#EMAILER APP Version 2
Vertx 3.3.3
Gradle 2.10
Groovy 2.4.7
Bower 1.8.0
##Local installation##
1.- First you need to create the file conf.json on root
The content is:
"mail" : {
"hostname" : "smtp.gmail.com",
"port" : 587,
"starttls" : "REQUIRED",
"username" : "[email protected]",
"password" : "password"
"mongo" : {
"connection_string" : "mongodb://localhost:27017",
"db_name" : "emailerDevelop"
2.- Please update bower in src/main/groovy/
bower update
Check your directory src/main/groovy/webroot/third-part, here will be contain the JS files.
3.- Run your mongo server. You don't need to create a Mongo Db before.
4.- The project runs on localhost:8000, so apply the follow changes:
CHANGE 1: src/main/resources/webroot/index.html change the url http://emailerv2.modulusuno.com/static/ for http://localhost:8000/static/
Line 138: <nav class="navbar">
<a href="http://emailerv2.modulusuno.com/static/">
CHANGE 2: On src/main/resources/webroot/js/enviroment.js change "http://emailerv2.modulusuno.com" for http://localhost:8000/
window.APP = {
url : "http://emailerv2.modulusuno.com"
In root:
gradle run
##How it works##
1.- Go to http://localhost:8000/static/ and select "añadir template"
2.- Please fill the emailer form, this going to be an emailer template, include params like ${i_am_groovy_param}
3.- Preview your template on "Almacén de Emailers", and send you an email preview.
4.- Modify a template, check the last update, and the last version available.
5.- Check the table on "Almacén de Emailers", it contains: #, ID, Subject, Version, and Preview Button.
1.- If the web app have a template, you can use the webservice.
2.- Please identify the ID on "Almacén de Emailers"
3.- Please identify the params on the template, this are identify with ${param}
4.- Send a request to http://localhost:8000/serviceEmail
Request: POST
Url: http://localhost:8000/serviceEmail
"to":"[email protected]",
"cc":"[email protected]",
"cco":"[email protected]",
"subject":"Preview Emailer",
"message":"Hello world",
"date":"12 de Junio"
1.- Correct request.
Code: 201
Message: "Solicitud enviada correctamente."
2.- Request without body
Code: 400
Message: "I can't do my job, please send me something please."
3.- Bad request
Code: 400
Message: "I can't do my job. You have the follow errors"
agregando texto