diff --git a/changelogs/current.yaml b/changelogs/current.yaml
index 8f8fd1304492..9ce7dcd622e9 100644
--- a/changelogs/current.yaml
+++ b/changelogs/current.yaml
@@ -46,15 +46,6 @@ behavior_changes:
   change: |
     Move ``Continue``, ``SendLocalReply`` and ``RecoverPanic` from ``FilterCallbackHandler`` to ``DecoderFilterCallbacks`` and
     ``EncoderFilterCallbacks``, to support full-duplex processing.
-- area: ext_proc
-  change: |
-    Added support for observability mode. If enabled, each part of the HTTP request or response specified by ProcessingMode
-    is sent without waiting for the response from the ext_proc service. It is "Send and Go" mode that can be used by external
-    processor to observe Envoy data and status.
-- area: grpc
-  change: |
-    Added support for flow control in Envoy gRPC side stream. This behavior can be disabled by setting the runtime flag
-    ``envoy.reloadable_features.grpc_side_stream_flow_control`` to false.
 # *Changes that may cause incompatibilities for some users, but should not for most*
@@ -452,6 +443,15 @@ new_features:
     An additional field ``oid`` is added to :ref:`SubjectAltNameMatcher
     <envoy_v3_api_msg_extensions.transport_sockets.tls.v3.SubjectAltNameMatcher>` to support this change.
+- area: ext_proc
+  change: |
+    Added support for observability mode which deprecates ``async_mode``. If enabled, each part of the HTTP request or response
+    specified by ProcessingMode is sent without waiting for the response from the ext_proc service. It is "Send and Go" mode
+    that can be used by external processor to observe Envoy data and status.
+- area: grpc
+  change: |
+    Added support for flow control in Envoy gRPC side stream. This behavior can be disabled by setting the runtime flag
+    ``envoy.reloadable_features.grpc_side_stream_flow_control`` to false.
 - area: tracing