The following criteria were used to appraise the research dataset files that were included in the RDSS-Archivematica Test Data Corpus collection:
License and rights: The corpus files must be in the public domain or be published under a valid re-use license so that they can be freely shared amongst the many collaborators within the RDSS project as well as for the benefit of other interested parties.
Project relevance:
- Preference for datasets with a connection to a HEI that is piloting RDSS-Archivematica.
- Preference for datasets that come from UK HEI research institutions and/or UK funded research.
- Preference for datasets that have been exported from RDSS-HEI repository applications and/or with metadata from other integrated systems. NOTE: As of 18-06-2017 these are not yet known to the rdss-archivematica team but likely: Figshare, Pure, Eprints, Dspace (or localized forks/branches, eg Vivo), Fedora/Hydra (or localized forks/branches, eg Willow), as well as RDM services such as DataCite and ORCID.
RDSS MVP/Alpha performance tests: bitstreams =< 5 GB, files < 1000, file =< 1MB // NOTE: Github 1GB limit for free public repos. Will need to resolve out links for 20MB?+ files to other storage domain. See
RDSS Beta performance tests: bitstreams =< 5 TB, files < 1000000, file =< 1TB
Dataset complexity: Preference is for dataset collections with moderately complex content, context, resource types, media types and file formats. Ideally at least three of the following are present:
- structured data (eg. csv, delimited text, json, xml, sql, rdf)
- tabular datasets, statistical datasets, n-dimensional datasets
- 'science domain' formats (e.g. Matlab, Jupyter, JMOL)
- geodata and shape files
- instrument logs
- 3D models
- obscure or custom file formats (e.g. .dat)
- images and diagrams: (e.g. SVG, PNG, TIFF, IIIF)
- audio-visual recordings (e.g. wav, ogg, mp3, mp4)
- experiment software (e.g. R scripts, Javascript apps)
- research notebooks, experiment VMs, custom sandboxes
- document types (eg. pdf, word, powerpoint)
- researcher logs/journals
- analysis outputs: graphs, figures, diagrams, spreadsheets
- scanned documents, screencaps, and whiteboard snapshots
- published article(s) with a DOI
- supplementary material (e.g. algorithms, formulas, codebooks)
- publisher/reviewer/reader comments
- access and use statistics
Dataset Packaging: At a minimum, one data set that contains a 'simple' package (e.g. a zip or tar file). The test data should also includes a package with some standard semantics (e.g. a Bag with a manifest file)
Metadata Quality:
- Sample datasets and related articles must have a DOI.
- Datacite has a mandatory core set of properties that must be provided in order for a dataset to receive a DOI. This is used as the minimum metadata requirement for the RDSS-Archivematica MVP release.
- Preference is for higher quality metadata that includes more detailed technical, administrative, and descriptive information about the dataset creators and its context of creation and use.
- Preference is for metadata that is serialized (eg. XML, JSON, CSV) and standardized (e.g. Dublin Core, DATS, DCAT, PROV-O) in formats that are equivalent to those used by RDSS HEI pilot institutions in their RDM repositories.
- Preference is for files that include published checksums.