diff --git a/src/Controller/ProfilesController.php b/src/Controller/ProfilesController.php index 673cada..fd5a16a 100644 --- a/src/Controller/ProfilesController.php +++ b/src/Controller/ProfilesController.php @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ namespace App\Controller; +use Cake\Core\Configure; use Cake\Event\EventInterface; use Cake\Http\Exception\NotFoundException; use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry; @@ -330,9 +331,9 @@ public function reorderChildren($id = null) */ public function autocomplete() { - $term = $this->getRequest()->getQuery('q'); - if ($this->getRequest()->is(['ajax', 'get']) && $term) { - $ret = ''; + $term = $this->getRequest()->getQuery('term'); + if ((Configure::read('debug') || $this->getRequest()->is(['ajax', 'get'])) && $term) { + $ret = []; // fire autocomplete with at least 2 characters if (strlen($term) > 1) { @@ -343,11 +344,11 @@ public function autocomplete() ->all(); foreach ($profiles as $p) { - //$ret[] = ['label' => $p->d_n, 'value' => $p->id]; - $ret .= $p->id . '|' . h($p->d_n) . chr(10); + $ret[] = ['label' => $p->d_n, 'value' => $p->id]; + //$ret .= $p->id . '|' . h($p->d_n) . chr(10); } } - $this->response = $this->response->withStringBody($ret); + $this->response = $this->response->withStringBody(json_encode($ret)); return $this->response; } else { diff --git a/templates/Attachments/view.php b/templates/Attachments/view.php index 1a9f903..87ed18d 100644 --- a/templates/Attachments/view.php +++ b/templates/Attachments/view.php @@ -121,11 +121,12 @@ echo ''; echo $this->Form->end(); - echo $this->Html->script('jquery.imgareaselect-0.8.min'); + echo $this->Html->script('jquery.imgareaselect.js'); echo $this->Html->script('jquery.imgnotes-0.2'); - echo $this->Html->script('ui.core'); - echo $this->Html->script('ui.autocomplete'); + //echo $this->Html->script('ui.core'); + //echo $this->Html->script('ui.autocomplete'); + echo $this->Html->script('jquery-ui-personalized.min'); echo $this->Html->css('imgnotes'); echo $this->Html->css('ui.all'); ?> @@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() { $('#ImgnoteNote').autocomplete({ - url: 'Url->build(['controller' => 'Profiles', 'action' => 'autocomplete']) ?>', + source: 'Url->build(['controller' => 'Profiles', 'action' => 'autocomplete']) ?>', dataType: "text", width: "240px", formatResult: function(row) { @@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ $('#NoteForm').hide(); }); - $('#AddNoteLink').click(function() { + $('#AddNoteLink').click(function(e) { getImageSize('large'); @@ -191,17 +192,20 @@ $y1 = round($large_sizes['height'] / 2 - $h / 2); $y2 = $y1 + $h; - printf('var frame = {onSelectChange: ShowAddNote, handles: true, x1:%1$s, x2:%2$s, y1:%3$s, y2:%4$s, width:%5$s, height:%6$s};', $x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $w, $h).PHP_EOL; + printf('var frame = {onSelectChange: ShowAddNote, handles: true, x1:%1$s, x2:%2$s, y1:%3$s, y2:%4$s, width:%5$s, height:%6$s};', $x1, $x2, $y1, $y2, $w, $h) . PHP_EOL; ?> + ShowAddNote('#AttachmentImage', frame); $('#NoteForm').show(); - $('#AttachmentImage').imgAreaSelect(frame); + $("#AttachmentImage").imgAreaSelect(frame); + e.preventDefault(); + return false; }); diff --git a/templates/Profiles/reorder_children.php b/templates/Profiles/reorder_children.php index 5bae015..59e431c 100644 --- a/templates/Profiles/reorder_children.php +++ b/templates/Profiles/reorder_children.php @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ?>

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resize.join('') + '-resize' : - options.movable ? 'move' : ''); - if ($areaOpera) - $areaOpera.toggle(); - } - - function docMouseUp(event) - { - resize = [ ]; - - $('body').css('cursor', ''); - - if (options.autoHide || selection.width * selection.height == 0) - $box.add($o).hide(); - - options.onSelectEnd(img, trueSelection()); - - $(document).unbind('mousemove', selectingMouseMove); - $box.mousemove(areaMouseMove); - } - - function areaMouseDown(event) - { - if (event.which != 1) return false; - - adjust(); - - if (options.resizable && resize.length > 0) { - $('body').css('cursor', resize.join('') + '-resize'); - - x1 = viewX(selection[resize[H] == 'w' ? 'x2' : 'x1']); - y1 = viewY(selection[resize[V] == 'n' ? 'y2' : 'y1']); - - $(document).mousemove(selectingMouseMove) - .one('mouseup', docMouseUp); - $box.unbind('mousemove', areaMouseMove); - } - else if (options.movable) { - startX = left + selection.x1 - evX(event); - startY = top + selection.y1 - evY(event); - - $box.unbind('mousemove', areaMouseMove); - - $(document).mousemove(movingMouseMove) - .one('mouseup', function () { - options.onSelectEnd(img, trueSelection()); - - $(document).unbind('mousemove', movingMouseMove); - $box.mousemove(areaMouseMove); - }); - } - else - $img.mousedown(event); - - return false; - } - - function aspectRatioXY() - { - x2 = M.max(left, M.min(left + imgWidth, - x1 + M.abs(y2 - y1) * aspectRatio * (x2 < x1 ? -1 : 1))); - y2 = M.round(M.max(top, M.min(top + imgHeight, - y1 + M.abs(x2 - x1) / aspectRatio * (y2 < y1 ? -1 : 1)))); - x2 = M.round(x2); - } - - function aspectRatioYX() - { - y2 = M.max(top, M.min(top + imgHeight, - y1 + M.abs(x2 - x1) / aspectRatio * (y2 < y1 ? -1 : 1))); - x2 = M.round(M.max(left, M.min(left + imgWidth, - x1 + M.abs(y2 - y1) * aspectRatio * (x2 < x1 ? -1 : 1)))); - y2 = M.round(y2); - } - - function doResize() - { - if (options.minWidth && M.abs(x2 - x1) < options.minWidth) { - x2 = x1 - options.minWidth * (x2 < x1 ? 1 : -1); - - if (x2 < left) - x1 = left + options.minWidth; - else if (x2 > left + imgWidth) - x1 = left + imgWidth - options.minWidth; - } - - if (options.minHeight && M.abs(y2 - y1) < options.minHeight) { - y2 = y1 - options.minHeight * (y2 < y1 ? 1 : -1); - - if (y2 < top) - y1 = top + options.minHeight; - else if (y2 > top + imgHeight) - y1 = top + imgHeight - options.minHeight; - } - - x2 = M.max(left, M.min(x2, left + imgWidth)); - y2 = M.max(top, M.min(y2, top + imgHeight)); - - if (aspectRatio) - if (M.abs(x2 - x1) / aspectRatio > M.abs(y2 - y1)) - aspectRatioYX(); - else - aspectRatioXY(); - - if (options.maxWidth && M.abs(x2 - x1) > options.maxWidth) { - x2 = x1 - options.maxWidth * (x2 < x1 ? 1 : -1); - if (aspectRatio) aspectRatioYX(); - } - - if (options.maxHeight && M.abs(y2 - y1) > options.maxHeight) { - y2 = y1 - options.maxHeight * (y2 < y1 ? 1 : -1); - if (aspectRatio) aspectRatioXY(); - } - - selection = { x1: selX(M.min(x1, x2)), x2: selX(M.max(x1, x2)), - y1: selY(M.min(y1, y2)), y2: selY(M.max(y1, y2)), - width: M.abs(x2 - x1), height: M.abs(y2 - y1) }; - - update(); - - options.onSelectChange(img, trueSelection()); - } - - function selectingMouseMove(event) - { - x2 = !resize.length || resize[H] || aspectRatio ? evX(event) : viewX(selection.x2); - y2 = !resize.length || resize[V] || aspectRatio ? evY(event) : viewY(selection.y2); - - doResize(); - - return false; - } - - function doMove(newX1, newY1) - { - x2 = (x1 = newX1) + selection.width; - y2 = (y1 = newY1) + selection.height; - - selection = $.extend(selection, { x1: selX(x1), y1: selY(y1), - x2: selX(x2), y2: selY(y2) }); - - update(); - - options.onSelectChange(img, trueSelection()); - } - - function movingMouseMove(event) - { - x1 = M.max(left, M.min(startX + evX(event), left + imgWidth - selection.width)); - y1 = M.max(top, M.min(startY + evY(event), top + imgHeight - selection.height)); - - doMove(x1, y1); - - event.preventDefault(); - return false; - } - - function startSelection(event) - { - adjust(); - - x2 = x1; - y2 = y1; - doResize(); - - resize = [ ]; - - $box.add($o.is(':visible') ? null : $o).show(); - shown = true; - - $(document).unbind('mouseup', cancelSelection) - .mousemove(selectingMouseMove).one('mouseup', docMouseUp); - $box.unbind('mousemove', areaMouseMove); - - options.onSelectStart(img, trueSelection()); - } - - function cancelSelection() - { - $(document).unbind('mousemove', startSelection); - $box.add($o).hide(); - - selection = { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; - - options.onSelectChange(img, selection); - options.onSelectEnd(img, selection); - } - - function imgMouseDown(event) - { - if (event.which != 1) return false; - - adjust(); - startX = x1 = evX(event); - startY = y1 = evY(event); - - $(document).one('mousemove', startSelection) - .one('mouseup', cancelSelection); - - return false; - } - - function parentScroll() - { - adjust(); - update(false); - x1 = viewX(selection.x1); y1 = viewY(selection.y1); - x2 = viewX(selection.x2); y2 = viewY(selection.y2); - } - - function imgLoad() - { - imgLoaded = true; - - if (options.show) { - shown = true; - adjust(); - update(); - $box.add($o).show(); - } - - $box.add($o).css({ visibility: '' }); - } - - var docKeyPress = function(event) { - var k = options.keys, d, t, key = event.keyCode || event.which; - - d = !isNaN(k.alt) && (event.altKey || event.originalEvent.altKey) ? k.alt : - !isNaN(k.ctrl) && event.ctrlKey ? k.ctrl : - !isNaN(k.shift) && event.shiftKey ? k.shift : - !isNaN(k.arrows) ? k.arrows : 10; - - if (k.arrows == 'resize' || (k.shift == 'resize' && event.shiftKey) || - (k.ctrl == 'resize' && event.ctrlKey) || - (k.alt == 'resize' && (event.altKey || event.originalEvent.altKey))) - { - switch (key) { - case 37: - d = -d; - case 39: - t = M.max(x1, x2); - x1 = M.min(x1, x2); - x2 = M.max(t + d, x1); - if (aspectRatio) aspectRatioYX(); - break; - case 38: - d = -d; - case 40: - t = M.max(y1, y2); - y1 = M.min(y1, y2); - y2 = M.max(t + d, y1); - if (aspectRatio) aspectRatioXY(); - break; - default: - return; - } - - doResize(); - } - else { - x1 = M.min(x1, x2); - y1 = M.min(y1, y2); - - switch (key) { - case 37: - doMove(M.max(x1 - d, left), y1); - break; - case 38: - doMove(x1, M.max(y1 - d, top)); - break; - case 39: - doMove(x1 + M.min(d, imgWidth - selX(x2)), y1); - break; - case 40: - doMove(x1, y1 + M.min(d, imgHeight - selY(y2))); - break; - default: - return; - } - } - - return false; - }; - - this.setOptions = function(newOptions) - { - if (newOptions.parent) - ($parent = $(newOptions.parent)).append($box.add($o)); - - adjust(); - getZIndex(); - - if (newOptions.x1 != null) { - selection = { x1: newOptions.x1, y1: newOptions.y1, - x2: newOptions.x2, y2: newOptions.y2 }; - newOptions.show = !newOptions.hide; - - x1 = viewX(selection.x1); y1 = viewY(selection.y1); - x2 = viewX(selection.x2); y2 = viewY(selection.y2); - selection.width = x2 - x1; - selection.height = y2 - y1; - } - - if (newOptions.handles != null) { - $handles.remove(); - $handles = $(handles = [ ]); - - i = newOptions.handles ? newOptions.handles == 'corners' ? 4 : 8 : 0; - - while (i--) - $handles = $handles.add(handles[i] = $('
    ')); - - handleWidth = 4 + options.borderWidth; - - $handles.css({ position: 'absolute', borderWidth: options.borderWidth + 'px', - borderStyle: 'solid', borderColor: options.borderColor1, - opacity: options.borderOpacity, backgroundColor: options.borderColor2, - width: handleWidth + 'px', height: handleWidth + 'px', - fontSize: '0px', zIndex: zIndex > 0 ? zIndex + 1 : '1' }) - .addClass(options.classPrefix + '-handle'); - - handleWidth += options.borderWidth * 2; - } - - update(); - - options = $.extend(options, newOptions); - - if (options.imageWidth || options.imageHeight) { - scaleX = (parseInt(options.imageWidth) || imgWidth) / imgWidth; - scaleY = (parseInt(options.imageHeight) || imgHeight) / imgHeight; - } - - if (newOptions.keys) - options.keys = $.extend({ shift: 1, ctrl: 'resize' }, - newOptions.keys === true ? { } : newOptions.keys); - - $o.addClass(options.classPrefix + '-outer'); - $area.addClass(options.classPrefix + '-selection'); - $border1.addClass(options.classPrefix + '-border1'); - $border2.addClass(options.classPrefix + '-border2'); - - $box.add($area).add($border1).add($border2).css({ borderWidth: options.borderWidth + 'px' }); - $area.css({ backgroundColor: options.selectionColor, opacity: options.selectionOpacity }); - $border1.css({ borderStyle: 'solid', borderColor: options.borderColor1 }); - $border2.css({ borderStyle: 'dashed', borderColor: options.borderColor2 }); - $border1.add($border2).css({ opacity: options.borderOpacity }); - $o.css({ opacity: options.outerOpacity, backgroundColor: options.outerColor }); - - $box.append($area.add($border1).add($border2).add($handles).add($areaOpera)); - - if (newOptions.hide) - $box.add($o).hide(); - else if (newOptions.show && imgLoaded) { - shown = true; - update(); - $box.add($o).show(); - } - - aspectRatio = options.aspectRatio && (d = options.aspectRatio.split(/:/)) ? - d[0] / d[1] : null; - - if (aspectRatio) - if (options.minWidth) - options.minHeight = parseInt(options.minWidth / aspectRatio); - else if (options.minHeight) - options.minWidth = parseInt(options.minHeight * aspectRatio); - - if (options.disable || options.enable === false) { - $box.unbind('mousemove', areaMouseMove).unbind('mousedown', areaMouseDown); - $img.add($o).unbind('mousedown', imgMouseDown); - $(window).unbind('resize', parentScroll); - $img.add($img.parents()).unbind('scroll', parentScroll); - } - else if (options.enable || options.disable === false) { - if (options.resizable || options.movable) - $box.mousemove(areaMouseMove).mousedown(areaMouseDown); - - if (!options.persistent) - $img.add($o).mousedown(imgMouseDown); - $(window).resize(parentScroll); - $img.add($img.parents()).scroll(parentScroll); - } - - options.enable = options.disable = undefined; - }; - - if ($.browser.msie) - $img.attr('unselectable', 'on'); - - $.imgAreaSelect.keyPress = $.browser.msie || - $.browser.safari ? 'keydown' : 'keypress'; - - if ($.browser.opera) - ($areaOpera = $('
    ')) - .css({ zIndex: zIndex > 0 ? zIndex + 2 : '2' }); - - this.setOptions(options = $.extend({ - borderColor1: '#000', - borderColor2: '#fff', - borderWidth: 1, - borderOpacity: .5, - classPrefix: 'imgareaselect', - movable: true, - resizable: true, - selectionColor: '#fff', - selectionOpacity: 0, - outerColor: '#000', - outerOpacity: .4, - parent: 'body', - onSelectStart: function () {}, - onSelectChange: function () {}, - onSelectEnd: function () {} - }, options)); - - $box.add($o).css({ visibility: 'hidden', position: position, - overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: zIndex > 0 ? zIndex : '0' }); - $area.css({ borderStyle: 'solid' }); - $box.css({ position: position, zIndex: zIndex > 0 ? zIndex + 2 : '2' }); - $area.add($border1).add($border2).css({ position: 'absolute' }); - - img.complete || img.readyState == 'complete' || !$img.is('img') ? - imgLoad() : $img.one('load', imgLoad); -}; - -$.fn.imgAreaSelect = function (options) { - options = options || {}; - - this.each(function () { - if ($(this).data('imgAreaSelect')) - $(this).data('imgAreaSelect').setOptions(options); - else { - if (options.enable === undefined && options.disable === undefined) - options.enable = true; - - $(this).data('imgAreaSelect', new $.imgAreaSelect.init(this, options)); - } - }); - - return this; -}; - -})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/webroot/js/jquery.imgareaselect.js b/webroot/js/jquery.imgareaselect.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9280b1d --- /dev/null +++ b/webroot/js/jquery.imgareaselect.js @@ -0,0 +1,1234 @@ +/* + * imgAreaSelect jQuery plugin + * version 1.0.0-rc.1 + * + * Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Michal Wojciechowski (odyniec.net) + * + * Dual licensed under the MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) + * and GPL (http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0) licenses. + * + * http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect/ + * + */ + +(function($) { + + /* + * Math functions will be used extensively, so it's convenient to make a few + * shortcuts + */ + var abs = Math.abs, + max = Math.max, + min = Math.min, + round = Math.round; + + /** + * Create a new HTML div element + * + * @return A jQuery object representing the new element + */ + function div() { + return $('
    '); + } + + /** + * imgAreaSelect initialization + * + * @param img + * A HTML image element to attach the plugin to + * @param options + * An options object + */ + $.imgAreaSelect = function (img, options) { + var + /* jQuery object representing the image */ + $img = $(img), + + /* Has the image finished loading? */ + imgLoaded, + + /* Plugin elements */ + + /* Container box */ + $box = div(), + /* Selection area */ + $area = div(), + /* Border (four divs) */ + $border = div().add(div()).add(div()).add(div()), + /* Outer area */ + $outer = div(), + /* Handles (empty by default, initialized in setOptions()) */ + $handles = $([]), + + /* Image position (relative to viewport) */ + left, top, + + /* Image offset (as returned by .offset()) */ + imgOfs = { left: 0, top: 0 }, + + /* Image dimensions (as returned by .width() and .height()) */ + imgWidth, imgHeight, + + /* + * jQuery object representing the parent element that the plugin + * elements are appended to + */ + $parent, + + /* Parent element offset (as returned by .offset()) */ + parOfs = { left: 0, top: 0 }, + + /* Base z-index for plugin elements */ + zIndex = 0, + + /* Plugin elements position */ + position = 'absolute', + + /* X/Y coordinates of the starting point for move/resize operations */ + startX, startY, + + /* + * Distance between the mouse cursor (or touch point) and selection area + * edges (when resizing) + */ + edgeX, edgeY, + + /* Horizontal and vertical scaling factors */ + scaleX, scaleY, + + /* Current resize mode ("nw", "se", etc.) */ + resize, + + /* Selection area constraints */ + minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight, + + /* Aspect ratio to maintain (floating point number) */ + aspectRatio, + + /* Are the plugin elements currently displayed? */ + shown, + + /* Current selection (relative to parent element) */ + x1, y1, x2, y2, + + /* Current selection (relative to scaled image) */ + selection = { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, + + /* User agent */ + ua = navigator.userAgent, + + /* Is the user performing a touch action? */ + touch, + + /* Various helper variables used throughout the code */ + $p, d, i, o, w, h, adjusted; + + /* + * Translate selection coordinates (relative to scaled image) to viewport + * coordinates (relative to parent element) + */ + + /** + * Translate selection X to viewport X + * + * @param x + * Selection X + * @return Viewport X + */ + function viewX(x) { + return x + imgOfs.left - parOfs.left; + } + + /** + * Translate selection Y to viewport Y + * + * @param y + * Selection Y + * @return Viewport Y + */ + function viewY(y) { + return y + imgOfs.top - parOfs.top; + } + + /* + * Translate viewport coordinates to selection coordinates + */ + + /** + * Translate viewport X to selection X + * + * @param x + * Viewport X + * @return Selection X + */ + function selX(x) { + return x - imgOfs.left + parOfs.left; + } + + /** + * Translate viewport Y to selection Y + * + * @param y + * Viewport Y + * @return Selection Y + */ + function selY(y) { + return y - imgOfs.top + parOfs.top; + } + + /* + * Translate event coordinates (relative to document) to viewport + * coordinates + */ + + /** + * Get event X and translate it to viewport X + * + * @param event + * The event object + * @return Viewport X + */ + function evX(event) { + var coords = touchCoords(event) || event, x; + + if (x = parseInt(coords.pageX)) + return x - parOfs.left; + } + + /** + * Get event Y and translate it to viewport Y + * + * @param event + * The event object + * @return Viewport Y + */ + function evY(event) { + var coords = touchCoords(event) || event, y; + + if (y = parseInt(coords.pageY)) + return y - parOfs.top; + } + + /** + * Get the first touch object in an event + * + * @param event + * The event object + * @return The first touch object found in the event object, or false if + * none are found + */ + function touchCoords(event) { + var oev = event.originalEvent || {}; + + return oev.touches && oev.touches.length ? oev.touches[0] : false; + } + + /** + * Get the current selection + * + * @param noScale + * If set to true, scaling is not applied to the + * returned selection + * @return Selection object + */ + function getSelection(noScale) { + var sx = noScale || scaleX, sy = noScale || scaleY; + + return { x1: round(selection.x1 * sx), + y1: round(selection.y1 * sy), + x2: round(selection.x2 * sx) - 1, + y2: round(selection.y2 * sy) - 1, + width: round(selection.x2 * sx) - round(selection.x1 * sx), + height: round(selection.y2 * sy) - round(selection.y1 * sy) }; + } + + /** + * Set the current selection + * + * @param x1 + * X coordinate of the upper left corner of the selection area + * @param y1 + * Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the selection area + * @param x2 + * X coordinate of the lower right corner of the selection area + * @param y2 + * Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the selection area + * @param noScale + * If set to true, scaling is not applied to the + * new selection + */ + function setSelection(x1, y1, x2, y2, noScale) { + var sx = noScale || scaleX, sy = noScale || scaleY; + + selection = { + x1: round(x1 / sx || 0), + y1: round(y1 / sy || 0), + x2: round(++x2 / sx || 0), + y2: round(++y2 / sy || 0) + }; + + selection.width = selection.x2 - selection.x1; + selection.height = selection.y2 - selection.y1; + } + + /** + * Recalculate image and parent offsets + */ + function adjust() { + /* + * Do not adjust if image has not yet loaded or if width is not a + * positive number. The latter might happen when imgAreaSelect is put + * on a parent element which is then hidden. + */ + if (!imgLoaded || !$img.width()) + return; + + /* + * Get image offset. The .offset() method returns float values, so they + * need to be rounded. + */ + imgOfs = { left: round($img.offset().left), top: round($img.offset().top) }; + + /* Get image dimensions */ + imgWidth = $img.innerWidth(); + imgHeight = $img.innerHeight(); + + imgOfs.top += ($img.outerHeight() - imgHeight) >> 1; + imgOfs.left += ($img.outerWidth() - imgWidth) >> 1; + + /* Set minimum and maximum selection area dimensions */ + minWidth = round(options.minWidth / scaleX) || 0; + minHeight = round(options.minHeight / scaleY) || 0; + maxWidth = round(min(options.maxWidth / scaleX || 1<<24, imgWidth)); + maxHeight = round(min(options.maxHeight / scaleY || 1<<24, imgHeight)); + + /* Determine parent element offset */ + parOfs = position == 'fixed' ? + /* Plugin elements position set to fixed */ + { left: $(document).scrollLeft(), top: $(document).scrollTop() } : + /* Check parent element position */ + /static|^$/.test($parent.css('position')) ? + /* Static */ + { left: 0, top: 0 } : + /* Absolute or relative */ + { left: round($parent.offset().left) - $parent.scrollLeft(), + top: round($parent.offset().top) - $parent.scrollTop() }; + + left = viewX(0); + top = viewY(0); + + /* + * Check if selection area is within image boundaries, adjust if + * necessary + */ + if (selection.x2 > imgWidth || selection.y2 > imgHeight) + fixAreaCoords(); + } + + /** + * Update plugin elements + * + * @param resetKeyPress + * If set to false, this instance's keypress + * event handler is not activated + */ + function update(resetKeyPress) { + /* If plugin elements are hidden, do nothing */ + if (!shown) return; + + /* + * Set the position and size of the container box and the selection area + * inside it + */ + $box.css({ left: viewX(selection.x1), top: viewY(selection.y1) }) + .add($area).width(w = selection.width).height(h = selection.height); + + /* + * Reset the position of selection area, borders, and handles (IE6/IE7 + * position them incorrectly if we don't do this) + */ + $area.add($border).add($handles).css({ left: 0, top: 0 }); + + /* Set border dimensions */ + $border.add($outer) + .width(max(w - $border.outerWidth() + $border.innerWidth(), 0)) + .height(max(h - $border.outerHeight() + $border.innerHeight(), 0)); + + /* Set the dimensions and border styles of the outer area */ + $outer.css({ + left: left, + top: top, + width: w, + height: h, + borderStyle: 'solid', + borderWidth: selection.y1 + 'px ' + + (imgWidth - selection.x2) + 'px ' + (imgHeight - selection.y2) + + 'px ' + selection.x1 + 'px' + }); + + w -= $handles.outerWidth(); + h -= $handles.outerHeight(); + + /* Arrange handles */ + switch ($handles.length) { + case 8: + $($handles[4]).css({ left: w >> 1 }); + $($handles[5]).css({ left: w, top: h >> 1 }); + $($handles[6]).css({ left: w >> 1, top: h }); + $($handles[7]).css({ top: h >> 1 }); + case 4: + $handles.slice(1,3).css({ left: w }); + $handles.slice(2,4).css({ top: h }); + } + + if (resetKeyPress !== false) { + /* + * Need to reset the document keypress event handler -- unbind the + * current handler + */ + if ($.imgAreaSelect.keyPress != docKeyPress) + $(document).unbind($.imgAreaSelect.keyPress, + $.imgAreaSelect.onKeyPress); + + if (options.keys) + /* + * Set the document keypress event handler to this instance's + * docKeyPress() function + */ + $(document)[$.imgAreaSelect.keyPress]( + $.imgAreaSelect.onKeyPress = docKeyPress); + } + } + + /** + * Do the complete update sequence: recalculate offsets, update the + * elements, and set the correct values of x1, y1, x2, and y2. + * + * @param resetKeyPress + * If set to false, this instance's keypress + * event handler is not activated + */ + function doUpdate(resetKeyPress) { + adjust(); + update(resetKeyPress); + x1 = viewX(selection.x1); y1 = viewY(selection.y1); + x2 = viewX(selection.x2); y2 = viewY(selection.y2); + } + + /** + * Hide or fade out an element (or multiple elements) + * + * @param $elem + * A jQuery object containing the element(s) to hide/fade out + * @param fn + * Callback function to be called when fadeOut() completes + */ + function hide($elem, fn) { + options.fadeDuration ? $elem.fadeOut(options.fadeDuration, fn) : $elem.hide(); + } + + /** + * Check if a touch event is expected and if the passed event object really + * is a touch event + * + * @param event + * The event object + * @return True if the event handler should be interrupted + */ + function breakWhenNoTouch(event) { + return touch && !/^touch/.test(event.type); + } + + /** + * Check event coordinates to determine if the selection area should be + * resized or moved + * + * @param event + * The event object + */ + function checkResize(event) { + var x = selX(evX(event)) - selection.x1, + y = selY(evY(event)) - selection.y1; + + /* Clear the resize mode */ + resize = ''; + + if (options.resizable) { + /* + * Check if the mouse pointer is over the resize margin area and set + * the resize mode accordingly + */ + if (y <= options.resizeMargin) + resize = 'n'; + else if (y >= selection.height - options.resizeMargin) + resize = 's'; + if (x <= options.resizeMargin) + resize += 'w'; + else if (x >= selection.width - options.resizeMargin) + resize += 'e'; + } + + $box.css('cursor', resize ? resize + '-resize' : + options.movable ? 'move' : ''); + } + + /** + * Selection area mousemove event handler + * + * @param event + * The event object + */ + function areaMouseMove(event) { + if (breakWhenNoTouch(event)) + return; + + if (!adjusted) { + adjust(); + adjusted = true; + + $box.one('mouseout', function () { adjusted = false; }); + } + + checkResize(event); + } + + /** + * Document mouseup event handler + * + * @param event + * The event object + */ + function docMouseUp(event) { + /* Reset touch action flag */ + touch = false; + /* Set back the default cursor */ + $('body').css('cursor', ''); + /* + * If autoHide is enabled, or if the selection has zero width/height, + * hide the selection and the outer area + */ + if (options.autoHide || selection.width * selection.height == 0) + hide($box.add($outer), function () { $(this).hide(); }); + + $(document).off('mousemove touchmove', selectingMouseMove); + $box.on('mousemove touchmove', areaMouseMove); + + /* + * If docMouseUp() is called by areaMouseDown() to work around the issue + * with Android Chrome, there is no event object, and we don't want to + * run the onSelectEnd callback function. + */ + if (event) + options.onSelectEnd(img, getSelection()); + } + + /** + * Selection area mousedown event handler + * + * @param event + * The event object + * @return false + */ + function areaMouseDown(event) { + if (event.type == 'mousedown' && event.which != 1) return false; + + if (event.type == 'touchstart') { + /* + * Android Chrome often does not produce a touchend event + * (https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=152913), so + * if it appears that the touch flag is still set, we call the + * mouseup/touchend event handler to clean up after the previous + * touch action. + */ + if (touch) + docMouseUp(); + + /* This is a start of a touch action */ + touch = true; + + /* + * Normally, checkResize() is called by the mousemove event handler + * triggered just before mousedown, but with a touch action there + * is no mousemove, so we need to call it explicitly. + */ + checkResize(event); + } + else + adjust(); + + if (resize) { + /* Resize mode is in effect */ + + /* + * Set (x1, y1) to the fixed corner of the selection area, and (x2, + * y2) to the corner that's being moved. + */ + x1 = viewX(selection['x' + (1 + /w/.test(resize))]); + y1 = viewY(selection['y' + (1 + /n/.test(resize))]); + x2 = viewX(selection['x' + (1 + !/w/.test(resize))]); + y2 = viewY(selection['y' + (1 + !/n/.test(resize))]); + + edgeX = x2 - evX(event); + edgeY = y2 - evY(event); + + $(document).on('mousemove touchmove', selectingMouseMove) + .one('mouseup touchend', docMouseUp); + $box.off('mousemove touchmove', areaMouseMove); + } + else if (options.movable) { + startX = left + selection.x1 - evX(event); + startY = top + selection.y1 - evY(event); + + $box.off('mousemove touchmove', areaMouseMove); + + $(document).on('mousemove touchmove', movingMouseMove) + .one('mouseup touchend', function () { + touch = false; + options.onSelectEnd(img, getSelection()); + + $(document).off('mousemove touchmove', movingMouseMove); + $box.on('mousemove touchmove', areaMouseMove); + }); + } + else + $img.mousedown(event); + + return false; + } + + /** + * Adjust the x2/y2 coordinates to maintain aspect ratio (if defined) + * + * @param xFirst + * If set to true, calculate x2 first. Otherwise, + * calculate y2 first. + */ + function fixAspectRatio(xFirst) { + if (aspectRatio) + if (xFirst) { + x2 = max(left, min(left + imgWidth, + x1 + abs(y2 - y1) * aspectRatio * (x2 > x1 || -1))); + y2 = round(max(top, min(top + imgHeight, + y1 + abs(x2 - x1) / aspectRatio * (y2 > y1 || -1)))); + x2 = round(x2); + } + else { + y2 = max(top, min(top + imgHeight, + y1 + abs(x2 - x1) / aspectRatio * (y2 > y1 || -1))); + x2 = round(max(left, min(left + imgWidth, + x1 + abs(y2 - y1) * aspectRatio * (x2 > x1 || -1)))); + y2 = round(y2); + } + } + + /** + * Check if the coordinates of the selection area are within the required + * limits and conform to the aspect ratio; adjust if necessary + */ + function fixAreaCoords() { + /* + * Make sure the top left corner of the selection area stays within + * image boundaries (it might not if the image source was dynamically + * changed). + */ + x1 = min(x1, left + imgWidth); + y1 = min(y1, top + imgHeight); + + if (abs(x2 - x1) < minWidth) { + /* Selection width is smaller than minWidth */ + x2 = x1 - minWidth * (x2 < x1 || -1); + + if (x2 < left) + x1 = left + minWidth; + else if (x2 > left + imgWidth) + x1 = left + imgWidth - minWidth; + } + + if (abs(y2 - y1) < minHeight) { + /* Selection height is smaller than minHeight */ + y2 = y1 - minHeight * (y2 < y1 || -1); + + if (y2 < top) + y1 = top + minHeight; + else if (y2 > top + imgHeight) + y1 = top + imgHeight - minHeight; + } + + x2 = max(left, min(x2, left + imgWidth)); + y2 = max(top, min(y2, top + imgHeight)); + + fixAspectRatio(abs(x2 - x1) < abs(y2 - y1) * aspectRatio); + + if (abs(x2 - x1) > maxWidth) { + /* Selection width is greater than maxWidth */ + x2 = x1 - maxWidth * (x2 < x1 || -1); + fixAspectRatio(); + } + + if (abs(y2 - y1) > maxHeight) { + /* Selection height is greater than maxHeight */ + y2 = y1 - maxHeight * (y2 < y1 || -1); + fixAspectRatio(true); + } + + selection = { x1: selX(min(x1, x2)), x2: selX(max(x1, x2)), + y1: selY(min(y1, y2)), y2: selY(max(y1, y2)), + width: abs(x2 - x1), height: abs(y2 - y1) }; + } + + /** + * Resize the selection area respecting the minimum/maximum dimensions and + * aspect ratio + */ + function doResize() { + fixAreaCoords(); + + update(); + + options.onSelectChange(img, getSelection()); + } + + /** + * Mousemove event handler triggered when the user is selecting an area + * + * @param event + * The event object + * @return false + */ + function selectingMouseMove(event) { + if (breakWhenNoTouch(event)) + return; + + fixAreaCoords(); + + x2 = /w|e|^$/.test(resize) || aspectRatio ? evX(event) + edgeX : viewX(selection.x2); + y2 = /n|s|^$/.test(resize) || aspectRatio ? evY(event) + edgeY : viewY(selection.y2); + + doResize(); + + return false; + } + + /** + * Move the selection area + * + * @param newX1 + * New viewport X1 + * @param newY1 + * New viewport Y1 + */ + function doMove(newX1, newY1) { + x2 = (x1 = newX1) + selection.width; + y2 = (y1 = newY1) + selection.height; + + $.extend(selection, { x1: selX(x1), y1: selY(y1), x2: selX(x2), + y2: selY(y2) }); + + update(); + + options.onSelectChange(img, getSelection()); + } + + /** + * Mousemove event handler triggered when the selection area is being moved + * + * @param event + * The event object + * @return false + */ + function movingMouseMove(event) { + if (breakWhenNoTouch(event)) + return; + + x1 = max(left, min(startX + evX(event), left + imgWidth - selection.width)); + y1 = max(top, min(startY + evY(event), top + imgHeight - selection.height)); + + doMove(x1, y1); + + event.preventDefault(); + return false; + } + + /** + * Start selection + */ + function startSelection() { + $(document).off('mousemove touchmove', startSelection); + adjust(); + + x2 = x1; + y2 = y1; + doResize(); + + resize = ''; + + if (!$outer.is(':visible')) + /* Show the plugin elements */ + $box.add($outer).hide().fadeIn(options.fadeDuration||0) + + shown = true; + + $(document).off('mouseup touchend', cancelSelection) + .on('mousemove touchmove', selectingMouseMove) + .one('mouseup touchend', docMouseUp); + $box.off('mousemove touchmove', areaMouseMove); + + options.onSelectStart(img, getSelection()); + } + + /** + * Cancel selection + */ + function cancelSelection() { + $(document).off('mousemove touchmove', startSelection) + .off('mouseup touchend', cancelSelection); + hide($box.add($outer)); + + setSelection(selX(x1), selY(y1), selX(x1), selY(y1)); + + /* If this is an API call, callback functions should not be triggered */ + if (!(this instanceof $.imgAreaSelect)) { + options.onSelectChange(img, getSelection()); + options.onSelectEnd(img, getSelection()); + } + } + + /** + * Image mousedown event handler + * + * @param event + * The event object + * @return false + */ + function imgMouseDown(event) { + /* Ignore the event if animation is in progress */ + if (event.type == 'mousedown' && event.which != 1 || + $outer.is(':animated')) + return false; + + /* If it's a touch action, set the touch flag */ + touch = event.type == 'touchstart'; + + adjust(); + startX = x1 = evX(event); + startY = y1 = evY(event); + edgeX = edgeY = 0; + + /* Selection will start when the mouse is moved */ + $(document).on({ 'mousemove touchmove': startSelection, + 'mouseup touchend': cancelSelection }); + + return false; + } + + /** + * Window resize event handler + */ + function windowResize() { + doUpdate(false); + } + + /** + * Image load event handler. This is the final part of the initialization + * process. + */ + function imgLoad() { + imgLoaded = true; + + /* Set options */ + setOptions(options = $.extend({ + classPrefix: 'imgareaselect', + movable: true, + parent: 'body', + resizable: true, + resizeMargin: 10, + onInit: function () {}, + onSelectStart: function () {}, + onSelectChange: function () {}, + onSelectEnd: function () {} + }, options)); + + if (options.show) { + shown = true; + adjust(); + update(); + $box.add($outer).hide().fadeIn(options.fadeDuration||0) + } + + /* + * Call the onInit callback. The setTimeout() call is used to ensure + * that the plugin has been fully initialized and the object instance is + * available (so that it can be obtained in the callback). + */ + setTimeout(function () { options.onInit(img, getSelection()); }, 0); + } + + /** + * Document keypress event handler + * + * @param event + * The event object + * @return false + */ + var docKeyPress = function(event) { + var k = options.keys, d, t, key = event.keyCode; + + d = !isNaN(k.alt) && (event.altKey || event.originalEvent.altKey) ? k.alt : + !isNaN(k.ctrl) && event.ctrlKey ? k.ctrl : + !isNaN(k.shift) && event.shiftKey ? k.shift : + !isNaN(k.arrows) ? k.arrows : 10; + + if (k.arrows == 'resize' || (k.shift == 'resize' && event.shiftKey) || + (k.ctrl == 'resize' && event.ctrlKey) || + (k.alt == 'resize' && (event.altKey || event.originalEvent.altKey))) + { + /* Resize selection */ + + switch (key) { + case 37: + /* Left */ + d = -d; + case 39: + /* Right */ + t = max(x1, x2); + x1 = min(x1, x2); + x2 = max(t + d, x1); + fixAspectRatio(); + break; + case 38: + /* Up */ + d = -d; + case 40: + /* Down */ + t = max(y1, y2); + y1 = min(y1, y2); + y2 = max(t + d, y1); + fixAspectRatio(true); + break; + default: + return; + } + + doResize(); + } + else { + /* Move selection */ + + x1 = min(x1, x2); + y1 = min(y1, y2); + + switch (key) { + case 37: + /* Left */ + doMove(max(x1 - d, left), y1); + break; + case 38: + /* Up */ + doMove(x1, max(y1 - d, top)); + break; + case 39: + /* Right */ + doMove(x1 + min(d, imgWidth - selX(x2)), y1); + break; + case 40: + /* Down */ + doMove(x1, y1 + min(d, imgHeight - selY(y2))); + break; + default: + return; + } + } + + return false; + }; + + /** + * Set plugin options + * + * @param newOptions + * The new options object + */ + function setOptions(newOptions) { + if (newOptions.parent) + ($parent = $(newOptions.parent)).append($box).append($outer); + + /* Merge the new options with the existing ones */ + $.extend(options, newOptions); + + adjust(); + + if (newOptions.handles != null) { + /* Recreate selection area handles */ + $handles.remove(); + $handles = $([]); + + i = newOptions.handles ? newOptions.handles == 'corners' ? 4 : 8 : 0; + + while (i--) + $handles = $handles.add(div()); + + /* Add a class to handles and set the CSS properties */ + $handles.addClass(options.classPrefix + '-handle').css({ + position: 'absolute', + /* + * The font-size property needs to be set to zero, otherwise + * Internet Explorer makes the handles too large + */ + fontSize: 0, + zIndex: zIndex + 1 || 1 + }); + + /* + * If handle width/height has not been set with CSS rules, set the + * default 5px + */ + if (!parseInt($handles.css('width')) >= 0) + $handles.width(5).height(5); + } + + /* Calculate scale factors */ + scaleX = options.imageWidth / imgWidth || 1; + scaleY = options.imageHeight / imgHeight || 1; + + /* Set selection */ + if (newOptions.x1 != null) { + setSelection(newOptions.x1, newOptions.y1, newOptions.x2, + newOptions.y2); + newOptions.show = !newOptions.hide; + } + + if (newOptions.keys) + /* Enable keyboard support */ + options.keys = $.extend({ shift: 1, ctrl: 'resize' }, + newOptions.keys); + + /* Add classes to plugin elements */ + $outer.addClass(options.classPrefix + '-outer'); + $outer.css('opacity', '0.8'); + $area.addClass(options.classPrefix + '-selection'); + for (i = 0; i++ < 4;) + $($border[i-1]).addClass(options.classPrefix + '-border' + i); + + /* Append all the selection area elements to the container box */ + $box.append($area.add($border)).append($handles); + + if (msie) { + if (o = ($outer.css('filter')||'').match(/opacity=(\d+)/)) + $outer.css('opacity', o[1]/100); + if (o = ($border.css('filter')||'').match(/opacity=(\d+)/)) + $border.css('opacity', o[1]/100); + } + + if (newOptions.hide) + hide($box.add($outer)); + else if (newOptions.show && imgLoaded) { + shown = true; + $box.add($outer).fadeIn(options.fadeDuration||0) + doUpdate(); + } + + /* Calculate the aspect ratio factor */ + aspectRatio = (d = (options.aspectRatio || '').split(/:/))[0] / d[1]; + + $img.add($outer).off('mousedown touchstart', imgMouseDown); + + if (options.disable || options.enable === false) { + /* Disable the plugin */ + $box.off({ 'mousemove touchmove': areaMouseMove, + 'mousedown touchstart': areaMouseDown }); + $(window).off('resize', windowResize); + } + else { + if (options.enable || options.disable === false) { + /* Enable the plugin */ + if (options.resizable || options.movable) + $box.on({ 'mousemove touchmove': areaMouseMove, + 'mousedown touchstart': areaMouseDown }); + + $(window).resize(windowResize); + } + + if (!options.persistent) + $img.add($outer).on('mousedown touchstart', imgMouseDown); + } + + options.enable = options.disable = undefined; + } + + /** + * Remove plugin completely + */ + this.remove = function () { + /* + * Call setOptions with { disable: true } to unbind the event handlers + */ + setOptions({ disable: true }); + $box.add($outer).remove(); + }; + + /* + * Public API + */ + + /** + * Get current options + * + * @return An object containing the set of options currently in use + */ + this.getOptions = function () { return options; }; + + /** + * Set plugin options + * + * @param newOptions + * The new options object + */ + this.setOptions = setOptions; + + /** + * Get the current selection + * + * @param noScale + * If set to true, scaling is not applied to the + * returned selection + * @return Selection object + */ + this.getSelection = getSelection; + + /** + * Set the current selection + * + * @param x1 + * X coordinate of the upper left corner of the selection area + * @param y1 + * Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the selection area + * @param x2 + * X coordinate of the lower right corner of the selection area + * @param y2 + * Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the selection area + * @param noScale + * If set to true, scaling is not applied to the + * new selection + */ + this.setSelection = setSelection; + + /** + * Cancel selection + */ + this.cancelSelection = cancelSelection; + + /** + * Update plugin elements + * + * @param resetKeyPress + * If set to false, this instance's keypress + * event handler is not activated + */ + this.update = doUpdate; + + /* Do the dreaded browser detection */ + var msie = (/msie ([\w.]+)/i.exec(ua)||[])[1], + safari = /webkit/i.test(ua) && !/chrome/i.test(ua); + + /* + * Traverse the image's parent elements (up to ) and find the + * highest z-index + */ + $p = $img; + + while ($p.length) { + zIndex = max(zIndex, + !isNaN($p.css('z-index')) ? $p.css('z-index') : zIndex); + /* + * If the parent element is not set explicitly, check if any of the + * ancestor elements has fixed position + */ + if (!options.parent && $p.css('position') == 'fixed') + position = 'fixed'; + + $p = $p.parent(':not(body)'); + } + + /* + * If z-index is given as an option, it overrides the one found by the + * above loop + */ + zIndex = options.zIndex || zIndex; + + /* + * In MSIE and WebKit, we need to use the keydown event instead of keypress + */ + $.imgAreaSelect.keyPress = msie || safari ? 'keydown' : 'keypress'; + + $box.add($outer).hide().css({ position: position, overflow: 'hidden', + zIndex: zIndex || '0' }); + $box.css({ zIndex: zIndex + 2 || 2 }); + $area.add($border).css({ position: 'absolute', fontSize: 0 }); + + /* + * If the image has been fully loaded, or if it is not really an image (eg. + * a div), call imgLoad() immediately; otherwise, bind it to be called once + * on image load event. + */ + img.complete || img.readyState == 'complete' || !$img.is('img') ? + imgLoad() : $img.one('load', imgLoad); + + /* + * MSIE 9.0 doesn't always fire the image load event -- resetting the src + * attribute seems to trigger it. The check is for version 7 and above to + * accommodate for MSIE 9 running in compatibility mode. + */ + if (!imgLoaded && msie && msie >= 7) + img.src = img.src; + }; + + /** + * Invoke imgAreaSelect on a jQuery object containing the image(s) + * + * @param options + * Options object + * @return The jQuery object or a reference to imgAreaSelect instance (if the + * instance option was specified) + */ + $.fn.imgAreaSelect = function (options) { + options = options || {}; + + this.each(function () { + /* Is there already an imgAreaSelect instance bound to this element? */ + if ($(this).data('imgAreaSelect')) { + /* Yes there is -- is it supposed to be removed? */ + if (options.remove) { + /* Remove the plugin */ + $(this).data('imgAreaSelect').remove(); + $(this).removeData('imgAreaSelect'); + } + else + /* Reset options */ + $(this).data('imgAreaSelect').setOptions(options); + } + else if (!options.remove) { + /* No exising instance -- create a new one */ + + /* + * If neither the "enable" nor the "disable" option is present, add + * "enable" as the default + */ + if (options.enable === undefined && options.disable === undefined) + options.enable = true; + + $(this).data('imgAreaSelect', new $.imgAreaSelect(this, options)); + } + }); + + if (options.instance) + /* + * Return the imgAreaSelect instance bound to the first element in the + * set + */ + return $(this).data('imgAreaSelect'); + + return this; + }; + + })(jQuery); + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/webroot/js/jquery.imgnotes-0.2.js b/webroot/js/jquery.imgnotes-0.2.js index 477b75e..854f2ac 100644 --- a/webroot/js/jquery.imgnotes-0.2.js +++ b/webroot/js/jquery.imgnotes-0.2.js @@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ $.extend(options, o); } - console.log(options); - if(typeof options.notes != "undefined"){ notes = options.notes; }