper, a high level overview of Dai. A reading of the purple paper, the (in progress) detailed Dai technical specification and reference implementation is strongly encouraged but not required.
Sai uses the following tokens:
: underlying collateral (wrapped ether, in practice)skr
: abstracted collateral claimsai
: stablecoinsin
: anticoin, created and destroyed 1:1 withsai
Sai has the following core components:
: CDP record storetip
: target price feedtap
: liquidation mechanismtop
: global settlement facilitator
Sai is configured by the following 'risk parameters':
: Sai reference price drifthat
: Debt ceilingmat
: Liquidation ratiotax
: Stability feeaxe
: Liquidation penaltygap
: Join/Exit and Boom/Bust spread
is a token wrapper.
: depositgem
in return forskr
: claimgem
with theirskr
is a simple proportional claim on a collateral pool, with the
initial gem
exchange ratio being 1:1. The essential reason
for this abstraction will be developed later, but for now it is
sufficient to see skr
as a token with intrinsic value.
The gem
exchange rate is called per
, and is calculated as the
total number of deposited gem
divided by the total supply of SKR.
The reference price of gem
(in practice, ETHUSD) is provided by the
, an external oracle. The pip
is completely trusted.
The reference price of skr
is then given by the dynamic tag
, e.g.
the price of SKR in USD.
The tip
is a simple oracle for the Sai target price, given in terms
of the reference unit, by par
. For example, par == 2
with USD as
the reference unit implies a target price of 2 USD per Sai.
The target price can vary in time, at a rate given by way
, which is
the multiplicative rate of change per second.
The tub
is the CDP record system. An individual CDP is called a cup
(i.e. a small container), and has:
: an ownerink
: locked SKR collateralart
: debt
It is crucial to know whether a CDP is well collateralised or not:
returns a boolean indicating this.
aggregates price information from the tip
and the tub
compares the reference value of a CDPs debt and collateral.
The following tub
acts are not possible if they would transition a CDP
to unsafe:
: create a new CDPgive
: transfer ownership (changeslad
: deposit SKR collateral (increasesink
: withdraw SKR collateral (decreasesink
: create Sai (increasesart
: return Sai (decreasesart
: clear all CDP debt, unlock all collateral, and delete the record
: liquidate CDP (zerosart
, decreasesink
, transferssin
Unsafe CDPs need to be liquidated. When a cup
is not safe
, anyone
can perform bite(cup)
, which takes on all CDP debt and confiscates
sufficient collateral to cover this, plus a buffer.
This returns the CDP to a safe state (possibly with zero collateral).
There are other possible implementations of bite
, e.g. only taking
sufficient collateral to just transition the CDP to safe, but the
described implementation is chosen for simplicity.
transfers the sin
associated with the CDP to the pit
- the
liquidator vault.
The tap
is a liquidator. It has three token balances that determine
its allowed behaviour:
: Sai balance, surplus transferred fromdrip
: Sin balance, bad debt transferred frombite
: SKR balance, collateral pending liquidation
and one derived price, s2s
, which is the price of SKR in Sai. The
seeks to minimise all of its token balances. Recall that Sai can
be canceled out with Sin via heal
The tap
has two acts:
: sell Sai in return for SKR (decreasesjoy
, decreases SKR supply)bust
: sell SKR in return for Sai (decreasesfog
, increasesjoy
, can increase SKR supply)
is the simpler function and can be thought of as buy and burn.
Given a net Sai balance, sell the Sai in return for SKR, which is
is really two functions in one: collateral sell off, and
inflate and sell. When fog
is non zero it is sold in return for Sai,
which is used to cancel out the bad debt, woe
. If fog
is zero but
the tap
has a net Sin balance, then SKR is minted and sold in return
for Sai, up to the point that the net Sin balance is zero.
Through boom
and bust
we close the feedback loop on the price of
SKR. When there is surplus Sai, SKR is burned, decreasing the SKR supply
and increasing per
, giving SKR holders more GEM per SKR. When there is
surplus Woe, SKR is inflated, increasing the SKR supply and decreasing
, giving SKR holders less GEM per SKR.
The reason for wrapping GEM in SKR is now apparent: it provides a way to socialise losses and gains incurred in the operation of the system.
Two features of this mechanism:
Whilst SKR can be inflated significantly, there is a finite limit on the amount of bad debt the system can absorb - given by the value of the underlying GEM collateral.
There is a negative feedback between
: as SKR is inflated it becomes less valuable, reducing the safety level of CDPs. Some CDPs will become unsafe and be vulnerable to liquidation, creating more bad debt. In an active market, CDP holders will have to be vigilant about the potential for SKR inflation if they are holding tightly collateralised CDPs.
A key feature of Sai is the possibility of cage
: shutting down the
system and reimbursing Sai holders. This is provided for easy upgrades
between Sai iterations, and for security in case of implementation flaws
- both in the code and in the design.
An admin can use the top
to cage
the system at a specific price (sai
per gem), or by reading the last price from the price feed.
First, sufficient real gem
collateral is taken such that Sai holders
can redeem their Sai at face value. The gem
is moved from the tub
the tap
and the
function is unlocked for Sai holders to
Any remaining gem
remains in the tub
. SKR holders can now exit
CDP holders must first bite
their CDPs (although anyone can do this)
and then free
their SKR.
Some important features of cage
- Sai holders are not guaranteed their face value, only preferential payout.
- the full real collateral pool is tapped to make Sai whole. SKR is a risk-bearing token.
- SKR holders will receive a poor rate if they try to
before all CDPs are processed bybite
. To prevent accidental earlyexit
is provided, which will only enableexit
after all CDPs are processed, or a timeout has expired.
The top
also serves as a useful frontend entrypoint to the system, as it
links to all other components.
In a simpler system with no interest rates, we could denominate CDP debt,
the tab
, directly in sin
. However with non zero interest, tab
is a
dynamic quantity, computed from art
, a per CDP debt unit, and chi
the price of this debt unit in sin
tab(cdp) = * chi
The internal debt price, chi
, is dynamic and is updated by the drip
act, which also collects unprocessed revenue.
The chi
abstraction allows us to compute the per CDP debt, and the
total unprocessed revenue, with varying tax
, in constant time.
ds-auth is used, with no owners and two authorities:
: ds-guard, used for internal authority -
: ds-roles, used for external authority
The auth setup looks as follows: sai-auth.jpeg [XXX: do this in graphviz]
== 1 (optimisation)auth
on all functions
only on admin functions- updated to latest dappsys
- simplified contract layout
Scripts, scripts, scripts.. also see test setup.
Script output gist
: gem per skrpar
: ref per saitag
: ref per skrpip
: ref per gemfix
: gem per sai aftercage
: ref per skr aftercage
: trading pips -
: target price tip-off -
: small container for CDP info -
: larger container for cups -
: liquidity provider -
: top-level system manager -
: which way the target price is heading -
: upper limit of Sai issuance -
: lower limit of collateralisation -
: continually paid by CDP holders -
: penalty applied to bad CDP holders -
: gap between buy and sell -
: Real collateral that SKR holders share -
: Abstracted Collateral backing CDPs -
: Debt that is locked up with CDPs -
: Murky liquidatedair
that we want to get rid of -
: SKR holders are happy about this Sai surplus -
: SKR holders are sad about this Sin debt